Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nana Mouskouri Little Toys Trucks

MYTH OF JESUS (Part 3: Teaching / promises)

Jesus Christ: God, human, God-man or legendary figure?

had not found in [Part 1] we determine that a historical Jesus with scientific means, as there are no primary sources (writings from him or people who may have known him) made about him.

Trying to end the historical Jesus from his biography, to reconstruct the Gospels are in [Part 2] failed because the majority is his life story from miracles nor supernatural information - such as the hometown of Jesus, or the circumstances of his birth - historically doubtful. A census, go to the place where any of his ancestors must, there was probably as little as a city of Nazareth at the beginning of the 1st Century.
There remains the possibility of a historical Jesus to look through his teachings. Perhaps he was a kind of wise religious founder, who went around and gave moral lessons.
but first let's look at what Jesus has given us so ever taught in the Bible.


You just have to firmly believe in it, then you can do anything! The parents say, Teacher motivation and coaches like a mantra. Only the truth is different.
No sane person believes seriously in telekinesis, moving objects with the power of the mind. If I say that I could levitate a truck through my mind when I quite, quite firmly believe - would you take me for a crazy spinner and hold the course, absolutely right.
How about something bigger?

"18 And Jesus rebuked him, and drove the heck out of him and the boy was healed that same hour
. And there came to him the disciples and said, Why could we not cast him

20 Jesus answered and said unto them, "To your unbelief. For verily I say unto you If ye have faith as a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed there from here! he will stand out, and you will not be impossible. "

(Matthew 17:18-20)

So I've heard of anyone that he could lift mountains. So no one has" faith like a mustard seed? "Whatever that may mean ... In another
Jesus used the mustard seed body as a metaphor for God's Kingdom because it was the smallest of all seeds. Funny, that Christ did not know that is not true, but when he was said to be the Creator of all things. And as for giving us all-knowing God is well aware lied when he said, nothing will be impossible for us. Until
I have no credible evidence that anyone can move a mountain in the world by faith, I do not believe it. No matter whether I tell Toyota commercials or religious texts from antiquity otherwise.
I am holding a godless heathen who wants strangely, some sort of evidence, at least an indication to have before he believes that anyone magical superhero powers developed, he believes it firmly. It sounds to me more like a Disney movie as something that is called "reality".

not like to hear the Christians determined. But for which there would be a very easy way to change my mind and making me a Jesus freak. Me would not even meet in person.
Just pray for it and everything you want done, says Jesus.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 what you ask in my name, I will do it. "

(John 14:13-14)

" 23
Verily I say unto you, whoever says to this mountain, Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea! . And shall not doubt in his heart, but thought it would happen, he says, it's going to happen to him what he says
24 Therefore I say unto you, Everything you ask when you pray, believe that ye shall receive it, so it will be yours. "

(Mark 11:23-24)

"15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature believe

16 Who's there and. . is baptized shall be saved: he that believeth not, shall be damned
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe there are that: in my name they cast out devils, speak with new tongues
18 shall take up serpents;. and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them, the sick, they shall lay hands, it will be better with them. "

(Mark 16:15-18)

" 7 If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what you want, and it will happen. "

(John 15:7)

Let's leave the magical fairy land of the Bible and look into the real world: How can Christians claim for so many centuries, yet the Bible is divine" truth "is simple? not true that believers get everything they want when they pray. Unless they want "nothing".
But maybe they have not the true faith (read: hell). But the latest, if all mankind for all eternity roasting in hell, because no one can move mountains and do things can bring magic - then Christians have problems to explain plausible that their God is just and loves us.


quite so easily, it is not, unfortunately. It is not enough to believe in Jesus and to accept him as his personal Savior. He must also eat.

"22 And as they ate, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them, saying Take, eat: this is my body.
23 And he took the cup, gave thanks and gave it to them, and they all drank from it.
24 And he said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.
25 Verily I say unto you, that I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God. "

(Mark 14:22-25)

There is wine in the sky, interesting ... If you still believe that the kingdom of God is also sober exciting enough, but why should Jesus be swayed by his death from drinking?

"53 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you
54th Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.

55 For my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink.
56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. has

57 sent me As the living Father and I live by the Father, so whoever eats me will live even for my sake. "

(John 6:53-57)

The so-called "Eucharist" is a system modeled on the Last Supper ritual of Christian churches, although the Protestants and Catholics disagree on the exact course. Therefore, it is also currently no Ecumenical Communion of both denominations - the Jesus of the two churches were divided about how to perform this ritual cannibalism at best.
are unanimous in most Christian churches, however, that the bread actually the body of Jesus is not just symbolic. Adults seriously believe that they drink the blood of Christ and not just wine. Maybe they do not notice the difference because her brain was also previously been obscured.

How this absurd ritual, however, will mean that someone is a better person, I do not want to be clear throughout. Also not sprinkle with water, which removes your sins, baptism mentioned.


The earliest biography of Jesus, the Gospel of Mark begins with the story of John the Baptist. This figure appears in all the Gospels, was probably a historical figure. At the beginning of the first century there were many such occupied Taufbewegungen among Roman Jews.
What was new in Jesus' baptism? The New Testament puts it John the Baptist himself in the mouth:

"6 John was clothed with camel's hair with a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild Honey;
7 and he preached, saying, There cometh one after me is mightier than I, I am not worthy that I was to stoop down and untie the straps of his shoes .
8 I baptize you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit. "

(Mark 1:6-8)

If Jesus was not God, would be nothing better than his baptism by John.
baptized is to be absolutely necessary, according to church to get to heaven, as a moral message it is anyway useless. What then is the moral message of Christianity?


The most important message of Christianity that God sacrificed his son for love - for our sins. Is this really a good news?
Someone else has to die because of your crimes, someone who himself is entirely innocent and loves you?
And then you have the choice to accept the sacrifice or even to be punished. If you accept the sacrifice you have to live your life from now on according to very specific rules.

is yes but not Jesus really died, at least according to Christian doctrine. He is physically and then rose again in ascended to heaven and will return to the Apocalypse to the monster 666, to defeat the Antichrist and take all believers to heaven.
Perhaps this is to me, but I think the victim to die for someone who is somehow greater when one is really dead then and is no more powerful and in the sky, come and reacts with the old Vadder the universe.

example, would not this story in the Bible, but in texts of other religions. Would we still claim it was a positive message?
Imagine a scene with the great god Zeus and the unbelieving Mario ago:

(It knock at the door, Zeus is here)
MARIO: Hello!
ZEUS: I am the great Zeus!
MARIO: Hello, Zeus.
ZEUS: I have an important message for you.
MARIO: I'm really not that much time ...
ZEUS: It is very important.
MARIO: Well guuuut. What is it? I do not buy anything.
ZEUS: You are a sinner!
ZEUS: The penalty for this is terrible, painful torment in hell!
MARIO: real? Shit! Since when is that?
ZEUS: Since now.
MARIO: Why? What have I done so bad?
ZEUS: You are a sinner!
MARIO: From out of me. But what exactly? ..
MARIO: There is still determined more sinner than me!
ZEUS: But wait! Come all to hell! Forever!
MARIO: Forever! And how long do I have?
ZEUS: Forever!
MARIO: But - That's unfair!
ZEUS: That's totally fair. Since I am a just God and I've been decided, must be just so.
MARIO: Logical ...
ZEUS: But here's the good news ...
ZEUS: ... someone else was already punished for your transgressions.
MARIO: for my sins?
ZEUS: Yes. I have murdered my son.
(awkward silence)
MARIO: Whaaat?
ZEUS: Because I love you so.
MARIO: I got you never asked anyone to kill!
ZEUS: Oh, what you already know of the divine love? For your sins my son is dead!
MARIO: He died for love of me? That's nice ... So completely gratuitous.
ZEUS: Well ...
MARIO: What?
ZEUS: You just have to believe it and live your life according to its laws.
MARIO: Oh ... And how do I know?
ZEUS: What?
MARIO: That I'm keeping all the laws that made your son? Before he died, the poor ...
ZEUS: Do not worry, the'm fine. He is in my Olympus.
MARIO: So he's not dead?
ZEUS: Oh, yes. For your sins. I'm told!
ZEUS: gods die from not making much. You can say cats have nine lives ...
ZEUS (proudly): Let's say this: We definitely have more life gods. This much is certain.
MARIO: What then?
ZEUS: /)/§)$$)§'( mumbles unintelligible)
MARIO: What?
ZEUS: Ten.
MARIO: Aha ... And what laws I must now meet again?
ZEUS: Read my writings!
MARIO: I've seen a look. But somehow gives the little sense. There are four versions, contradict all the time.
ZEUS: You can not take all this literally. You have to read between the lines ... historical context ... Problems in the translation ... Exegesis ...
MARIO: But why do not you write simply and understandably to?
ZEUS: I am a busy God.
MARIO: Really? It is 12 clock and you reek of cheap wine ... But why did you not then plain spoken? I thought you were omniscient? So you have to have foreseen that the pass must be so misunderstandings ...
ZEUS: So, I got to go, because I suddenly had a great hurry. I bet that's the best day of your life! Spread the good news!

If the concept sounds strange even in a God, it would be absurd in a man. If Jesus was not God but a religious teacher, he would certainly not have the authority to assume the guilt of anyone. If he takes the sins of the believers to be, which means ultimately that experienced the victims of these sins no redress.
who preaches anything other than accepting responsibility for his own actions, that is definitely me as a moral model suspect. What Jesus taught otherwise or so?


The biblical Jesus preached that the end the world, the apocalypse would soon take place. The following will happen, according to Jesus:

"29 Immediately after the tribulation the same time the sun and moon the appearance lose , and stars will fall from the sky , and the powers of heaven shall be shaken. "

(Matthew 24:29)

The stars will fall to the ground. Jesus! And then I thought, if a single star would fall on the ground that it would give the Earth will probably no longer. I also thought that The moon would not appear by itself. Fortunately, the Bible teaches me a lesson.

"30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in the sky. cry and then shall all the tribes of the earth and be seen coming of the Son of Man will appear in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. "

(Matthew 24:30)

All peoples on earth will see Jesus. Fortunately, the earth is flat, otherwise this would not do.
But now we come to the really interesting Message of Jesus. The whole is to happen in the lifetime of some of his followers.

"34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away till all these things
35 heaven and earth. pass away, but my words shall not pass away. "

(Matthew 24:34-35 and Mark 13:30-31)

"27 Because it will happen, that Son of Man coming in glory his Father with his angels, and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
28 Verily I say unto you There are some standing here who shall not taste death , till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom "

(Matthew. 16:27-28)

"22 And be ye must hated by all men for my name's sake. But anyone who persists to the end shall be saved.
23 but if they return to a City pursue, flee to another. Verily I say unto you: Ye shall the cities of Israel will not end until Son of man cometh. "

(Matthew 10:22-23)

" 1 And he said unto them, Verily I say : There are some standing here who shall not death to taste until they see the kingdom of God come with his power. "

(Mark 9:1)

See also Luke 9:27, John 21:22

If the Bible is an infallible divine truth is that is, these people still live - in the stately age of about 2000 years ago - more than twice as long as Methuselah, the most ancient man in the Bible, who lived less than a thousand years. Loser!
Or else, all this talk of end times 2000 years ago is nonsense and there is no good reason to believe in an imminent apocalypse, as it vorraussagt Jesus in the Gospels. The Bible says this of the 900 years of people, giants, unicorns and talking donkeys. This can believe it or not. You decide. (Unless your religion to do it for you.)

The longer existed, the Church, the more they tried to sweep the issue under the carpet, that Jesus the approaching apocalypse has preached and stressed how he wanted a church founded in his name. But it is very little in the Gospels. The apocalyptic element is much more important.

you understand the biblical Jesus Christ as the end-time prophets, some very strange statements about Jesus, eg family to understand.


If you ask most Christians that Jesus taught to love my family to his or hate it, most would probably "love" spontaneously say. What Jesus says in the Bible?

"25 He was however much people with him, and he turned and said to them:
26 If anyone comes to me and hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, even his own life not be my disciple. "

(Luke 14:25-26)

"29 He said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no one who leaving a house or parents or brothers or wife or children for the kingdom of God ,
30 who does not receive wide again this time , and in the world to eternal life .

(Luke 18:29-30)

'37 who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he son or daughter loves more than me is not worthy. "

(Matthew 10:37)

"21 And another spoke of his disciples to him, Lord, permit me to go and bury my father
22 But Jesus said. to him, Follow me and let the dead bury their dead! " was

(Matthew 8:21-22)

Apokalyptischen faith it long before and long after Jesus, even today.
in common is that end-timers, whether Christians, Muslims or people who believe in aliens, bring them to their home planet - all expect a better life and therefore despise the earthly world. If it could go under at any moment the world, it really does not matter whether we bury our parents. Nevertheless, I remain unclear why Jesus says we are to hate even our own lives - and to simultaneously love our neighbor as ourselves!

The power of the early Christian movement was its message of coming change, when you'd rather not be on the wrong side. In addition to the Gospels in which Jesus tells of the apocalypse, apocalyptic texts were among the most important works of the early Christians. The Revelation of John has made it into the current form of the Bible, not quite as happy End.
It says about the end of the world: "The time is near!" (Revelation 22:10)
But about 2,000 years later is still not a single star to the earth like.

A LITTLE SWORD, what I wish

The Apocalyptic Jesus did not believe the one to which most Christians today. You think of Jesus to a peacemaker. Some characters of the Bible have not have believed. But Jesus makes it clear that

"34 You shall not imagine that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace but a sword.."

(Matthew 10:34)

I do not know about you, but i would rather have peace than the sword.

" 35 For I am come to set a man against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter against her mother.
36 And a man's enemies will be his his own household. "

(Matthew 10:35-36)

Whom you can not do anything with swords, Jesus also dissension on sale:

"51 ye think that I am come to send peace on earth: I say no, but rather division
52 disagree because, five in one house from now on. , three against two and two against three
It will be the father against son and son against father. against the mother and the mother against daughter and daughter against mother the daughter-in-law and daughter against mother. "

(Luke 12:51-53)

THOUGHT CRIME While Jesus did not come

in his own words, is to bring peace, because at least he brings justice?
Schon das alte Gesetz Gottes, bei den Christen nun als altes Testament in ihrer heiligen Schrift, soll angeblich gerecht sein. Believers often quoted to prove the point "eye for eye, tooth for a tooth ...", order that any punishment in the Biblical legal system, the offense is appropriate: If you look but to the entire law of God, because you can hardly justice . talk If

today as a shopkeeper opens on Sunday despite the ban, he will most likely have to pay a fine. Someone who commits a murder, however, must for a long time to prison. The penalties vary drastically, because the crimes are similar. Other things are not forbidden in our society, such as freedom of expression.
be stoned to death by God's law must be if you work on Sundays (even if it only collects firewood - Numbers 15:32-35) In the 4th Book of Moses, God kills a group of people because they complain of having nothing to eat. Murderers must die as well:

"20 Pity pity, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, as he has injured a man, one should do it again
21 . So that he who kills a beast that will repay it. but who kills a man who has to die "

(Leviticus 24:20-21)

As you can only talk about justice, since for almost one? any violation of God's law, the death penalty, gets the whole thing that much more of a tyrant's rule of the Lord than a fair judicial system. unless one considers Sunday to collect firewood is just as bad as murder and therefore punishable by the same penalty.
death must also adulterers (Leviticus 20:10), rapists and women who were raped in the city - because they did not scream (Exodus 22:23,24), sorceresses (Exodus 22:17), homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13), people who worship a different God any (Deuteronomy 17:2-5), people who insult their parents (Exodus 21:17) and women who worked for the marriage no longer virgins (Deuteronomy 22:20-21). And of course Israel's enemies, often with women and children.
The death was it the most - but God curse your seed or your country, which he does sometimes. But after the death of the Old Testament God is a no longer do.

Jesus changed that and increased the maximum penalty of death to eternal torments of hell, and exacerbated some laws of the Old Testament.

"21 You have heard that it was said by them of old: "Thou shalt not kill, whoever kills you want the court to be guilty."
22 But I say unto you, with angry with his brother, who is guilty of the Court but whosoever shall say to his brother, Racha! is guilty of the Council; who says, 'You fool! is the danger of hell fire. "

(Matthew 5:21-22)

Is this justice? Someone who calls his brother a fool is rewarded with the same penalty as a mass murderer, that is hell? Unless they believe in Jesus, of their sins for them does. Then eventually the mass murderer goes to heaven and the offender forever in hell.
Since when is it in fact to be fair, someone for a single offense for all ages to punish?

You have not done something wrong has to be tormented forever. It goes the wrong idea.

"27 You have heard that it was said by them of old:" Thou shalt not commit adultery "

28 I say to you. Who looks at a woman to lust after her hath already she committed adultery in his heart. "

(Matthew 5:27-28)

Is not that perverse? Not even the thoughts of Christians are free. But eventually can escape the hell before it's too late, in . which one is the amputated body parts, at least in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus recommends:

your right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. It is better for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not the whole body be cast into hell.

30 offend thee thy right hand, so haue it off and throw it away. It is better for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not the whole body be cast into hell. "

(Matthew 5:29-30)

Our omnipotent and omniscient Creator has endowed us with a sex drive that is (which is good because it would otherwise none of us there) and then decides that, even if this drive does not live it, just think about it, the only thing more self-mutilation - the destruction of God intelligently designed body


To the biblical morality on its validity, but we imagine a world before time, do all the opposite of what Jesus says in the Bible. Let's play devil's advocate and sometimes turn to the teachings of Christ easy. It looks like the anti-Christian morality:

- Everyone is responsible for what he does. No one can take your fault, no matter how hard you believe.
- If you really want something, you need to do something. Praying does not work.
- rituals such as baptism can not wash away sins, that absolve people of guilt.
- Be nice to your parents. That is your true family. Not a bunch of crackpots, the wait for the end of the world. If your parents have raised you, they have done a lot for you. Also does something for them, unleash your dead father, not even buried.
- If someone promises you something, especially when you everything he promises, what you will, as Jesus believed, then it is not without evidence, or at least a plausible reason.
- you are responsible for what you do, but not for your thoughts. A crime that only happens in the head to be punished with eternal torment, as it says in the Bible, is barbaric and unjust.
- When someone asks you to hate your life ignore the asshole.


Of course there are also good in the New Testament. Some of the lessons described in the Gospels Jesus are not revolutionary, as some Christians, but still good. But we read all the gospels, you realize that these are very much less than we want to make church and believers looking.

example, the episode in which Jesus avoids stoning by asking those people to cast the first stone, which are free from sin. This passage, and Jesus supposedly saying at his crucifixion: "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", but were not in the original manuscripts of the Gospels. Research has shown that these bodies were only added later and the first versions of the Gospels (between 70-110 AD). were not included.

This is a bit more plausible, why Jesus elsewhere in the Gospels no problem with stoning. He even calls sometimes and insulted people, do not stone the to rule.

The most radical innovation in comparison with the old Testament is Jesus' call to love our enemies. Namely, while the Old Testament quite clearly takes the position that one should hate his enemies and God will help you to kill them. (Of course, only if you fear God.)
Now, should we even love his enemies, Jesus says at least two of the four Gospels, but not in the earliest gospel (Mark) and oldest (John).
Unfortunately I did not "enemies", I can love. Aw, bad luck. But what is not ...

Jesus says if you get a slap, should we not fight back, but also hold out the other cheek. First sounds pretty smart. But as a practical tip is good life is not likely. Would your children if you have any! Educate, so? Of course you should not teach his child: ". Look here, if the skin Lasse you, then polished him properly once the face, the little asshole." But a child who is known to not defend themselves, if attacked, but the club still holds out proudly the other cheek - such children were infected in the School in garbage cans and toilets.

If it really was a Jesus who has given this advice, it is still pretty doubtful if anyone was stupid enough to try out the times really. Jesus himself often keeps the mind and not fleeing attackers, instead of dealing with them (eg John 8:59).

is admirable, the use of arms. Jesus advises rich people to sell all their possessions and give to the poor (Matthew chapter 19, Luke 18, Mark 10). A good lesson to keep just unfortunately very few Christians. I know of at least none.


that Jesus himself does not always live up to its own rules, makes it not necessarily credible. In John's Gospel, he is anointed with expensive oils. One of his disciples asked him whether we should sell the oil rather not give the money and arms - as Jesus teaches again and again. The author tries to not so bad argument to refute the fact that it is attributed to Judas, who wants to steal the money. Jesus says, give him arms, it always is not.

"3 Mary took a pound of ointment of unadulterated, precious nard, anointed Jesus' feet and dried his feet with her hair, and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment.

4 As one of his disciples, Judas son of Simon Iscariot, who betrayed him afterwards:
Why is not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and the poor given
6 He said not that he cared for the poor;? but he was a thief and had the bag, and bare what was put
. 7 Jesus said: Leave her alone! Such, it has retained the day of my burial.
8 For ye have the poor always with you: but me ye have not always. "

(John 12:3-8)

Jesus is indeed presented in the Gospels as a poor man, but this is not a problem. Does he even one or two donkeys, he sends his disciples going on, what" rent ", which was OK, she needs God.

" 1 Now when they came close to Jerusalem, towards the Bethphage to the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples
2 and said unto them, Go ye into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and her colt with her; Untie them and bring them ! me
3 And so you tell someone something, say, The Lord needs them, when he will send them "

(Matthew 21:1-3)

At that time as a donkey is a necessary means of mass transport. Where were you before Jesus were alive today. Then he would "borrow" probably two cars.
The Bible says otherwise not assume that the "borrowed" donkeys were brought back to their rightful owners.

preaches Jesus And while that you have to go to hell when his brother a "fool" is the name (Matthew 5:22), Jesus says in the same Gospel:

"15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites umziehet their land and water that you make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, makes her out to him a child of hell twofold more than you are ! ;
16 Woe to you, blind guides, who say: "Whoever swears by the temple, that's nothing, but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obligated."
17 You fools and blind! "

(Matthew 23:15-17)


For the life of the Buddha Many legends. Nevertheless, there is much that he was a historical person. If this is not so, this does not alter his message. For containing the call, nothing to think just like that, but check the teachings of the Buddha by his own experience. He did not claim that he radiates a divine message and that is why his teachings are just as valid if they are not from a historical Buddha.
The message in the Buddha's teachings is not that a god does your sins for you. It is that enlightenment through self-knowledge and personal experience of each of us can be achieved without divine intervention.

Quite different is the case with Jesus Christ. The whole validity of the message depends on the messenger. Christ can only divine authority the sins of other people off. If Jesus was just a man but without connection to the supernatural, it would be according to the Christian understanding of a false prophet.
For unbelievers it is fit for a closer look, hardly a model for equitable, wise behavior. If there was such a man, he was a cult leader of the ordinary variety.

He promised a paradise where who leave their family and follow him and give her entire fortune to the poor. The latter in itself is probably a good thing, but means of course that it was for the now middle-less disciples almost impossible to leave the movement. Then there was the threat that all in the imminent apocalypse are not on his side, must suffer the torments of hell for all eternity. According to Christian teaching, it is impossible to escape through good deeds or learning from their own failures of hell, if you are not the right religion belongs. Either you're
on the side of Jesus or of the terrorists.

"30 who is not with me is against me " (quote from Jesus in Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23)


In our search for the true nature of Jesus Christ, we initially considered four possibilities. He was,

A) God
B) human
C) Both
D) None of the above options

A) we can ausschließen.Wenn Christ is only God, but never as a supernatural being of flesh and blood on his sandals Earth has set falls apart the whole Christian message. Without the virgin birth, crucifixion and resurrection is the teaching that one can only be saved if you just think this makes no sense.

B) is possible, but unlikely. Was there a historical Jesus, who had little in common with the biblical Christ. As it made the alleged Life of Jesus is no record of him, it could however be just as good, that Christianity began as a Jewish apocalyptic sect, whose leaders have already referred to Christ. Perhaps the figure of Jesus and a collection of teachings of various individuals. Similar doctrines as that of the biblical Christ is in Judaism before (more on that later in this series).

Was it the historical Christ, he can not be easily reconstructed from the Bible. He would be lost in the mists of history and that would be a good thing.

C) Although no facts to speak for a historical Jesus, Christians must hold on to this option. The divine Jesus is a matter of faith. Yet he continues to advance a Jesus of flesh and blood, a physical entity which have left traces in our world.
Sure, you can not prove the nonexistence of a historical Jesus, just as the non-existence of goblins, or anything else in the universe. But given the lack of scientific evidence which one would expect the existence of a historical Jesus is a blind faith.
And when it comes to history, we have to approach us to better methods of reality as something very improbable to believe, until the contrary is proved.
The way of science is the opposite. Until you with something plausible show proof that may be, it is not true. If you claim something that is not supported by proof or evidence, you have to find this level and should not be surprised that it is not taken seriously before.

D) A governing principle of modern science is "Ockams razor" . After William of Ockham are in every scientific study those theories to be preferred, the other facts put the least advance. In the explanation of the origin of life on earth is a theory which states that life evolved on Earth, better than one that says that aliens came to earth and there have created life. For the second theory is already advance that there are aliens, a total unbelegbare statement.
we contact but at times the razor in Jesus. The possibility that supernatural elements were in the game means that such a thing as existing envisaged. The theory of Jesus as the natural man is preferable to Occhams principle, but still not ideal because it requires the unproven assumption of a historical person.

Neither Jesus as God, man or God-man are needed to explain the Christian religion. The origin of the main ideas, teachings and events of the New Testament, let alone by a development of existing evidence of earlier mythology plausible explanation.
This is the contents of the next part of our "Jesus Myth" series.

Except, of course, the world goes down before. But I would not bet on it.



[Part 1: The Invisible Man]
[Part 2: Life as God in Galilee]
>> [Part 3: Administration / promises]
[Part 4: On the Shoulders of Giants]
[Part 5: Deconstruction]


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