Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Can A Waterpik Replace Flossing

sprint at Fliesstext10

contributions until 10 Your proposal and valuable prizes

of Dorle Kopetzky from Pfaffenhofen on myheimat sprint at Fliesstext10

The respective 10 best entries in each category will be selected by a jury and during the final events in the participating cities, Eichstätt, Ingolstadt, Neuburg, Pfaffenhofen Vohburg of 10 to 24 October 2010 before an audience present. The three best entries will receive valuable cash and prizes including the sponsor Expert market. Prizes worth € 7000 are awarded.
Until 10 August can anyone - man, woman and child - told Upload and true stories from the region 10 (including the districts of Eichstätt, Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, production facilities and the independent city of Ingolstadt) on the website and so the competition for the best photos, best video, best sound - call, text and review the best children's contribution. And who is interested now, the look on the pictured on the website map of the Region 10: This is full of large and small colored dots that show the selected papers - like those of Arnold circulation - and also show which city or any county Most storytellers houses (see photo below). And Steffen Kopetzky, the artistic director of the festival, says: "place on the map is still there, there's stories still determined to win lots of prizes and only those who participated. We look forward to more contributions to the final sprint. "



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