TEN COMMANDMENTS (or: Why is no one holds it)
Virtually all people, including Christians believe in the heading of "The Ten Commandments" of laws that God has presented to Moses on stone tablets. The most important rules that are the basis of the covenant with God. These commandments are actually there, but there are not the commandments that keep most people for the ten commandments.
Below we look at the only Ten Commandments, which are referred to as "ten" commandments (Exodus 34:28), were written on stone tablets and the foundation of the Federation are to God.
"5 the LORD came down in a Cloud came and with him there, and called out names of the Lord. "
(Exodus 34:5)
Why he calls out his own name? Who else should appear in a cloud? ..
"6 And the LORD passed by before him and said, Lord, Lord, God , merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth!
7 preserved because of the grace in thousands, and forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers to children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation. "
(Exodus 34:6-7)
What now? He is merciful and gracious and so unforgiving asshole that he is still your children, grandchildren and their children for ? your crimes punished
"8 Moses bowed hastily to the earth and worshiped
9 and said I have found Lord, favor in your eyes so the Lord go with us, for it is a halstarriges people that you were our iniquities and sin gracious and let us be your inheritance.
10 And he said, Behold, I will make a covenant before all your people and will do wonders like are not established in all lands and among all nations and all people, including you, should see the Lord work, to be as wonderful, what will I do with you.
11 holding what I command you today. See, I drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivite and Jebusites. "
(Exodus 34:8-11)
Now they are beginning the real Ten Commandments, of which I personally Incidentally, almost none follow. And you?
"12 Beware that you do not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the country, as you, go in that she may not be a snare among you;
13 but shalt thou destroy their altars, break their idols, and cut down their groves;
14 for thou shalt worship no other god For the LORD is a zealot;. a jealous God is he.
15 That you do not make a covenant with the inhabitants of the country, and sacrifice when they run after their gods, their gods, not load it up and you eat of his sacrifice,
16 and that you take your sons, your daughters (Exodus 34:12-16) to women, and then run after them to their gods and make your sons also to run after their gods. "
The first commandment is similar to the first commandment of the famous Ten Commandments, except that It still contains the call for criminal damage.
If lack of Jebusites and Canaanites there is God for Not certainly satisfied if you destroy a Hindu temple and eradicate a little rain forest.
Finally, God not only constantly jealous, so he is so ("zealots" - verse 14). A synonym for "bigot" is - according wictionary - "fanatics."
Here is a modern and clear translation of verse 14:
"14 You can prostrate yourself before any other god, for Yahweh is a jealous God and is called 'The Jealous' "
(Exodus 34:14 - New Evangelical Translation)
" 17 You shall not make molten gods ."
(Exodus 34:17)
What has God cast against gods? Does he really afraid of this competition? Apparently so, otherwise there would be such a bid is good. But no one cast
gods do what, in stark contrast to the God who is called "The Jealous".
"18 The Feast of Unleavened Bread shalt thou keep. Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, as I have commanded you, at the time of the month Abib;. For in the month Abib you came out of Egypt "
(Exodus 34:18)
God's priorities are a bit funny . The prohibition of murder did not make it on the tablets of Moses, but the unleavened with the bread already. is arguably more important.
" 19 is all that opens the womb, mine; what will be a male in your cattle, which breaks his mother, whether ox or sheep.
20 But the debut of the donkey you shall redeem with a sheep. Where you do not solve, he break his neck. All the firstborn of thy sons thou shalt solve. ! And that no one appeared before me empty "
(Exodus 34:19-20)
Christians try a bleat to a rule that they are not the victims have to comply with provisions of the Old Testament - on the grounds that Jesus the ultimate sacrifice was that all other animal sacrifice has made unnecessary
two things speak against it.. The old and the new Testament in the New Testament Jesus is that not a single word should be amended by Moses laws (at least not pass before heaven and earth). In the Book of Ezekiel
is reported in great detail about a vision of the Third Temple of Jerusalem. The first was destroyed by the Babylonians, the second by the Romans. However, that was until 70 AD, after the ultimate sacrifice and now is the third stamp in the book Ezekiel has not yet been built. In Chapter 43
God gives detailed instructions for animal sacrifices to carry out this year (after Jesus' death was built) temples.
But even if one agrees to sacrifice any more animals have to would be glad God intended it. The fragrance of a fire victim finds God that is "sweet" (Genesis 8:21) and he is a perfect being, he does not change, yes. So if your God sometimes want to give pleasure .... Let there be blood!
"21 Six days you shall labor, and on the seventh day you shall celebrate with plowing and harvesting."
(Exodus 34:21)
Very few people work six days, how are they.
people who work on Sundays are not considered in our society as a sinner and murdered (as in Exodus 31:15 is called by God Himself), but usually get paid better than other days.
Seriously, this must change!
"22 the feast of weeks shalt thou keep up with the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering when the year is up."
(Exodus 34:22)
Those damned godless sinners who do not observe the feast of weeks! How can!
corrupt, vicious creatures ...
"23 to three times a year all your males appear before the Lord, the LORD God of Israel.
24 would If I cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge your borders; no one will covet your land, which go up because you three times a year to appear before the LORD thy God. "
(Exodus 23:24)
you think an appropriate sarcastic saying. The commandments are of something absurd, what can one say about it ...
"25 You shall the blood of my sacrifice sacrifice not find leavened bread, and the sacrifice of Easter is not to remain overnight until morning. "
(Exodus 34:25)
"26 The first fruits of the fruit of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD thy God."
(Exodus 34:26 a)
" You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.
27 And the Lord said to Moses, write these words, for after these words I made with thee and with Israel a covenant "
(Exodus 26b-27)
The ten commandments ... . ... as timely and timeless foundation of our community would ... No way!
No sane person claim that such laws could make better human beings out of us and let us act morally.
(The only exception could be the tenth commandment be. But vegetarians are probably as great moral objections against cooking a kid in water, which means no violation of the commandment. Also following this commandment does not lead to better acting.)
adhere to Bid No. 1 (destruction of altars, idols and groves) can be punished. And who says that adhere to the seventh commandment, and three times a year to come before the God of Israel - It is time for your medication.
So, now I pour myself a God and I work on Sunday! I'm a ruthless outlaw.
Someone who simply disregarded without scruple the Feast of Unleavened Bread ...
complain to you but at your next appointment with the God of Israel!
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