Sunday, November 23, 2008

Can Preparation H Be Used For Waist

Oatmeal - Cookies with raisins

A cookie is addictive, these oatmeal-raisin cookies in the journal Lecker described, and I wanted to know if this is really true. The list of ingredients sounded promising, moreover, the recipe is from a Hamburg confectionery called Sweet Dreams.
The result has convinced me fully, the cookies are right "chewy" as I like them and Monsieur Dolce wants straight, I would bake the cookies rather than writing about them ...

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: oatmeal cookies with raisins
Categories: Cookies, baking, oatmeal, raisins, USA
Quantity: 1 recipe

1 vanilla bean
180 grams soft butter 200 grams
Brown sugar 2 eggs

salt (M) 160 grams flour

1 / 2 tsp baking powder
1 / 2 tsp baking soda
200 grams raisins 200 grams
nuclei oatmeal

=========== SOURCE ============================ =================
magazine Lecker 11 / 08
- Edited * RK * 23/11/2008 by
- Claudia

until creamy butter, sugar and a pinch of salt. Add the eggs one by one. Flour, baking powder and baking soda mix, stir briefly. Then, vanilla, raisins oatmeal and mix into the mixture. Large Walnut Teigkleckse to enter with baking paper on a baking sheet. At 175 degrees Celsius (150 degrees Celsius fan) about 18 minutes (the original recipe says only 8 minutes to bake). According to the original recipe there are 15 cookies for me, it were twice as many.
The Verdict: A real keeper!

===== oven