FLAT MIXA (or: The eternal bishop)
Walter Mixa, the former Bishop of Augsburg, resigned a few weeks ago - after allegations that he had beaten and abused children and a lot of money embezzled
lied Everything, he said.
"A few Watschn," he said much later, as a very specific allegations became public, it was quite normal at the time.
That was 1990, still very close to the fifties ...
Mixa resigned, but not for long.
After a stay in a hospital, he returned to his official residence. Suddenly this was no longer meant as seriously with the resignation that he had been forced so practical. As has not worked, wrote Walter Mixa a letter yesterday to the faithful.
And since the public is ( diocese-augsburg.de ), I have the times, even if it is not addressed to me.
we look at this, which writes the man who, as we read the same may, will forever be a bishop. A representative of Christ on Earth. Emphases and comments (in brackets) from me.
"Letter from Bishop em. Mixa the faithful
request for reconciliation and forgiveness
Dr. Walter Mixa
Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg, 23 June 2010
ask for reconciliation and cohesion of the new believers in the Catholic Diocese of Augsburg Diocese of retired military and Bishop Walter Mixa
During the past few months is very much in the media about conditions in the diocese of Augsburg, about my person written and been told. In many ways, the reports in one direction or tendentious.
(Those damn Catholics hating liberal media have dared to write about massive charges and let him in this look too bad! Smear campaign!)
over these past reports, I want to talk now because they are largely known are. I'm doing with my present testimony not only to clarify, but about a reconciliation to ask and to invite all.
(Not just? But What is it for right? A rumor about alleged child abuse had been found to be untrue. But he has slapped children, he gave himself to - there are several credible witnesses for far more drastic beating.
This requires a trip - in the Bible. Because the can not miss in a review of a church that justifies its claim to power on this book.
"13 Do not let the boy off to chastise; because if you housed him with the rod, it will not kill him
14 you dwells with him. the tail, but you deliver his soul from death. "
(Proverbs 23:13-14)
" 15 Folly is the boy in the heart, but the rod of discipline will drive away from him."
(Proverbs 22:15)
"24 He who spares his rod who hates his son, who loves him but who chastises him soon ."
(Proverbs 13: 24)
"18 Correct thy son while there is hope, but do not let your soul be moved to kill him."
(Proverbs 19:18)
14 years I am very happy both in diocesan bishop of Eichstätt and Augsburg, and have been my episcopal service with great tolerance and love do. I also was connected to the military chaplaincy with our soldiers in the various situations are good and have tried to endorse their worries and concerns and also to give the necessary comfort.
(Considering that he was a military bishop, he moved into a part of his salary, about 55,000 € a year, Bavarian way of the taxpayers.)
As is generally known, I'm through the adverse Circumstances that have arisen because of the abuse cases in different boarding schools and homes, also come into the conversation. 20 years I had as pastor of Schrobenhausen shares responsibility for the local children and youth center.
In the many years of my service, I have always tried to follow the right path and have tried to meet the expectations of children, adolescents and adults. I will not conceal that I have not always succeeded in all these intentions in the right way. I have certainly also made many mistakes, although I did not want anyone hurt or damage it in any way.
(Is this the relentless clarification? I've made mistakes, but nobody wanted that bad. Well then ...)
But there is not some euphemism be pronounced (too late) but I pray not only for Sorry, but most of all forgiveness for all that I have not done right, and above all, to forgive all those people that I have not dealt with in the right way, I have not met their expectations and I have disappointed. This I am sorry with all my heart. A great consolation for me is that in the message of Jesus again and again speaking of the mercy that God gives us in the love of Jesus. What I mean: I am in many ways become guilty and ask all those I have disappointed once again not only understand but also forgiveness.
Because of the combining raging reports in the different way I saw led me in a very painful situation, very reluctantly to the Pope to offer my episcopal ministry to issue the so-called resignation to the office of diocesan bishop.
For me it is now a very great importance, mined that in our diocese mutual quarrels and mutual accusations are serious (Ie plain text. Why argue about little things about it grass?) and that we are all at a good agreement and peace in the communion of the church.
The Holy Father has written to me in his very loving letter that after my retirement from my Episcopate in Augsburg always bishop remains and that I, the spiritual services such as the celebration of the Eucharist, the administration of the sacraments, and the Confirmation should exercise, and in different ways and spiritually for many people as can be.
(Congratulations, dear Catholics. Den you will not get rid of.)
same time, I say to all our priests, deacons, full-time and volunteer staff for their good services, a sincere God bless!
is important for me now above all things that we all see through baptism and confirmation as a community within the Catholic Church that we stand for each other, but also pray for one another and with conviction, especially the Eucharist as a sign celebrate the unity. With this hope, I ask everyone in the diocese again for forgiveness for what I have not done right, and please while confidence in the provision of mutual reconciliation and mutual again. This is my very great desire and I hope and pray that this coming to us in time with the blessing of God, with the intercession of the Blessed Mother, may succeed, not least by the example of the saints.
(With the combined forces of God, his mother and the highly revered in the Catholic saints on our side - wait a minute, was there anything wrong with monotheism ..?)
very cordial reconciliation with - Blessings and prayers I am
+ Walter Mixa
am with surprise and amusement I
+ Mario
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