in the Bible are all the male lead roles. In the few stories in which women take an active role, it ends for most of them quite poor.
was yes, so at that time - when the world was working ... get
that women higher professional positions sex with her boss, is an old cliché. At least as old as the Bible, as we learn in the story of King Ahasuerus.
The story begins when the king held a huge party with all the important people of his kingdom So a royal party course it is not only a night. - Whole celebrates 180 days of the king his lavish party. The only question is who governs the country in time ...
"1 In the days of Ahasuerus (the da king of India to Ethiopia over one hundred and twenty-seven countries)
2 and as he sat on his royal chair to castle Susan,
3 in the third year of his reign, he made at a feast unto all his princes and servants the lords of Persia and Media, the governors and rulers in his country,
4 that he could see the wonderful richness of his Kingdom and the exquisite splendor of his majesty many days, hundred and eighty days. "
(Esther 1:1-4)
On the seventh day of the party is the king drunk and wants to show off his pretty wife . The apparently could not celebrate yet -. but the guests are curious about the Queen
hot "10 On the seventh day, as the king of good cheer was the wine , he was [.. .] the seven eunuchs who served before the king Ahasuerus,
11 that they Queen Vashti brought before the king with the royal crown, that the people and the princes her beauty was, for she was beautiful, "
(Esther 1:10-11)
the peoples and the princes. make you comfortable not much nutritional value. But the queen refused to come out and introduce yourself.
"12 not But the queen Vashti wanted to come the words of the king by his officers. Since the king was very angry and his anger burned in him. "
(Esther 1:12)
The insubordination makes the King very angry. His advisor makes him aware of the seriousness of the situation. The refusal of the queen could in fact have far-reaching consequences. For if all women, the queen would take its cue to refuse the orders of their men would be: Where would we be then?
"16 Memucan Then said the king and the princes, Vashti the queen has not only done evil to the king, but also to all the princes and to all peoples in all countries of the King Ahasuerus.
17 For it is this deed of the queen of all the women commented that they despise their husbands before their eyes and say, The king Ahasuerus was the name of Queen Vashti to come before him, but she wanted not. "
(Esther 1:16-17)
It proposes to the king to divorce immediately by law and a" look better "wife. So one that does what you you say.
"19 it please the king, let there go a royal commandment from him, and write to the Persians and Medes law that we must not transgress: 'm that Vashti no more before King Ahasuerus , and the king give her royal estate of another, which is better for it "
(Esther first: 19)
pleases the king the idea. The political career of the Queen is so over.
also follows the king a suggestion of his adviser, sent letters to all the countries of his kingdom, that he the unequal treatment of women makes official the Law .
"20 And it resound this command of the king, will he give in his kingdom, which is great that all women keep their husbands honor, among great and small.
21 liked the king and the princes and the king did according to the word Memucan.
22 have since sent letters to all countries of the king, in a any land in the Scriptures and to every people after their language: that every one man was the top man in his house talk and could on the language of his people. "
(Esther 1:20-22)
The King now needs a new wife. He can be young women from all over bring to him. The
will be dressed to kill with jewelry and presented to the king. The maiden who pleases him most is Queen. Until he wants a new and better woman.
"1 after these things, because the wrath of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti, what she had done and what was decided about them.
2 Then said the king's servants that ministered unto him: Seeking Man the king young, beautiful young women,
3 and the king ordered men in all provinces of his kingdom, that they bring together all sorts of beautiful young virgins gene Shushan the women's house under the hand Hegais, the king's chamberlain, who is waiting for the women, and you give them her jewelry;
4 and like that girl the king be queen instead of Vashti. This pleased the king, and he did so "
(Esther 2:1-4)
Its majestic properties -. Look good and obey - finally gets a Hebrew woman named Esther the job as the new queen. Political power, it has not.
would be even more beautiful: a woman who ruled a country ... Absurd!
women in power - this can not go so well. You can see the damned wicked, which are dominated by women. Woe to them!
"1 Woe to the wicked! because they resent it, and it will be repaid to them as they deserve it.
2 My children are their people, and women rule over them. My people, your head up seduce and destroy the way to go because you should. "
(Isaiah 3:1-2)
For if the women even allowed to do anything other than what her husband orders led the women into terrible sins buy shoes, for example, or wear make-up or even terrible.. you develop a confident manner
has The LORD does not like
"16!. And saith the LORD: , Because the daughters of Zion are proud and walk with an upright neck, with painted Countenances, accompanied connect and play truant and have delicious shoes on their feet, "
(Isaiah 3:16)
God is superior even as God in moral and other things of man. And if someone is proud and thinks that it was better than God - by wearing shoes and running with delicious erect neck: If the Lord is so offended, he must take revenge and of course the women take away all the wonderful things he can fail again also their hair
time.. look how vain are still, God laughs in his sleeve and shows who's the most superior.
"17 is so bare the Lord the crown of the daughters of Zion, make and the Lord will take away her jewels.
18 At the time the Lord will the decorations on the shoes delicious take away and Heftel, the bracelets
19 the Kettlein, the bracelets, the hoods,
20 the tinsel, the Gebräme edge trimming of a dress;. here are probably step chain meant the Schnürlein that Bisamäpfel apple-shaped perfume boxes, the ear clips,
21 rings, hair bands,
22 the party dresses, the coats, the veils, the bags,
23 the mirrors, Koller, the braids, the throws, "
(Isaiah 3:17-23)
And to make sure no one gets the idea to keep the women are still attractive for the LORD shall also ensure that they stink. He thinks of everything but, This God!
"24 and it will stink to be good smell, and a rope for a Belt, and a bald head for frizzy hair, and a large cloak for a close bag, and all these things instead of your beauty. "
(Isaiah 3:24)
may, in exceptional cases, the women already wear jewelry when the king examined as a new woman - or more - then that is already
Otherwise. God recommends to the faithful lady. have today in this season's fashion ensemble "bag and bald.
Scenes from a Marriage
baldness, and jewelry stolen from God are not of course the biggest problem women. Man must only marry the wrong man, or - as in the women in the Bible -. be married to the wrong man most serious cases it has taken in this regard, a nameless woman in the book of Judges. Her husband turns out like that is not necessarily as a gentleman. It all starts
idyllic. The woman and her husband are traveling on the road. You stay one night in the city of Gibeah in an old host. But they had better not based in the city. For there dwell bad boys ...
"22 And now her heart was glad, behold, there came the people of the city, bad boys, and surrounded the house and knocked on the door and said to the old man, the landlord. Bring out the man who has come to your house, that we may know him "
(Judges 19:22) The wicked
have necessarily want sex with the stranger. Apparently not come too often people visit. The man and the host people try to appease the city.
"23 But the man, the landlord, went out to them and said to them, "No, my brothers, do not be so bad, after this man came to my house, does not such foolishness"
(Judges 19:23)
That would be a folly! Fortunately, the host of a daughter and husband, a wife. Instead, they simply have to be raped.
"24 See, I have a daughter, still a virgin, and this one concubine. Which wants to bring me the you may be ashamed to make do, and with it what you like; But this man does not do such foolishness. "
(Judges 19:24)
But the bad guys can not deal with the deal.
"25 But the people would not obey him."
(Judges 19:25 a)
The man does not negotiate with terrorists and takes his wife and bring them to the rapists, whether like it or not. Then he will be sleeping while his wife is the night of the group raped by men.
" As the man took his concubine, and brought it out to them they saw the mischief, and drove her to her all night until the morning;. and left as the dawn broke, they go
. 26 Then came the woman hard before morning and fell down before the door of the house of the man who is her husband was, and lay there until it was light. "
(Judges 19:25 b-26)
When the man gets up in the morning after sleep, he sees his wife unconscious at the door are. He command should the woman to come along. But the answers just do not know the unconscious bitch!
grabs the man why his wife on his ass, and rides off.
"27 Since her lord rose in the morning and the door opened at home and went out, that he rode his way, behold, his concubine lay before the door of the house and get their hands on .
the threshold 28 And he said to her, Rise, let draw us! But she did not answer. Then he took her on the donkey, and arose and went to his place. "
(Judges 19:27-28)
think What is it because, after only a night of violence and brutality simply powerless to be
The man does the only sensible in such a situation?. He killed his wife and sent the body parts by mail
"29 When he reached home, he took a knife and took his concubine dismembered them with bones and all, into twelve pieces and sent them into all the borders of Israel . "
(Judges 19:29)
>> Part 4: "womanizing"
Part 5: Down the Rabbit Hole "
Part 5: Down the Rabbit Hole "
more about" Women in Bible:
Sex in the Bible
The Book of Genesis - Part 10: "The man and the woman"
religion Guide for Women
religion Guide for Women - The Quiz
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