BRUDER JAKOB (The Book of Genesis Part 8) [Part 1: "sun, moon and stars"] [Part 2: "Once upon a time ..."]
[Part 3: "The just punishment"] [Part 4: "Journey to the land of the South of the Earth"] [Part 5: The Return of the Giant "] [Part 6:" Fire Water "] [Part 7: "OPFA"] This is the story of Jacob, the legendary Ur-ancestor of all the Israelites that God is love - and hate of his twin brother Esau, the God. Not because of anything wrong would have done, God hates him for no particular reason - just because he can ... PREVIOUSLY IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS ...
last part this series on the Book of Genesis we left Abraham, the legendary Ur-father of all Israelites and Arabs, as he had tied just his second son Isaac to a sacrificial altar, a knife in hand, to slaughter his child as God has commanded him so.
but at the last moment God sends an angel to stop him and the human sacrifice. Now he knew that Abraham feared the Lord, God noticed after the disturbing scene (Genesis 22:12
Isaac fears guaranteed at least by this point his father Abraham, who incidentally had been his first-born son Ishmael to the desert (Genesis 21:14
). Since Isaac's mother Sarah at the tender age of 127 years, died (Genesis 23:1-2
), Abraham marries again and get several half-brothers Isaac (Genesis 25:1-2
feel as Abraham that he will die soon, he would bring his son Isaac, previously under the hood. Since it is already too weak for it himself, he asks in a strange ritual his eldest slave to find a wife for Isaac. But no foreign understands themselves.
"1 Abraham was old and stricken in years, and the Lord blessed him was everywhere. 2 And he said to the oldest servant of his house, all the his estates headed: Put your hand under my thigh 3 and I swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, that thou shalt take my son a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites under which I live, 4 But thou shalt go unto my country and to my kindred, and take my son Isaac a wife. "
(Genesis 24:1-4) The servant promises him, an ethnically acceptable woman to seek and find Rebecca, the master race of God belongs. Isaac and Rebekah get married and have children. This is difficult because Rebecca is really barren. But with God on her side she gets miraculously still children, and directly two at a time.
The twins and their offspring will indeed be hostile to each other forever, but need some hook to exist.
"23 And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two people shall be separated from thy bowels; and people will think about the other, and the elder shall serve the younger."
(Genesis 25:23) on the heels
Rebecca gets announced as twins, Jacob and Esau are called. But even with twins must be yes to the first - to get the law then, the first born-right to the main part of the heritage, when the good times Isaak is more.
Esau is born first, even if he has to contend with minor difficulties.
"24 As the time came for her to deliver, behold, there were twins in her womb. 25 The first, which came out red, all rough as a skin, and they called him Esau 26 afterward came out his brother, who was holding his hand, the heel of Esau. "
(Genesis 25:24-26) Esau and Jacob is born it is already hanging on the heel - in the truest sense of the word.
The children grow into young men approached. The hairy Esau is hunting and brings food home. His brother Jacob is too fine to hunt and prefers to stay home. He is also a mama's boy.
"27 And as the boys grew was, Esau, a hunter and grazed in the fields, Jacob was a gentle man, and remained in their tents. 28 And Isaac loved Esau had and eat of his venison;. but Rebekah loved Jacob (Genesis 25:27-28) JAKOB THE LIAR
Sorry Esau seems the good not the brightest light to be and exchanged his first-born-law of a day against a mess of pottage. But of course not only
a mess of pottage! Esau tough negotiations and proposes adding one bread out of his inheritance. Jacob, the fine gentleman, uses the stupidity of his brother grateful. .
"29 And Jacob was cooking a dish Esau came in from the field and was tired 30 said to Jacob," Let me taste the red court for I am tired so he is Edom.. 31 But Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32 Esau said, Behold, I have to die yet, because what do I want the birthright? 33 Jacob said, Swear to me today. And he swore to him and then sold his birthright unto Jacob. 34 As Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage , and he ate and drank and got up and walked away. So Esau despised his birthright.
(Genesis 25:29-34) But to be sure that he actually gets all the privileges of the firstborn of Jacob still lists his father. The very aged and blind Isaac feels that is his death approaching, and now wants to give his oldest son Esau the birthright blessing. And what to eat decent.
"1 And it came to pass when Isaac had grown old and his eyes were dark to see, he called Esau his older son, and said unto him, My son! He answered him, "Here I am. 2 And he said, Behold, I am old and do not know when I am to die.
3 So now take your equipment, quiver and bow, and go into the field and catch me a game 4 and make me a meal, as I like to have, and I's brought in, that I eat, that my soul may bless thee before I die " (Genesis 27:1-4) Esau does what his father told him, and breaks for hunting on. His mother, Rebecca has noticed everything and thinks that Isaac Ollen Surely you can piss, so that he blesses without noticing their favorite Jacob.
"5 Rebekah heard such words that Isaac said to his son Esau. And Esau went to the field, that he chased a game and bring home. 6 And Rebekah said to Jacob her son, See, I have heard your father speak to Esau thy brother, saying, 7 Bring me venison and make me a meal that I eat and bless thee before the LORD before I die. 8 Hear me now, my son, my voice, I bid you. 9 Go back to the flock and fetch me two good young goats that I am your father a meal of it, as he's likes. 10 shalt thou take into thy father, that he eat, that he may bless thee before his death. " (Genesis 27:5-10) The old man but could not see anything, but there was still a problem. What if Isaac, Jacob would feel? Because Jacob is fluffy like a baby-Popo, while Esau's skin obviously has the tactile nature of a goat
"11 Jacob said to Rebekah his mother. See, my brother Esau is rough, and I smooth; 12 would so maybe my father touch me, and I'd taken before him, as if I deceive him wanted and would bring me one . and a curse not a blessing 13 his mother said unto him, The curse was on me, my son: only obey my voice, go and fetch me. 14 Then he went and fetched it and brought it to his mother. Since his mother made a meal, as his father liked had 15 took and Esau, her elder son, delicious clothes she had with him in the house moved, and to Jacob her younger son, 16 but did the skins of the kid they put its hands, and where he was smooth on the neck " (Genesis 27:11-16) Jacob no qualms about lying to his dying father and his brother for his right to cheat. His only objection to the intriguing folded plan of his mother to the practical feasibility of the trick with the fur. But - even though Jacob Isaac recognizes the voice, he is not too skeptical and blesses him.
"18 And he came unto his father and said, My father said he: 'Here am I. Who are you, my son 19.? Jacob said to his father. I am Esau your firstborn; I did as you told me Stand up, sit down and eat of my venison, that thy soul may bless me .
20 Isaac said to his son: My son, as you found it so quickly? He answered, The LORD thy God brought me's. 21 And Isaac said unto Jacob, Come near, my son, that I set button you whether you should be my son Esau or not. 22 So Jacob came to Isaac his father, and as he had touched him, he said, The voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands are Esau's hands. 23 And he did not know him, because his hands were rough as Esau, his brother's hands. And he blessed him, "
(Genesis 27:18-23)
Isaac dies but not ignorant. When he has just finished his blessing, is Esau, the real pure. The father recognizes him and is shocked by the fraud.
"30 And when Isaac had finished the blessing of Jacob, and Jacob had scarcely gone out from his father, Isaac, as came Esau, his brother, from his hunting
31 and also made a meal and borne it in to his father and said to him: "Arise, my father, and take some of the game your son that I am at your and bless. 32 Then he answered his father Isaac: Who are you? He said. I am Esau your first-born son 33 horrified And Isaac very exceedingly, saying, Who is the hunter who has brought me, and I'm from all eaten before you came, and have blessed him? He will be blessed. "
(Genesis 27:30-33) But while his son Isaac was apparently quite happy, he does not see, to speak to the right first birth blessing. He already has everything just yet once said. Twice a blessing on a day when it was Isaac really tired. Esau has no blessing of his father, which breaks his heart.
"34 When Esau heard these words of his father, cried He was loud and very exceedingly sorrowful, and said to his father, Bless me, father! 35 he said Your brother came with deceit and has your blessing away. 36 he said, he probably means Jacob, for he has tricked me twice now. My first-born he has previously, and behold, now he is also my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing? 37 Isaac answered and said unto him, I have set it to master over you, and all his brothers I have given him for servants, with Grain and wine I was giving him, what shall I do to you now, my son? 38 Esau said to his father: Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, father! and lifted up his voice and wept. "
(Genesis 27:34-38)
The father dies without bless Esau. The stench is accurate to his brother, who now for the second time was badly burnt and expresses the intention to kill him. Rebekka gets away with it and sends Jacob, in fear of Esau's revenge.
You sleeping?
Heading Jacob has a dream of a ladder that reaches to the sky. Of course, no normal circuit, because in reality, so ladders are too short that it can achieve the universe where God and his angels are known to be living.
"10 But Jacob went out from Beersheba and traveled to Haran 11 and came to a place because he spent the night, because the sun had set and he took a stone from the place and laid him. at his head and went to sleep in that place. 12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth that touched the tip of the sky, and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it; "
(Genesis 28:10-12) the top of the ladder is a god. Since that time it was so many of them, he introduces himself as practical. He promises Jacob the blue from the sky and protection on his travels.
"13 and the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord of Abraham your father, God and the God of Isaac : the land on which you lie I will give to thee and thy seed . 14 And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the evening, morning, noon and midnight, and in thee and thy seed shall all the earth be blessed. 15 Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you pull out, and wants to bring her up again this Country. For I will not let up until I'm doing everything I have spoken to you. "
(Genesis 28:13-15) When Jacob wakes up, he remembers .. his strange dream, he is sure that this dream comes directly from God
"16 And Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said: Certainly the Lord in this place , and I knew not, 17 was afraid and said, 'How holy is this place! This is none other than God's house, and is the gate of heaven. "
(Genesis 28:16-17) Jacob has not the slightest doubt that the angels and the are Lord from his dream real. The equation of dreams with divine messages plays a major role in the Old Testament (especially in the history of Jacob's son Joseph), but also in the New Testament (eg in the Book of Revelation). That explains it with such Some episodes from the Bible, the question of how one can come to such crazy stories.
Jacob has now achieved its goal and now lives in the house of his uncle Laban, the brother of Rebekah. He also would like to work for his uncle as a shepherd. Laban asked Jacob what he wants as a reward. Jacob wants nothing more than to marry Laban's daughter, so his cousin. Of course, the attractive and not the ugly old woman, with the stupid face.
"16 Laban had two daughters. The elder was Leah and the younger was Rachel 17 But Leah had a stupid face, Rachel was pretty and beautiful. love 18 Jacob won the Rachel and said, I just want seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter, serve . 19 Laban said... It is better that I give her to you than another, abide with me "
(Genesis 29:16-19) said than done Jacob worked seven years for Laban, he says so his wages, that Time just fly by and the wedding is approaching. love
"20 So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and she seemed as if they had been a few days, so had he. 21 And Jacob said to Laban: Give me my wife, because the time is here that I go to her 22 Laban gathered all the people of the place and made a feast. .
(Genesis 29:20-22) But Laban pulls a dirty trick from Jacob, and rejoices with him instead of the lovely Rachel under his ugly daughter Leah.
"23 the evening, but he took his daughter Leah and brought her to him;. And he went to her 24 And Laban gave his daughter Leah his . handmaid to be her maid Zilpah 25 the morning, behold, it was Leah And he said to Laban. Why have you done to me Did I not tell you to? Rachel served? Why have you betrayed me, then? 26 Laban said It is not the custom in our country, that you spend the younger before the older ones. "
(Genesis 29:23-26) an irony of history: the fraudster is to dupe as he had previously violated the law of his first-born brother, he is now a different first-born right-undoing.. For the older daughter is welcome to take precedence at a wedding, even if it is ugly.
Jacob is now married to Leah, he does not love. That does not keep him of course abstain from having sex with her or her maid.
But do not worry: As James is God's yes dear, of course, he gets his dream wife Rachel and marries her, too.
"28 Jacob did so, and held in the week. Then Laban gave him Rachel his daughter to wife 29 and gave his maid Bilhah to his daughter Rachel to be her maid.
30 So he went to Rachel, and had Rachel more than Leah, and served with him henceforth, the other seven years. "
(Genesis 29:28-30) Jacob gets from his two wives Leah and Rachel and their handmaids of twelve sons. Probably a couple of daughters, but it's probably not worth mention. (except Dinah, mentioned probably because it is involved in a later episode.)
Of the twelve sons of Jacob, the legend now come to the twelve tribes of Israel that bear their names.
After his uncle Jakob another seven years has served, he would now back with his family in the home. Laban gives him the desire, all spotted sheep and black sheep of Laban as a parting gift to behalten.Eine good opportunity, it's uncle again right back at the number with the ugly daughter.
through its superior knowledge of genetics, he spotted sheep breed that is extremely large and black lambs.
'37 but Jacob took rods of green poplar trees, hazelnuts and chestnuts, and peeled white streaks in them that the bars of the White was merely, 38 and put the rods which he had peeled, drink in the gutters in front of the herds that had come, that they should receive as if they came to drink. 39 So the flocks received over the rods and brought streaked, speckled and spotted. 40 Since Jacob separated the lambs, and taught the flock with his face against the spotted and black in the flock of Laban, and made a own flock, he did not to the flock of Laban. 41 42 but in the late feeble, he put them not. So were the latecomers of Laban, but the springs of Jacob. 43 why the man was exceedingly rich that he had many sheep, maids and servants, camels and donkeys. When was the run of the spring herd, however, he set the rods in the troughs before the eyes of the herd that they have the rods received; (Genesis 30:37-43) The sheep get spotted so young, as their focus when you mate a speckled pattern. Just as white-skinned people have children when they look at sex is a white wallpaper.
Such a scientifically accurate representation of genetics, clearly proves that the Almighty inspired the Bible writers must
The departure is difficult, as Laban's sons make bad feelings against Jacob because of the disconnect with much of their heritage wants. God is watching the whole thing and gives the order to leave.
"3 And the Lord said to Jacob, Go back to your country and to your fathers, friendship, and I will be with you."
(Genesis 31:3) Jacob, his family and the speckled cattle set off in haste and without giving notice Laban. When he learns this, he follows them. Along the way there is a showdown: Laban and his people bring Jacob group.
"22 On the third day Laban was announced that Jacob had fled. 23 And he took his brethren with him and chased after him seven days' journey, and overtook him on Mount Gilead "
(Genesis 31:22-23) Luckily Jacob had indeed God as a friend. . The Laban appears in a dream and threatens him
"24 But God came to Laban the Syrian in a dream by night, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob differently than friendly. 25 And Laban came near to Jacob. Jacob had pitched his tent on the mount: and Laban with his brothers beat his hut on the mountains of Gilead. 26 Laban said to Jacob, "What did you do that you have deceived me and have my daughters kidnapped, as if they were caught by the sword? 27 Why did you flee secretly, and have stolen away you and me's have not announced that I would run up with joy, with singing with tambourines and harps? 28 And got me do not let my children and daughters kiss? Well, you have done foolishly 29 And I would have so much power that I could do you harm, but God of your father said yesterday to me. Beware! that you not to Jacob either good talk. "
(Genesis 31:24-29) But still the danger is over for our fleeing protagonists not. Laban missing namely his gods. Jacob promises , Laban that whoever stole the gods of Laban immediately executed would.
What he does not know the thief was none other gods as his favorite wife, Rachel ...
"30 And because you then draw so wished and longed for so much for your father's home, why hast thou stolen my gods? 31 Jacob answered and said to Laban, "I was afraid and thought you would take your daughters from me tear 32 Which do you find your gods, but put to death here before our brethren.. Your search for 's down with me and take it. Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them. "
(Genesis 31:30-32)
Laban's crew searched every corner of the store ...
But by a clever trick Rachel can hide the gods. you simply sits down and says, occurs when her father, she could not get up because she just has her period.
"34 Rachel then took the idols and put them among the camel saddle, and sat on it. Laban searched the whole house and found nothing. 35 she said to her father: Sir, I am not angry, because I can not get up before you, for me it goes to the manner of women. So he found the idols do not know how much he was looking for. "
(Genesis 31:34-35) Phew, that's just not fall for it! But the next threat is already in default ...
First of all good again. tolerate Laban and Jacob himself. Jacob and Annex move on. the way they take even a few angels.
"1 in the morning, Laban was up early, kissed his sons and daughters and blessed them and went and came back to his place. 2 Jacob went on his way, and met him the angels of God. 3 And when he saw them, he said, "There are God's armies, and was the site Mahanaim"
(Genesis 32:1-3) But shortly. come out messengers to warn of an impending disaster: Esau, his account of the death threat Jacob Had indeed left home, is on the way to him ...
"7 The messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and he also pulls you forward with four hundred men" (Genesis 32:1-3) James trusts his brother not only that he kills him, but also fear for his wives and children.
"12 Deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I am afraid of him that he did not come and smite me, the mothers with the children "
(Genesis 32:12) Jacob leaves his family that evening and stayed all alone. He spent the entire night with a man to wrestle.
"23 and got up at night and took his two wives and two maidservants and his eleven children and moved to the ford of Jabbok 24 took her and led her across the water, hinüberkam that what he had 25 still and alone. As senior man with him until the dawn broke. "
(Genesis 32:23-25)
We do not know who has since started proceedings or why Jacob wrestles with this man at all, the later in person as God turns out ...
"26 And when he saw that he did not prevail against him, he touched the joint of his hip, and the joint of Jacob's hip was on the wrestle with it dislocated.
27 And he said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak. But he answered: I will not let you bless me, then. 28 He said: What's your name? He answered: Jacob. 29 he said. You no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed "
(Genesis 32:26-29) Jacob true God and the only question that occurs to him is his name ...
"30 And Jacob asked him, saying: Tell me, is like you said, but He: Why do you ask what my name And he blessed him there . 31 And Jacob called the place Peniel; for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved ".
(Genesis 32:30-31) God will not reveal his name though, but Jacob is a new name "Israel", which in about "persevere with God". However, he is mentioned in the Book of Genesis in future, "Jacob."
Frere Jacques
Finally it comes to meeting with Esau. But James has misjudged his brother: Esau would kill him not, but forgave him and is happy to see his brother.
"4 Esau ran to meet him and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him: and they wept." (Genesis 33:4) invites his brother Esau and his family to visit him. You agree that, in order to ride the wake of Esau and Jacob, and follows them.
"12 And he said, Let us go away and travel, I will go with you 13 he said. to him: My Lord, you know that I'm fragile children with me, to flocks and herds, if they have a day would be an exaggeration, would die to me the whole herd . 14 My Lord thou shalt go before his servant. I want to drive slowly behind other, can go after the cattle and the children, until I come to my lord to Seir. 15 Esau said, I will be with you but some of the people that are with me. He answered: What is it needed? Let me just find favor in my lord. 16 So the day Esau went his way again gene Seir. "
(Genesis 33:12-16) But Jacob is not thinking. That he would follow Esau, was a lie - it takes a different path (Genesis 33:17-19). Once again he has tricked his brother. Nice guy ...
On the birth of Jacob's youngest son, Benjamin, Rachel dies.
"16 And they came from Beth-El. And there was still a dirt road Ephrath because Rachel gave birth.
17 and she had hard . But over the birth of the birth was so difficult, the midwife said unto her, Fear not, for this son will you have it.
a 8 Since you went out but the soul that she had to die, she called his name Ben-Oni, but his father called him Ben-Jamin '
(Genesis 35:16-18 .) Benjamin and his eleven brothers are the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel
"23 The sons of Leah are: Ruben , the firstborn son of Jacob , Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and ; 24 the sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin ; 25 the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid: Dan and Naphtali ; 26 the sons of Zilpah, Leah's handmaid: Gad and Asser . These are the sons of Jacob who were born to him in Mesopotamia. "
(Genesis 35:23-26) The focus of the rest of the book of Genesis is shifting now to one of its sons of Jacob, that his favorite Joseph, who is from his favorite wife Rachel.
ALTER Vadda!
We also learn that Isaac, Jacob and Esau's father still lives. Although he had been lying at least 14 years before dying! This was indeed the reason for the stolen firstborn blessing and Jacob's Flight.
"27 And Jacob came to Isaac his father to Mamre gene Kiryat-Arba, which is called Hebron, is Abraham and Isaac were strangers. 28 And Isaac was one hundred and eighty years old "
What we learn through the whole story about ? God
The church reformer John Calvin was of the view
that God has already decided whether you get into heaven or cave -. before it is even born when one is chosen, you will go to heaven and if not , then not. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
If one is not one of those lucky people that God has for the Heaven has been chosen, one can not be saved by faith in Jesus (which Luther preached), not even by a right faith and good deeds (like the Catholic Church this claim). That does not necessarily
for a God that can be called in any sense of the word as "fair". However, Calvin's theory proved by many Bible stories, especially the story about Jacob and Esau.
Even before the birth of the twins God had decided that Jacob Esau will be inferior. This he announced in a clear yes. Esau never had a chance to be loved by God.
"2 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? " Is not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob 3 and hate Esau and had laid his mountains and heritage to the jackals of the wilderness " (Malachi 1:2 -. 3) Now you might come to the objection that God is indeed all-knowing and therefore know the future. He knew even before the birth of a people, which will do this and if he goes to hell, it is his own debt. His own actions brought him condemnation and God knows, of course, always been how everything is. So it is absolutely fair that God knows when you were born, that you come to hell. However, it is
two major arguments.
First, if God knows the personal future of all people, they have no free will.
A free will would mean that one has in a situation X, the ability to act in a certain way or else. If God knows all the acts of our lives but before us, we can act only on just this way. Then there is no more decisions, we have no choice and therefore there is no "free will".
to decide who goes to hell is so arbitrary - if God is omniscient or not. Especially if he is omniscient.
Second, the Jacob / Esau story illustrates it very directly that God has chosen certain people, no matter how behave.
sum up the whole "sing together again: Esau hunts down and provides for his family and seeking thereby to fulfill the role of the firstborn. When he is exhausted from work once and probably still could not catch, he traded his inheritance for a mess of pottage. Admittedly, that was probably not very smart, but not Esau is on his limited mental capacity guilt: God has made him so. His own twin brother betrays him and his mother loves Jacob more than him.
And then dies even his beloved father, for which he has always done everything to please him. But instead of what it would be tradition, Esau gets in this hour is not the blessing of his father. Instead, he has learned that his brother has betrayed him again and his mother was involved. After all that Esau has yet big enough to forgive his brother. Jacob deceives his own
contrast, twin brother and his supposedly dying father. And when he meets God, he beat them. There should be no doubt who is the good guy in this story. But Esau was not simply chosen.
"23 And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two people shall be separated from thy bowels, and one people will think about the other, and the elder shall serve the younger "
(Genesis 25th : 23) The same pitch had Isaac's older brother, Ishmael, who was not well chosen and sent by his father Abraham, therefore, never to return to the desert (Genesis 21:14) Ishmael had, as Esau, nothing. . God hates him simply wrong - irrevocably, on principle
This theology is not only represented in the Old Testament. preaching in the New Testament as Paul this position quite clearly:
" 10 not only so it is with the words, but also when Rebecca by one man, our father Isaac, was pregnant: 11 before the children were born and had done neither good nor evil , that the purpose of God would be after the election,
12 , not of works, should be "THE ELDER: but from Him who, it was said to her "Position 13 as it is written: " serve the younger Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated " (Romans 9th: 10-13) The God of Calvin, and the God of Paul is definitely the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. no justice. A being that creates beings capable of suffering in order to hate them and throwing them into hell, where they will be tormented forever.
Evil God Evil! Off!
Part 1: "Sun, Moon and Stars" Part 2: "Once upon a time ..." Part 3: "The just punishment" Part 4: "Journey to the land of the South of the Earth" Part 5: The Return of the Giants' Part 6: "Fire Water" part 7: "OPFA!" >> Part 8: "Brother John"
Part 9: "The man and the woman"