Friday, March 4, 2011

Dog Ate Foam Bed Obstruction Days

The color circle as a spiral with Filzblättern: The leaves were first fixed with hot glue and then all the leaves were glued to a frame. The flowers blossom in the center are designed in a circle.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trainee Veterinary Nurse Cover Letter

Here is another work I've done for the online course. We should have a form from an area mehrfachst cut out to work, add ... I chose a leaf shape that was cut out not only the substance but also added as a machine-embroidered form as well as Filzform ... With this idea I will certainly further experiment ....

Converting A Freezer To A Smoker

Finally back on the network of virtual world arrived ... Yes, if the computer is broken ....
course I was still creative and here are my results: The preliminary exercise with the plastic sheets I've completed.

Friday, February 18, 2011

2002 Volkswagon Golf, Can I Change Lights Myself

DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE (Stories from the Bible Part 5)

Many stories from the Bible sound as if God were the inspiration of these verses have been drunk. Read in this part of our series "Stories from the Bible" why this is so ...

TOTSCHLAG argument

Everything is relative. Many devout Christians would look like a Cheshire cat, when Paul, one of the main authors of the New Testament, and preachers of the Gospel, could hear preach in person.
Other people, however Paul is bored with his Drivel to death. And this is not meant literally.

"7 On the first day of the week, as the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, and wanted to travel the next day and went to talk to midnight. [...]
9 It was but a young man by the name of Eutychus in a window and sank into a deep sleep, seeing that Paul was talking so long, and was overcome by sleep and fell down from the third balcony and was taken up dead. "

(Acts 20:7,9)


God appears in the Bible many people - in visions, dreams or just for lunch . Through his often theatrical performances, we also learn something about his appearance.

"9 Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy elders of Israel went up
10 and saw the God of Israel. under his feet it was like a beautiful sapphire and how the shape of the sky when it's clear. "

(Exodus 24:9-10)

" 1 of the year because the king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a high and lofty throne, and his hem filled the temple.
2 seraphim stood above him, every one had six wings: with two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they flew.
3 And one cried to another and said Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is His glory full! "

(Isaiah 6:1-3)

" 7 He showed me again a face, and behold, the Lord stood on a wall, with a Lead line measured, and he had the lead rope in his hand. "

(Amos 7:7)

" 1 Praise the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great; You are clothed with honor and majesty.
2 light as with a dress that you wear; you spread out the heavens like a carpet, "

(Psalm 104:1-2)

" 3 God came from lunch and the Holy One from Paran mountain. (Selah) His praise of the sky was full, and honor the earth was full.
4 His brilliance was like a candle, and went rays from his hands, it was hidden from his power.
5 Before him went pestilence, plague and went where he went to.

6 He stood and measured the earth, he looked up and made the nations quake that shattered had the mountains, which are from of old were, and to bend the everlasting hills, as he einherzog as of old.
8 Were not you angry, Lord, in thy wrath in the flood and the waters, and thy wrath at sea, since you rode on your horses and your chariots victory kept ?
9 You pulled out the bow, as you were sworn to the tribes (sela!) and circulate the flows into the country.
10 The mountains saw thee, and they became frightened, then drove the water flow, the depth was heard, the amount lifted up his hands.
11 sun and moon stood still. Your arrows drove there and shine your light with spears of lightning.
12 You trampled the land in anger and zerdroschest the heathen in anger. "

(Habakkuk 3:3-6,8-12)

But such intimate details as in Ezekiel, there are other .. nowhere tells us that prophet that God has fiery loins

"26 And was over the sky, up above them, it was designed like a sapphire, even as a chair, and on the chair sat a just as a human being designed.
27 And I looked and there was bright light, and inside it was decorated like a fire over and over. from his loins upward and downward over I saw shine's like fire over and over.
28 looks Just as the rainbow in the clouds when it rained, so it shone round about. This was the sight of the glory of the Lord. "

(Ezekiel 1:26-28)

Unfortunately he has no lady to cool with a pure and divine-and-out game at the fire a little. The poor guy! It is probably therefore a his favorite hobbies, the people with myriad rules spoil the fun of sex.


Perhaps absurd and bizarre chapters of the Bible - and that's saying something - is Chapter 9 of the book judge. It begins with a story of Abimelech the beginning of the career of the king. To come into office, the first kills his 70 brothers - and that too in one go.

"5 And he came into his father's house and gene Ophra slew his brothers , the children Jerubbaal, seventy men, on a stone. It was left but Jotham Jerubbaal the youngest son, for he was hidden.
6 And they gathered all the men of Shechem and the whole house of Millo went out and made Abimelech king, by the tall oak that stands in Shechem. "

(Judges 9:5-6)

After God has handed this historical fact on the ground down writers of the Bible, the Lord begrudge probably a bit too much alcohol. He begins at length to babble of talking trees.

"8 The trees went forth that they anoint a king over them, and said to the olive tree: Be our king!
9 But the olive tree answered them, Should I leave my fatness, which go to both gods and men, praise me, and that I hover over the trees?
10 the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign!
11 But the fig tree said unto them, Should I leave my sweetness, and my good fruit and go, that I float above the trees?
12 therefore said The trees the vine, Come thou, and reign!
13 But the vine said unto them : Should I leave my must, of gods and men make merry and go, that I float above the trees "

(Judges 9:8? -13)

After all, the Lord is here, that makes him happy, the wine, like other gods also. insight is the first step to recovery.
The strange story of the talking green stuff goes on. Talking snakes , and talking donkey have God appear not been sufficient.

"14 As the trees said to Bush: Come and be our king
15 And the bush said to the trees: Is it true that you anointed me king over you, then come and familiarize you with my shadow, if not, let fire go out of the bramble and devour the cedars of Lebanon. "

(Judges 9:14-15)

God is finally back somewhat in their right mind and continues the story of King Abimelech. She with the killing of 70 men to the Lord do not really like. But the mills of God grind slowly, so it takes a full three years, pending the response.

"22 Now when Abimelech had reigned three years over Israel,
23 God sent an evil will between Abimelech and the men of Shechem. And the men of Shechem were Abimelech unfaithful
24 so that the crime committed against the seventy sons Jerubbaal, and her blood came to Abimelech their brother, who strangled had, and had sent the men of Shechem, who strengthened his hand to him, that he slew his brothers. "

(Judges 9:22-24)

the evil will of the God of the inhabitants of Shechem, is Unfortunately, her death sentence. But God could have foreseen anything.

"49 since cut all the people from every one a bough, and followed Abimelech, and put them to the fortress and put's on fire, that all men of the tower of Shechem died a thousand men and women. "

(judges 9:49)

Poor Abimelech is killed but nevertheless later, in another city. A woman smashed his skull. A woman!

"53 But a woman threw a millstone on Abimelech's head and broke his skull."

(Judges 9:53)

The King is now, with his skull shattered, quite struck. But for his last important fact, he takes up his strength again: it can be stabbed by one of his slaves. So that no one could say of him, a woman have killed him.

"54 Abimelech called haste the servant who carried his weapons, and said to him, from Draw your sword and kill me that one can not say of me: A woman strangled him. pierced Then his servant, and he died. "

(Judges 9:54)


>> Part 5: "Down the Rabbit Hole "

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Electro Lied Countdown

Here is a preliminary exercise to the next task in the mixed-media online course: we should cut out a single form several times and then over the other, side by side, etc. layers. I've tried it here with a thick rumble film, but the hot glue dissolves the film and thus it is not the right material.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Glory Holejacksonville Fl

Full Müpftierliste and announcement

Sooo, I've even put on it and designed the rest of the Müpftiere Müpfwald.
Above: The Friends of Plum, and Pompon Wucky
Below: Razor Gang wild Müpftiere

Flora, love flowers and plants and what to.
Stripe: a sporty guy
Pierce: Cool and very musical
Angel winged. often settles dispute
Filly: The crafting Lady. Always carries around with her screwdriver

Mully: Enthusiastic Tunneler
Sky: winged. like to play pranks
Tiora: A water rat, secretly in love with Razor
Lenny: Exotic Müpftier and the wily head of the transitional

I am currently working on the script of the radio play!

To be continued:)

Charger 24v Nimh Circuit Diagram

In the mixed media object from February, we produce a "tubular object". It is with me now, not really "an object" has become, but each of the 15 tubes is by itself and also stands in relation to the others and is designed differently. Some tube types have as a final colored cocoons, but the yo-yos I find this really exciting, they act as a corolla. What happened there? A meadow with bizarre forms of nature? ... Bosbach woman wrote to us that you get the idea was inspired by the "tube worms. ...
I photographed the tubes with a difference and now they seem really exciting, because they seem much bigger than they are in fact yes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Average Hedge Fund Bonus

My first felted bag: The black stone, which I used as a cover for the magnetic clasp (attached with a hot glue gun), there are some places in the felted version. I have created not only the front but the back side. The straps have a small loop at the end of each and can be pushed through the corners as fixation. An interesting way to the Backpack to carry.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Throat Hard To Swallow

felt I was once again .... It was creative, hardworking, but also expanded working days. Lyda Rump, a Dutch felter led quiet, professional and relaxed way through the course. On their webside: (see link list) you can watch the felting of her.
She helped where it was needed, but otherwise everyone was allowed to work freely. I was with my 2 to 3 years Filzerfahrung certainly a beginner, but Lyda Rump helped me in all rocks and over again and I also gained new Filzerfahrungen. (To follow picture of my finished bag)

Convincing My Wife To Wear Stockings

Here I am with the preparations for my backpack. The basic color is aubergine and the fact I've been working with wool and with Vorfilzmotiven.

Brawny Handle Lock 13 Gallon Trash Bags

Here are three fine examples from the workshop: Here Filzer were at work that felt for many years, as you can see well .... Great individual backpacks!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Watch Movie Titled Prosti By Aubrey Miles

WIFE STORIES (Stories from the Bible Part 4)

in the Bible are all the male lead roles. In the few stories in which women take an active role, it ends for most of them quite poor.
was yes, so at that time - when the world was working ... get


that women higher professional positions sex with her boss, is an old cliché. At least as old as the Bible, as we learn in the story of King Ahasuerus.
The story begins when the king held a huge party with all the important people of his kingdom So a royal party course it is not only a night. - Whole celebrates 180 days of the king his lavish party. The only question is who governs the country in time ...

"1 In the days of Ahasuerus (the da king of India to Ethiopia over one hundred and twenty-seven countries)
2 and as he sat on his royal chair to castle Susan,
3 in the third year of his reign, he made at a feast unto all his princes and servants the lords of Persia and Media, the governors and rulers in his country,
4 that he could see the wonderful richness of his Kingdom and the exquisite splendor of his majesty many days, hundred and eighty days. "

(Esther 1:1-4)

On the seventh day of the party is the king drunk and wants to show off his pretty wife . The apparently could not celebrate yet -. but the guests are curious about the Queen

hot "10 On the seventh day, as the king of good cheer was the wine , he was [.. .] the seven eunuchs who served before the king Ahasuerus,
11 that they Queen Vashti brought before the king with the royal crown, that the people and the princes her beauty was, for she was beautiful, "

(Esther 1:10-11)

the peoples and the princes. make you comfortable not much nutritional value. But the queen refused to come out and introduce yourself.

"12 not But the queen Vashti wanted to come the words of the king by his officers. Since the king was very angry and his anger burned in him. "

(Esther 1:12)

The insubordination makes the King very angry. His advisor makes him aware of the seriousness of the situation. The refusal of the queen could in fact have far-reaching consequences. For if all women, the queen would take its cue to refuse the orders of their men would be: Where would we be then?

"16 Memucan Then said the king and the princes, Vashti the queen has not only done evil to the king, but also to all the princes and to all peoples in all countries of the King Ahasuerus.
17 For it is this deed of the queen of all the women commented that they despise their husbands before their eyes and say, The king Ahasuerus was the name of Queen Vashti to come before him, but she wanted not. "

(Esther 1:16-17)

It proposes to the king to divorce immediately by law and a" look better "wife. So one that does what you you say.

"19 it please the king, let there go a royal commandment from him, and write to the Persians and Medes law that we must not transgress: 'm that Vashti no more before King Ahasuerus , and the king give her royal estate of another, which is better for it "

(Esther first: 19)

pleases the king the idea. The political career of the Queen is so over.
also follows the king a suggestion of his adviser, sent letters to all the countries of his kingdom, that he the unequal treatment of women makes official the Law .

"20 And it resound this command of the king, will he give in his kingdom, which is great that all women keep their husbands honor, among great and small.
21 liked the king and the princes and the king did according to the word Memucan.
22 have since sent letters to all countries of the king, in a any land in the Scriptures and to every people after their language: that every one man was the top man in his house talk and could on the language of his people. "

(Esther 1:20-22)

The King now needs a new wife. He can be young women from all over bring to him. The
will be dressed to kill with jewelry and presented to the king. The maiden who pleases him most is Queen. Until he wants a new and better woman.

"1 after these things, because the wrath of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti, what she had done and what was decided about them.
2 Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him: Seeking Man the king young, beautiful young women,
3 and the king ordered men in all provinces of his kingdom, that they bring together all sorts of beautiful young virgins gene Shushan the women's house under the hand Hegais, the king's chamberlain, who is waiting for the women, and you give them her jewelry;
4 and like that girl the king be queen instead of Vashti. This pleased the king, and he did so "

(Esther 2:1-4)

Its majestic properties -. Look good and obey - finally gets a Hebrew woman named Esther the job as the new queen. Political power, it has not.
would be even more beautiful: a woman who ruled a country ... Absurd!


women in power - this can not go so well. You can see the damned wicked, which are dominated by women. Woe to them!

"1 Woe to the wicked! because they resent it, and it will be repaid to them as they deserve it.
2 My children are their people, and women rule over them. My people, your head up seduce and destroy the way to go because you should. "

(Isaiah 3:1-2)

For if the women even allowed to do anything other than what her husband orders led the women into terrible sins buy shoes, for example, or wear make-up or even terrible.. you develop a confident manner
has The LORD does not like

"16!. And saith the LORD: , Because the daughters of Zion are proud and walk with an upright neck, with painted Countenances, accompanied connect and play truant and have delicious shoes on their feet, "

(Isaiah 3:16)

God is superior even as God in moral and other things of man. And if someone is proud and thinks that it was better than God - by wearing shoes and running with delicious erect neck: If the Lord is so offended, he must take revenge and of course the women take away all the wonderful things he can fail again also their hair
time.. look how vain are still, God laughs in his sleeve and shows who's the most superior.

"17 is so bare the Lord the crown of the daughters of Zion, make and the Lord will take away her jewels.
18 At the time the Lord will the decorations on the shoes delicious take away and Heftel, the bracelets
19 the Kettlein, the bracelets, the hoods,
20 the tinsel, the Gebräme edge trimming of a dress;. here are probably step chain meant the Schnürlein that Bisamäpfel apple-shaped perfume boxes, the ear clips,
21 rings, hair bands,
22 the party dresses, the coats, the veils, the bags,
23 the mirrors, Koller, the braids, the throws, "

(Isaiah 3:17-23)

And to make sure no one gets the idea to keep the women are still attractive for the LORD shall also ensure that they stink. He thinks of everything but, This God!

"24 and it will stink to be good smell, and a rope for a Belt, and a bald head for frizzy hair, and a large cloak for a close bag, and all these things instead of your beauty. "

(Isaiah 3:24)

may, in exceptional cases, the women already wear jewelry when the king examined as a new woman - or more - then that is already
Otherwise. God recommends to the faithful lady. have today in this season's fashion ensemble "bag and bald.

Scenes from a Marriage

baldness, and jewelry stolen from God are not of course the biggest problem women. Man must only marry the wrong man, or - as in the women in the Bible -. be married to the wrong man most serious cases it has taken in this regard, a nameless woman in the book of Judges. Her husband turns out like that is not necessarily as a gentleman. It all starts
idyllic. The woman and her husband are traveling on the road. You stay one night in the city of Gibeah in an old host. But they had better not based in the city. For there dwell bad boys ...

"22 And now her heart was glad, behold, there came the people of the city, bad boys, and surrounded the house and knocked on the door and said to the old man, the landlord. Bring out the man who has come to your house, that we may know him "

(Judges 19:22) The wicked

have necessarily want sex with the stranger. Apparently not come too often people visit. The man and the host people try to appease the city.

"23 But the man, the landlord, went out to them and said to them, "No, my brothers, do not be so bad, after this man came to my house, does not such foolishness"

(Judges 19:23)

That would be a folly! Fortunately, the host of a daughter and husband, a wife. Instead, they simply have to be raped.

"24 See, I have a daughter, still a virgin, and this one concubine. Which wants to bring me the you may be ashamed to make do, and with it what you like; But this man does not do such foolishness. "

(Judges 19:24)

But the bad guys can not deal with the deal.

"25 But the people would not obey him."

(Judges 19:25 a)

The man does not negotiate with terrorists and takes his wife and bring them to the rapists, whether like it or not. Then he will be sleeping while his wife is the night of the group raped by men.

" As the man took his concubine, and brought it out to them they saw the mischief, and drove her to her all night until the morning;. and left as the dawn broke, they go
. 26 Then came the woman hard before morning and fell down before the door of the house of the man who is her husband was, and lay there until it was light. "

(Judges 19:25 b-26)

When the man gets up in the morning after sleep, he sees his wife unconscious at the door are. He command should the woman to come along. But the answers just do not know the unconscious bitch!
grabs the man why his wife on his ass, and rides off.

"27 Since her lord rose in the morning and the door opened at home and went out, that he rode his way, behold, his concubine lay before the door of the house and get their hands on .
the threshold 28 And he said to her, Rise, let draw us! But she did not answer. Then he took her on the donkey, and arose and went to his place. "

(Judges 19:27-28)

think What is it because, after only a night of violence and brutality simply powerless to be

The man does the only sensible in such a situation?. He killed his wife and sent the body parts by mail

"29 When he reached home, he took a knife and took his concubine dismembered them with bones and all, into twelve pieces and sent them into all the borders of Israel . "

(Judges 19:29)


>> Part 4: "womanizing"
Part 5: Down the Rabbit Hole "


more about" Women in Bible:

Sex in the Bible
The Book of Genesis - Part 10: "The man and the woman"
religion Guide for Women
religion Guide for Women - The Quiz

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Do You Need Coax Cable With Hdmi

from the wrapped straws now a three-dimensional textile object is created. Actually, should Beads are also used, but I must admit, unfortunately, I have done it any such right. As a replacement for the round shape, I used beads. I like so much the result as well.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ball Gown Under 150 Australia

Well, a first image to my third job .... Mixed Media with fabric and yarn wrapped straws that will soon be made into a three-dimensional object.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bluetooth Headset Ps3 Watch Film

BIG FISH (Heroes of the Bible Part 2 - Jonah)

Unbelievable but true: This is the account of the adventures of the prophet Jonah, which is particularly through his stay in the interior of a fish known.
Those were the days ...


The story begins with God from the wickedness of the inhabitants of Nineveh, an Assyrian city, learns. Since there are so many cities with bad people, of course, God has neither the time nor the money to anywhere aufzukreuzen personally - and so he sent Jonah there.

"1 Now the word of Lord came to Jonah the son Amitthais, saying
2 Get up and go into the great city of Nineveh and preach against it; for their wickedness is come up before me. "

(Jonah 1:1-2)

But Jonah does not want to go to Nineveh and runs away before God, He takes the next boat to Tarshish -.. In today's southern Spain, and thus in the opposite direction
Since God is of course angry at the objectors command and sends a storm. If there is not Jonah, where the Lord says it, he should not go anywhere. No more.

"3 But Jonah up and fled from the Lord, and Tarshish and went down to Joppa. And he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went in that he go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.
4 But the LORD sent out a great wind on the sea, and there arose a great storm at sea, that you thought would break the ship. "

(Jonah 1:3-4) advised

During the ship's passengers to panic and pray to each its appropriate for him to God, Jonah gets from all the excitement with nothing. It is namely calmly in his bunk and's asleep.

"5 Then the mariners were afraid, and cried, every man to his God , and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it. But Jonah was gone down into the ship , lay asleep. "

(Jonah 1:5)

The ship's Master has awakened and outraged about it. And so it goes so well really could not help in such an emergency situation must eventually everyone in which he prays to his God of the respective trust. Thus, the probability that a help of the gods, after all the higher.

"6 came to him the ship, and said unto him, What do you sleep? Arise, call upon thy God! if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not. "

(Jonah 1:6)

The people on the ship are rational thinking people and not just arbitrarily give anyone the blame for their predicament. Instead, without they choose who is to blame

"7 And one said to the others. Come, let us cast lots, that we may know for whose sake we go there so bad. And when they cast lots upon Jonah.

(Jonah 1:7)

Since the lot fell on Jonah confesses he, that he is on the run from the Lord. He proposed to let him throw from the ship. That would certainly appease God's wrath.

"10 Then were the men exceedingly afraid, and said unto him, Why hast thou done this because they knew that he fled from the Lord, for he had told them
?. 11 Then said they unto him, What shall we do with you that we will shut the sea because the sea was tempestuous
12 He said to them?. Take me and throw me is the sea, the sea and it shall still are. For I know that such a large storm comes over you because of me. "

(Jonah 1:10-12)

The proposal seems reasonable to people. You grab him and throw Jonah overboard.
fact sets the storm ...

"15 And they took Jonah and threw him into the sea. the sea ceased from her raging"

(Jonah 1:15)

that the storm out has, after Jonah was thrown into the sea proves, of course without any doubt that everything was just as Jonah had said it. Therefore, all people convert spontaneously to the ship sacrifice for Judaism and the Lord - for you, that he has accepted the human sacrifice and die mercifully not so the sailors had not involved.

"16 And the men feared the Lord very much and sacrifice unto the LORD and made vows."

(Jonah 1:16)


Jonah escapes from almost certain death in that God sends a great fish. This swallow Jonah, who then spent the next three days in the cozy, warm stomach of the animal.

"1 But the Lord prepared a great fish, to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. "

(Jonah 2:1)

In the belly of the fish Jonah prayed to God. The range of leisure facilities there containing a bit poor.

" 2 Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God, in the belly of the fish. "

(Jonah 2:2)

When Jonah promises his God, offer him lavish sacrifice, the Lord lets him free again.
He speaks a word of power with the fish that Jonah then again auskotzt.
And this with so much pressure behind it that Jonah lands on the mainland.

"10 But I will sacrifice to you with thanks, I will pay my vows;. Because the Lord is using
11 And the Lord said to the fish, and the vomited out Jonah on shore. "

(Jonah 2:10-11)


Jonah has learned what happens when you do not do what the Lord orders. Therefore, he does now is what God says to him, and travels to Nineveh.

"1 and it was the word of the Lord to Jonah a second time and said
2 Arise, go to the great city of Nineveh and preach it the preaching that I bid thee!
3 As Jonah was, and went unto Nineveh, as the LORD had said. Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days' journey. "

(Jonah 3:1-3)

arrived in Nineveh, Jonah preaches, as required by God to the Lord the entire city in forty days from the map will pay off.

"4 And Jonah began to go in a day's journey in the city, he preached, saying, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. "

(Jonah 3:4)

The evil people realize that they are terrible sinners. What exactly do they have employed, however, is not betrayed.
Even assigns the king, when he gets wind of the affair, a city-wide buses. Maybe it thinks of God were yet a different way.

"5 Since people believed to Nineveh to God and had proclaimed a fast one should, and put on sackcloth, both large and small.
6 And since the front of the King came to Nineveh, he rose from his throne and took off his robe, and covered with sackcloth, and sat in ashes
7 and made a proclamation and say to Nineveh according to the commandment of the king and his nobles So, Let neither man nor beast, neither sheep, ox, nor take food, and one should not feed them to drink water they can;
8 and bags to wrap around him, both people and livestock, and cry mightily to God, and turn every one from his evil way and from the violence of his hands.
9 Who knows? It would God repent again and turn away from his fierce anger, that we do not spoil "

(Jonah 3:5-9)

Indeed. When God sees the atonement of Niniveter, it is stirred and he feels sorry for what he wanted to do to them.

"10 But God saw their works that they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil that he had spoken to them to do and did it not. "

(Jonah 3:10)

humble Despite the criticism, which in this Framework in God is sometimes you have to admit one to him: If he builds crap, he is not always unreasonable.

When, in the Book of Exodus, for example, in a fit of rage will kill all his chosen people (except Moses), he regretted the plan after Moses to reassure him.

"9 And the Lord said to Moses. I see that it is a stiff-necked people
10 And now let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot over them and destroy them; so will I make thee a great nation
14. So the LORD repented of the evil that he threatened his people to do. "

(Exodus 32:9-10,14)

Unfortunately, it is for people but not always an advantage when God made a mistake admit it. He regretted the Book of Genesis, the decision to have ever made man and is very sorry about this mistake.

"5 saw But the Lord that the man was evil great in the earth and every intent of their hearts was only evil continually,
6 because he repented that he had made man on the Earth, and it grieved him in his heart, "

(Genesis 6:5-6)

But God is not only as sovereign, to admit that people do not behave morally, as he wished . had - he corrected his mistake promptly and let them drown miserably in the Sintfut

"7 and he said, I want the people I've done, wipe from the earth, from people up to the cattle and up to the creeping things, and the birds of the sky; for I regret that I have made them. "

(Genesis 6:7)


In this case, but is it good for the people that God blows off his plan. At least for the inhabitants of the city of Nineveh. Jonah, however, is stinking mad at God.
Finally, he stands there like a complete idiot, but he has announced the destruction of the city, which now takes place not.

"1 The Jonah grieved very much, and he was angry"

(Jonah 4:1)

Jonah says the LORD, that he knew in advance that make God a bicycle kick and the city is not destroyed. So he had run well ahead of him.
he had just told him earlier: yes God can read your mind!

"2 and prayed to the Lord and said, O Lord, that's what I said because I was in my country, so I also wanted to forestall, to flee unto Tarshish: for I know that you are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and are of great quality and lets you repent of the evil. "

(Jonah 4:2)

Poor Jonah is so furious that he asked the Lord to kill him.

"3 take yet now, O Lord, my soul me, for I would rather be dead than to live. "

(Jonah 4:3)

But God lets him do not die this time. This Jonah moves to the suburbs, builds a hut there. He watches the city to see if God might not his opinion . a second time changes

"4 But the Lord said, you know that you approve of my angry?
5 And Jonah went out of the city and sat down east side of the city and there made him a booth, of which he sat in the shade, until he saw what happened to the city would. "

(Jonah 4:4-5) Jonah had

who just expressed the wish to die is pretty easy to cheer again. God, it creates an oil plant, the improved his mood again.

"6 gave the Lord God but a gourd that grew over Jonah, that he would shadow over his head, and deliver him from his evil; and Jonah was very glad of the gourd. "

(Jonah 4:6)

God sends the night, however, a worm, so the gourd has dried up the next day.
Jonah wants to die.

"gave seven But God prepared a worm in the morning, as dawn broke, it smote the gourd that it withered
8 But. the sun was up, gave God a dry east wind, and the sun Jonah stood on his head that he matt was because he wanted himself to die, and said I would rather be dead live as "

(Jonah.. 4:7-8)

God granted Jonah in this way some sort of lesson. Unfortunately I have not the slightest idea what is the ...

"9 God said to Jonah, you, or think that you are angry for the gourd cheap and he said:. Cheap I be angry even unto death
10 And the Lord said: You are concerned about the castor bean, because you have not worked, it did not grow, which in a night and perished in a night;
11 and I should not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which more than a hundred and twenty thousand are people who do not know difference between what is right or left, and also many animals? "

(Jonah 4:9-11)

The Lord does indeed just as it would have been Jonas plan to wipe out the city. It is indeed, the only complained about the fact that God made him forced the use of force has to preach the destruction of the city, because he knew that God is anyway pervades
Jonah receives no opportunity to respond to God's question -. because here are the adventures of the prophet Jonah already too end.

Some Christians in the U.S. have announced the way for the 05/21/2011 end of the world. The fact that the world comes to this very day, is precise, according to its website "100% and incontrovertible "foretold in the Bible.
But the beautiful story of Jonah, we know now that as the last word has not yet spoken. silky So in the near future particularly good and it will do God perhaps sorry that he wanted to kill us ...



Part 1: The Samson (Samson)
>> Part 2: Big Fish (Jonah)

overview series