Friday, December 31, 2010

Best Allroundclimbing Harnesses

through the course of Marjolein Dallinga I've started a new work. First, loops sewn into the Vorfilz, then filled with non-felting material has set, then matted and ready. Now I have to cut only the hundred threads and the little balls open .., but on those long winter evenings, this is a great activity ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make 3,5mm Jack Diagram

THE MYTH OF JESUS (Part 5: Deconstruction)

[Part 1: The Invisible Man]
[Part 2: Life as God in Galilee]
[Part 3: Administration / promises] [Part 4: On the Shoulders of Giants]

The New Testament is already in name a continuation. And establish the whole Bible as the single manifestation of the same God is in the New Testament quotes from the powerful old.
Particular highlights the many prophecies about the coming Messiah, Jesus meets alleged. At that time, seemed to convince - not so much today, as most people can read now: A big problem for defenders of the "Holy Scriptures" ...


The Old Testament is quoted in the Christian Scriptures with different objectives. So Jesus in the Gospels often used items to make it clear that the old testament is still valid law because it is from God.
As in the gay episode in which Jesus admonishes the Pharisees to respect God's laws and to execute disrespectful children. He quoted verbatim from the Torah (Exodus 21:17 ).

"9 And he [= Jesus] said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God , that ye . keep your own tradition
10 For Moses said: "Honour thy father and thy mother," and "Whoever curses father or mother shall surely die." "

(Mark 7:9-10)

Jesus quotes Moses' law and leaves no doubt that God speaks through this law.
On very many places in the New Testament, the importance of God's entire document stresses .

"14 you remain in that which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, seeing you know from whom you have learned.
15 And because you know the Holy Scriptures from childhood, able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness "

(2 Timothy 3:14 -16)


So we need only adhere to the entire Old and New Testament and we obey God's laws?
Nope! That would be too easy ...

In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus makes an interesting comment about divorce. Which is in the Torah, which also opens up the Christian Bible (- as the "Five Books of Moses") makes clear.
But strangely, not from God, as we learn from Jesus ...

said "7 they," Why did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce and to divorce her
8 He [= Jesus] said, to them: Moses allowed you to divorce your wives because of the hardness of your heart, from the beginning but is it not been so.
9 But I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife (except for fornication) and marries another, commits adultery , and who the Secluded freed, the adultery . "

(Matthew 19:7-9)

Permission to divorce were definitely not God's idea?
Apparently this law is now personally by Moses as the chosen people had to suffer Härtigherzigkeit. It is by no means as Moses' personal bid characterized, but like all other laws of the Torah, God will put himself in the mouth (- In the fifth book of Moses, Deuteronomy 24:1 ). Obviously the only way to distinguish between God's laws and human laws, when the Son of God makes clear in person.

had apparently no problem with God, that you allow His chosen people follow centuries laws that are against his conviction - because they wrongly believe that the laws were from God.
And all because of their hardness of heart that God (for whatever reason) wanted to quit or not could ...

Jesus tells us, but now that divorce is adultery. The New Testament for the proposed punishment is hell (see Matthew 5 as ).

Jews who were held for her entire life to all the laws of the Torah, in faith, God will perform - which are pretty stupid look from the laundry, when they meet in Hell!


The divorce clause is not the only place in Moses Law, which according to Jesus is not from God and therefore invalid. The prohibition against working on the Sabbath, from yesterday. Jesus is working in the Gospels of the often on the Sabbath and refers the totally okay.
Before Jesus, the Jews murdered people for it - in the Torah, namely, the death penalty for Sunday work is required. were

"32 And when the Israelites in the wilderness, they found a man see wood on the Sabbath day.
33 And they had found him thereat, he wood read they brought him to Moses and Aaron, and the whole community.

34 And they put him in;. Because it was not declared what should be done to him
35 the Lord said to Moses, The man shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall stone him outside the camp.
36 Since the whole community led him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the LORD commanded Moses.

37 And the Lord said to Moses,
38 speech the children of Israel and say to them that they can make tassels on the corners of their clothes and all their descendants, and do blue lines on the tassels on the corners; "

(Numbers 15:32, see also Exodus 31:14 , Exodus 35:2 )

that people have to die because of laws that do not come from God: The God can not of course let sit. So he sent immediately (after a few hundred years ago) his son in order to eliminate the error.
Sorry a little late stoned for firewood collectors, but God can indeed be not getting anywhere. Finally, he was busy to develop a dress code for his chosen people and their descendants - the well is still, as Jesus does not override. The really

Amazing thing about the abolition of the Sabbath commandment is his reasoning: namely, Jesus quoted the Old Testament as proof that a valid bid from the Old Testament.

He holds a passage from the Book of Leviticus Chapter 24 for an indication that a bid from Chapter 23 of the Book of Leviticus not Gildete ( 24:9 and 23:3 ).

"1 At that time Jesus went through the grain on the Sabbath, and his disciples were hungry and began to pluck heads of grain and ate
2 Da. the Pharisees saw they said to him: Behold, thy disciples do, what not to do fitting on the Sabbath.
3 And he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he and his companions were hungry?
4 as he went into the house of God and ate the show bread, to eat him but still not lawful for them that were with him, but only for the priests?
5 Or have you not read in the law how to break the Sabbath the priests in the temple, the Sabbath and are blameless? "

(Matthew 12:1-5)

Many Christians today hold the ten Bids for timeless, divine laws and does not tire of telling this all they want to hear it. And all the others.
this Jesus stands here on one of the ten commandments, namely the fourth, which is therefore not so clearly timeless .
What timeless laws, those famous nine commandments!


not refer any quotation from the Old Testament the old to the laws. Especially popular are quotes from the books of the prophets that supposedly predict Jesus's life and work exactly.

Sun mentioned as the author of Matthew's Gospel particularly common supposedly fulfilled prophecies in the ancient writings.
Let's look at once but two examples from the first two chapters of his Gospel, which tell of Jesus' childhood.

Matthew records that an angel announced the birth of Jesus. Has to fulfill a prophecy from the Book of Isaiah.

"20 But while he thought, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear, not, Mary, your wife, to take unto thee: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit
21 And she did. bear a son, name of Jesus you shall hot, because he will save his people from their sins.
22 But this is all done, it might be fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet, saying,
23 "Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name Immanuel they are called ", which being interpreted is, God with us."

(Matthew 1:20-23)

At first glance, given the quote quite true.

"14 Wherefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, whom she called is Immanuel."

(Isaiah 7:14)

A small change from the original quote - which is more important than it seems - is the correct:
- Could a child who is called by an undefined group of Immanuel, was born (Matthew)

In Matthew's version of Isaiah Jesus Jesus quite hot, and - a child to call his mother Immanuel is born (original)
mentioned by some people, "Immanuel" as a kind of title or nickname - even though Jesus called in the entire New Testament, not once from somebody "Immanuel."
In the original Isaiah is, however, that the mother called her son to Immanuel. Say: He is called Immanuel - not Jesus.

correcting the distortion of Isaiah, we quote, the fulfilled prophecy is as follows:
- A virgin is a Give birth to son, whom she should call Jesus
Thus this prophecy fulfilled:
- A virgin will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.

But at least it was predicted the virgin birth is quite something. If you think
is the original Hebrew text of Isaiah, the word "Alma" is used. The translation in "Virgin" is simply wrong, the word means "young woman, girl."
In modern translations of the Bible is the word "Alma" also in all other places where it is used in the original Hebrew text, translated as "girl" or "young woman" (eg Exodus 2:8 Psalm 68:26 , Proverbs 30:19 ). Only the alleged prophecy does not, what a coincidence ...
At least in Christian translations: in Jewish translations other hand, is about a young woman in question, and Jewish scholars have for centuries points to the mistranslation of the Christians.

we improve the alleged prophecy so again:
- A virgin will bear a son, whom she should call Jesus
Thus this prophecy fulfilled:
- A young woman will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.

The remaining prediction that a woman have Son will give birth is probably a not so bold prediction. But it gets even better: In the quoted Isaiah point it's not about the coming Messiah, or some other event in the future.
There is a report about a war that is supposedly in the 8th Century took place before Christ.
The Jews are waiting for their Messiah, yet always have this passage in Isaiah never understood as a messianic prophecy.


Removes one that is false translations and considers the alleged prophecy in context, the alleged parallels disappear into nothingness.

Another example of this, we also find in Matthew's account of Jesus Childhood. flee
where Mary and Joseph before Jesus with her newborn son a tyrant. When they leave this exile in Egypt, it is apparently another prophecy fulfilled.

"13 Since they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the child and his mother, and flee into Egypt and stay allda until I tell you, for it is there that the young child looking for Herod to kill the same
14 . And he rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed into Egypt.
15 And remained there until the death of Herod, it might be fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet, saying: ". Out of Egypt have I called my son"

(Matthew 2:13-14)

But the quoted passage has nothing to do with Jesus. It is herein to the contrary the people of Israel, guess what you actually have, if you read the other half of the quoted verse.

"1 When Israel was young, I loved him and called him my son out of Egypt.
2 But if you call now, so they turn to it and sacrifice the Baals and burned incense to images. [...]
5 you do not want to come back to Egypt, Assur but is now be king: for they do not repent "

. (Hosea 11:1-2, 5)

In the only other gospel which tells of Jesus' childhood , the Gospel of Luke, the story comes from the trip to Egypt in the way, not at all. The disputed prophecy of Isaiah of the Virgin, which is to have a child is not mentioned here.


The Zitierwut of Matthew has an absurd and unintentionally funny episode to episode.
In the old script is written that the Messiah would come on a Donkey after breaking in Jerusalem.

"9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your king comes to you , righteous and having salvation is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on the filling of the donkey. "

(Zechariah 9:9)

Unfortunately, Matthew probably an incorrect translation of these sites or to misunderstand. At least he believes that Jesus on a colt (a young, male donkey) of is an ass broken in, but a colt and a donkey. And there was Matthew believes this prophesied so, Jesus rides in his report also actually on two donkeys.

"6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had appointed them,
7 and brought the donkey and the colt and put their clothes and put him out on

8 very great multitude spread their clothes on the way;. the other cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.
9 The people that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!

(Matthew 21:6-9)

The other Gospels in contradiction to the Einritt only a donkey (Mark 11 , Luke and John 19 12).
Why only a donkey? Of course, that the prophecy is met from the old script ...

"14 Jesus found a young ass, sat thereon , as it is written:
15 " Fear not, daughter of Zion ! See, your king comes, riding on a donkey to take fill "

(John 12:14-15)


A quote and leave out something crucial in the New Testament is a popular stylistic device -. Just as a quote add something important.

"5 So, here he comes into the world speaks, he:" Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired; the body but since you have given me.

6 burnt offering and sin offering you liked it. "
10 In which will we are sanctified to Once through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ. "

(Hebrews 10:5-6, 10)

The author of Hebrews here trying to prove that Jesus was a victim already announced in the Old Testament. But the passage quoted is different.

"fell 7 sacrifice and offering you do not, but ears you have opened me You want neither burnt offering nor a sin offering.."

(Psalm 40:7)

"thou hast ears opened" When you are in "the body hast thou prepared me, however," changes, it sounds a lot more like Jesus. Clever!


A prophecy that is mentioned in the New Testament and in fact in the Old Testament is, the announcement of the return of Elijah.
Elia is one of the most important prophets in the Old Testament. At the end of his earthly life, he has not died like a common street prophet - instead, so the Bible, he goes to heaven.

"11 , as they walked and talked, behold, there appeared a chariot with fiery horses, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven "

( 2 Kings 2:11)

There he waits for his comeback, as it is announced in the Old Testament. His return is an important sign that the apocalypse is near.

"21 you will tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes are under your feet in the day that I make up saith the LORD of hosts
. 22 Does the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel with the statutes and privileges.
23 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. "

(Malachi 3:21-23)

Since Jesus to his followers (and everyone else standing around randomly in the area,) says the end of the world was imminent, ask him where unless then Elijah ended up.

"10 And His disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elijah must come before?
11 Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias verily cometh first and restore all things.
12 But I say unto you It is Elijah come already, and they have not recognized him , but have done unto him what they wanted. So shall also the Son of man suffer of them.
13 Then the disciples understood that he was to them of John the Baptist had spoken. "

(Matthew 17:10-13)

" 11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there has not arisen, who was greater than John the Baptist : notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. [...]
13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
14 And (so you want to receive it) he is Elijah who is to be there in the future.
15 who has ears to hear, let him hear! "

(Matthew 11:11-15)

Jesus' theory is, therefore, that the Elijah Heaven moves and then after a few centuries comes back to Earth. But rather than tell anyone of these amazing events, instead of informing people that their wait is over and her favorite prophet is back, rather than warn them that the great and dreadful day of the Lord is imminent, he moved to the desert, is called John and reveals his true identity to anyone. That people have

Elia in the form of John the Baptist "not recognized" as Jesus notes in his usual charming and reproachful way is probably not surprising. John makes the people not easy to recognize him.
, particularly because it denies obvious Elia to be.

"19 And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent from Jerusalem priests and Levites to him, Who are you [...]
? 21 And they asked him: What Are you Elijah? He said. I'm not's "

(John 1:19; 21)

that Elijah returns at all without anyone to tell anything about it sounds strange, but seems a then widespread belief to be . This Jesus is also suspected of secretly being Elijah.
Although he denies the insured and yes, John was Elijah. But if John is Elijah, Jesus must also John to be Elijah ...

"18 And it happened, when he [Jesus] was alone and prayed to him and his disciples occurred, he asked, "Who do men say that I am?
19 They answered and said: you say John the Baptist, but others, Elijah; and others, that was the old prophets risen.

(Luke 9:18-19, see also Matthew 16:13-16, Mark 6:14-15 and Mark 8:27-28)

who look, that is stupid

A few of the mentioned in the New Testament prophecies are remarkably accurate, even if they were taken out of context. As the foreshadowing Jesus' hometown.

"23 and came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth; should be fulfilled, to what was spoken through the prophets : He shall be called a Nazarene .

(Matthew 2:23)

Or the prediction that Jesus traitor thirty pieces of silver is obtained.

"9 Since fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets Jeremiah , where he says: "They took the thirty pieces of silver, was paid to the Revenue, which they bought from the children of Israel,
10 and gave them to the potter's field, as I told the Lord added. "

(Matthew 27:9-10)

The explanation for these few clear and accurate prophecies is simple. The alleged quotes from the Old Testament are none.
is throughout the Old Testament, no mention of a Nazarene or Nazareth. Also, the quote about Judas is found nowhere in the Book of Jeremiah (or elsewhere in the old Testament).

The following quote is also found in the Old Testament nowhere.

"38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture says, be out of his belly flow rivers of living water."

(John 7:38)

If you do not believe me, you're welcome to read the entire Bible and look for the places.

I wait so long ---

... so ...

--- Ready?

leads us to a problem: we do not know the entire Bible?
Is it divinely inspired books that had the "Holy Spirit" is not for obscure reasons revealed as Bible books?


The Old Testament of the Christians is similar to the Tanach, the Hebrew Bible. But a binding canon that makes clear what books are now divine and which are not, there are the Jews only since 200 AD. There was thus at times the New Testament no agreement, which books God had inspired and which are not.

When God in the form of Jesus comes to earth, he now has the perfect opportunity to clarify definitively and unequivocally wanted what laws of God and what is not.
But God decides to make things even more confusing. For Jesus said:

"17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill .
18 For I tell you the truth Till heaven and earth pass away, will not dissolve the smallest letter, not one tittle of the law , until it's all done
. 19 who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

(Matthew 5:17-19)

Sorry, Jesus loses no word on what exactly the law or comply with any Prophet you have to. The claim that one must obey all the commandments of the prophets and the "Law" (the Torah) is inconsistent, even the completely what Jesus says in other places such as the divorce or the Sabbath.
If you change any letter of the law is the divorce that is explicitly allowed and to punish the Sunday work with death. This contradiction is

it impossible for Christians to behave correctly. Where a creditor divorce, he is perfectly in line with Jesus words, you should not change one letter in the law and the prophets, for the Torah allows even the divorce. But it gives
Jesus in Matthew 19:9 faith is celebrated in a divorce and adultery, which is punished with hell.

you work on Sunday, keep to the words and example of Jesus in Matthew 12th However, breaking to the law of Moses, which provides in this case the death penalty. And when Moses' laws ignored, it will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. A dilemma.


Many devout Christians believe the Bible can help them in moral questions, so if it's about how to behave best.

But obviously you can only follow a law, the Old Testament or the new, as both are contradictory. You can kill the service at the bakery on Sunday spontaneously or not.
Not doing so it violated God's command is that Sunday labor must be stoned to death without trial, before the whole community, not an executioner.
can think of even maintain a version of Christianity. Either we ignore what Jesus says at the points X on the Old Testament and keeps in mind what he says at the points Y or vice versa.

Even if it were possible to follow the entire Bible, we know from the New Testament that there are passages in it which contain human laws (eg Moses) that contradict the true will of God.
the other hand, if the prophecies mentioned in the New Testament are not of them, even divinely inspired texts that Christians, in their Bible. Additionally, there are differences
in the text selection between the various Christian churches. Catholics have a different Bible than Protestants - the Book of Tobit, for instance, part of the Catholic and Orthodox version of the Old Testament, but not found in the Bible by Protestants and Jews.

has now to develop it as a Christian, the choice of either an independent moral or follow a particular interpretation of a certain Bible version that must be forced to ignore certain jobs, to work.


For such a long text such as the (vaguely defined) Old Testament we can for almost any event an alleged "notice" Found that sounds vague for a prophecy - especially when one verse or even just parts of it completely reinterpreted. The fact that the allegedly met forecasts either highly nebulous, misinterpreted or simply do not exist, does not that it really is such evidence.

The authors of the New Testament had no great difficulties to change quotes or inventing.
One only has in the position of a former skeptic go who wants to check the citations. When a "it is said" looking at such a large amount of text like the Old Testament must quickly lose patience. Especially when one does not knows if there is a divinely inspired text that you do not know. sell

Trying to Christianity as a seamless continuation of Judaism, to the time when this new religion may have been a great advantage. You had to convince the people do not believe their crazy religious beliefs are wrong, only that they are incomplete.
But Christianity sees the long term with this mesh itself in the foot.

For one studies the entire Old and New Testament in the context (what with today's methods other than in the past is perfectly possible) a fundamental problem arises for Christianity.

result that they wanted two things at once - namely, keep the old law as a divine authority and set up at the same time new, contradictory laws - you have created a huge paradox.
For now, Jesus will set two statements in the mouth, the conflict is clear:
- You can not change a single letter of the law
- Man is certain passages, which do not please Jesus, ignore it.

are allegedly part of the Law of Moses does not even speak of God and against God's will (as in the case of divorce). But other than Jesus claims no comprehensible given criteria are established, how can we distinguish between the divine and human laws, the divinely inspired texts, and the uninspired.


Jesus holds that apparently not necessary. Finally, he asks his dad, all Christians should always be nice but please agree on all issues.

"20 I ask not only for them but also for the will believe in me through their word,
21 so that they may all be one, as thou, Father, are in me and I in thee, that they also be in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And I have given them the glory that you gave me that they are one, we are one,
23 I in them and thou in me, that they be made perfect in one and the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them, like you love me.

(John 17:20-23)

Jesus has thus given them the glory, so that his followers in the same way one as Jesus and Yahweh are one. What is the one? Pretty doll!

"I and the Father are one." (Jesus in John 10:30)

This probably means that Jesus and his daddy are always the same opinion. That can be said of the 32 000 varieties of Christianity hardly.
The nature of God, the nature of Jesus, life after death, the holy book, the moral right - none of these fundamental issues are all Christian Churches united. Most Christians believe, for example, that God has three persons and that Jesus is one of them. But there are Christians who believe that God is only one person and Jesus an his creations (eg, Unitarians, Jehovah's Witnesses). Both may be wrong, but it can not both be right.

Is Jesus' statement that believing Christians are so fucking agree, like Jesus and his dad, it means that only the supporters are from one of the many thousands of variations of this religion true Christians.
Most people who call themselves Christians, it in fact that is not at all.


It is therefore sufficient not sufficient to worship Jesus, to be a true believer. How do we know because as a Christian, if one is not perhaps without his knowledge a godless heathen in the eyes of God and could sleep in on Sundays as well?
The argument that they had a "personal relationship" with God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit should convince anyone, since it can also be used by other Christians, to defend a completely different version of Christianity.
Even if one is convinced to communicate with God, it's not long be so.
And there is no way to really see whether or not one's own relationship with the deity is also illusion.

The only alternative this conclusion is that any perceived divine communication really is. This would mean that God is with changing names several believers are different, contradictory statements and then plotting them to kill the people with the different laws in each case. If God is really all the gods would be accessible to people at some time believed sincere and honest to have a relationship, then this God is not a good God but a charlatan, a trickster who is always cruel joke with the lives of his creation would be playing.
Someone who commands mothers to kill their children.
Someone with whom you really prefer to have no relationship.

But hardly a Christian denies the existence of hallucinations, delusions and madness, of experiences, to have people believe, but not really.
And if at least a possibility that it is wrong and does not communicate with God - if a real relationship is no different to God from a mental illness for us
how likely is it then that one of the exclusive means of communication to the true Creator and Ruler of the Universe?

The answer is: Not so much.



[Part 1: The Invisible Man]
[Part 2: Life as God in Galilee]
[Part 3: Administration / promises]
[Part 4 : On the Shoulders of Giants]
>> [Part 5: Deconstruction]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where Could I Buy European Cookies


Wawu !
is slowly taking the language of Müpfe shape. In Müpfischen encyclopedia you can now find some translations. Drop by:) Best wishes

Thursday, December 2, 2010

'kate Ground Full Sets'

colored boy

I was thinking to post times and have a color image to color the boys below:)

How Much Is My Aquamarine Worth

Another drawing: D

Here Müpfmädchen, marveled at the first snow

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Convection Oven Container Cake


And another picture:) This time a
Müpfjunge with cat. Hope you like it ^ ^

Example Of Letter Of Dr. Joining A Practice


I once signed an Müpfmädchen. As You Like? :)

Russian Steam Bath Russianbare

myths and legends

The description of the myths and legends of the Müpfe has begun. They got their own page, which you can right in the menu. In addition, the lexicon growth . Get
I hope you enjoy it!
love Müpfgrüße