Sunday, October 31, 2010

Average Breast Size Countries

flow text 10 BIT FLOW by Julius Popp opening

http://www.lettermane via . de opening by Steffen Kopetzky Rathausflez in Neuburg / Do

From bit Flow Neuburg

From bit Flow Neuburg

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Free Unlock Alcatel Crystal

Fliesstext10 bit Flow Julius Popp Neuburg

Bit.flow Finally, the third installation by Julius Popp in his Fliesstext10 -is defeated retrospective shows, provides a visual and conceptual associations with the ancient myth of the Minotaur, in which the supposed chaos (the labyrinth seemed to the Athenians as a confusing jumble of intertwined paths) through the unique procedure. Dozens of small pieces of the "red thread" results for a chaotic swarm of BIT.FLOW Particles or bits
the smallest elements of information. These add up unexpectedly at some point again to the order of the Ariadne thread and give the way for the visibility. The characters produced by BIT.FLOW move the hose from start to finish in a certain order. But we use this information only at certain times, from certain perspectives recognize and perceive as a letter - an interaction: Order in chaos - chaos in order. The opening of Bit.Flow, Julius Popp's study on changes in values and visibility of the information contained was held on 23 October instead of 17 clock in Neuburg.
The installation is up to the November 7 at the City Gallery Rathausfletz to see.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Zoophilia Movies Online For Free

flow text 10 Jana-Maria Habl INTV Part 2

broadcast INTV Studio Pfaffenhofen on 10/21/2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Christman Greetings Text Proposals

flow text 10 My Home INTV dated 20-10-2010

home story of Heinz Hollenberg of Kids finalist Jana-Maria Habl flow text 10 in the labyrinth gallery Hable, Jana-Maria, Jonathan, Manfred, Heike Habl.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Figurines Makers Marks

flow text 10 Bayerischer Dreier Neuburg

Bayerischer three
Except for the Bavarian state parliament - are spoken in the High German must - Bavarian is the natural spoken language in the state. At folk festivals, weekly markets, government agencies and of course to the numerous readings by poets Bavarian dialect is omnipresent. But even beyond the home sealing the Bavarian language has always fascinated and high-minded minds like Andrew Schmeller, who went into Scheyern and Ingolstadt to school before he played with his four-volume dictionary (completed 1836) and his 1821 published "The dialects of Bavaria represented grammatically" not only the Bavarian itself opened up, but even the founder of scientific research dialect was simply. Through its
Love of Bavarian, its characteristics and discuss the attraction of the Bavarian art of language in Neuburg on 18 October 20 clock with Michael Schmatloch, chief editor of the Danube Courier and born in Oberhausen, three Bavarian original in our days:, Gerhard Meier, the German translator of Orhan Pamuk, born in Landshut, lives near Bordeaux provided, however, that in spoken of his family not French, nor German, but Bavarian. The brilliant linguist Prof. Anthony Rowley, since his student days in Bavaria living Briton, who is considered the greatest authority of the Bavarian and Monaco Fränzn, influential artist of the Munich Hip-Hop Formation double-D and the living proof that the
Boheme in Munich is very much alive still - and speaks Bavarian. Monday, October 18, 2010, Bavarian Dreier (Meier, Rowley, Monaco Fränzn), Chair Michael
Schmatloch, theater, Ottheinrichplatz 67 86 633 Neuburg.

From Bayerischer three

ARTICLE Donaukurier from 20/10/2010

SÜDDEUTSCHE It's about the very survival

How To Make Buddy's Fondant

continuous text 10 text finale Neuburg

of fathers and Catholics

Neuburg (ahl) Some are a little creepy, most of them (auto) biographical, in a word's is philosophically, another evokes her own childhood memories. From 80 texts submitted for the festival "Fliesstext10" the jury of Cultural Affairs director Dieter Distl, notary Udo passing star, Oberstudienrätin Cornelia Golling and festival director Stefan Kopetz has ten stories selected for the final. makes

Rita Brunner Aresing with "The Firebird" the race
(from )
The Firebird
"Jetz is the aa do!" With a tone of satisfaction my father used to say this, if he had completed a difficult task or just finished his day's work. My father was a farmer, developer, musician, philosopher and anarchist.
Not very big, a bit stocky and the hair like an old rocker: front and rear bald lack of interest in regular visits to the hairdresser getting a little too long. With gleaming, inquisitive eyes and often a mischievous grin. dispose
His way of things he no longer needed was a little unorthodox. Old chairs, rolls of wallpaper or even car tires were quickly burned. "Des is so only in d'air!"
When he established with his early 60s once a residence and my mother every object which differ from the old house had said goodbye with sadness, said he beaming like a little child: "In celebration derf heid all Tog net outgoing!" The fact that he was in such a contact with the larger action Police had very big in the newspaper came out and had to pay a fine in us unknown, but probably a considerable height, is still a taboo subject that is beyond any family celebration.

one morning - I was about 10 years old - I was sitting at the breakfast table. The bark had just brewed bread soaked with Caro, the radio was on folk music. Since my father asked me what instrument I have to learn because may. I listened to the song on the radio and said that this instrument would be quite as beautiful. So I started studying harp at my father, who himself had never played a note zither. He bought a guitar school and off we went. When he came up
evening after field or barn, with its heavy tread the basement stairs, crept up on me regularly conscience. Host scho g'übt? "Was his stereotyped question.
At twelve I could do fairly well on harp and violin music. Because he thought it would get to the time for me, a wind instrument. In his brass band just missed clarinets. Ado, he showed me on his clarinet chromatic scale from the lowest to the highest possible sound and prescribed me three days practicing. With the words, so I could now play all the notes, he then gave me a booklet Landler and the march of the brass band with a reference book, next Thursday is sample. So I practiced so the Bavarian Defiliermarsch, "Prussia's Glory" and other essential pieces of the brass band literature, and drew from now on with him and the rest of the chapel for some years to folk festivals, and concerts each state flags and orders from spring to autumn.
Around this time he started himself in the grand old age of mid 30s to learn bass, because in our string music group, which now also my younger sister with their prescribed dulcimer was a member, was missing a bass. In the weeks before Christmas we moved now every year going on with the Stubnmusi the tireless Bethlehem rally, Father had the leatherette passenger seat of our orange 200 diesel completely folded back, where the bass was packed with unusual tenderness in the trunk of dulcimer and zither, and in the back seat next to the bass neck my sister and me. "Spuit gscheit and makes us koa shame!" We were approved each time by the mother under the door.
Again a few years later - the circle of our musical friends and acquaintances has been steadily growing - were musicians or should I say now: music festivals? on the family farm a tradition.
father killed a pig, which came at noon on one of its own design and welded grill. It was powered by a bulldog engine. Afternoon, while mother inside the fog of cooking lard produced fair amounts of pasta in restaurants, was outside in the courtyard of the suckling pig so far as to pulling it off with a pipe wrench and crisp crackling skin pieces. Delicious!
evening then came the guests: musicians and musicians, chamber orchestras, brass bands, folk groups, there were no reservations, but much appetite, and music and much laughter.
laugh could not even my father, when terms such as "District Office" or "IRS" were mentioned. Even for politicians of all stripes, he had only a single, damning hand: "Nothing but sheep!"
On a cold and sunny September morning, shortly after the hop harvest, he set out with two trailers, fully-loaded with huge hop sacks on the way to Pfaffenhofen. It happened as it had: the inflection after the Müllerbräu in the curve for Gritsch street tipped the complete charge to all hop sacks. To date, no one holds of us seriously as a coincidence that this accident happened just just before the entrance of the former tax office. True respect
father had just before few people: Benny Goodman, Anna Netrebko and its tax advisors.
amazement as a small child or a philosopher, he came from his trips he made in his later years, usually with a Raiffeisen bank group back. The pyramids of Giza or the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome: "Saxndine, the hom de domois ois scho macha kenna" His astonishment was even long after the journeys never end.
concert and opera visits impressed him too hard. Clearly, he said after the orchestral sound in "pointed" horns and "batzige" strings.

"An Firebird by Stravinsky, the i really want to horn moi," he said to me often. The calendar of events I was proud of the Munich Philharmonic a performance date in October 2005.
died in a rainy night in May 2005 Father suddenly and peacefully. The next morning the sun was shining.
"Jetz is the aa do" we could put in his obituary.

Rita Brunner

The story of Rosemarie Schowalter-Frey, that is with "The Others" in second place

As a representative of youth, which solved the problem linguistically excellent, excellent one Pfaffenhofen schoolgirl in " And then "under the pseudonym of Len Hawk" the Thunderbolt Kid by the turn of the century "critical takes a close look.

How To Play Pokemon Emerald On A Mac

Donaukurier Vohburg Moritz Rinke flow text 10

Buried History

Vohburg (peh) the last Saturday was a beautiful day for Moritz Rinke. Not only because of his reading from his first novel in the context of the regional cultural competition "Fliesstext10 in Vohburg, but also because the cutting of Werder Bremen.

Vohburg Donaukurier Vohburg with all senses "

Vohburg (PK) of a lack of services needed, the Vohburg not on the weekend complaining: Besides the decision in the photo contest Fliesstext10 and reading by Moritz Rinke on Saturday was the fourth edition of "Vohburg with all senses" a lot more to offer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Isabella Soprano Reviews

flow text 10 KIDS FINAL in Eichstätt

The first prize in the Kids finale of continuous text, 10, on the Willibaldsburg in Eichstätt, went to Jana-Maria Habl (11 years) and her brother Jonathan (8 years) from Pfaffenhofen for her film review My Home

also be seen on youtube ...
The second prize went to Anna Wenzl Eichstätt (11 years) with stone, stone tile, a film about a Roman grave.

The third prize won Mona Bornschlegl (11 years) - Apian-Gymnasium, Ingolstadt for a story about her grandmother, with the title "The life of a Ingolstädterin"

From Kids-finals Eichstätt

From Kids-finals Eichstätt


One Piece Swimsuit Gallery

Julius Popp bit code Pfaffenhofen OPENING

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pre Teeb P Anty Models

JULIUS POPP BIT CODE in Pfaffenhofen

Ontario Flood Salvage

LITERATURE UPDATE Winners School Film Competition

Press Release

winners of the student film competition, to stand firm LITERATURE UPDATE BAYERN
. The first prize goes to the 14-year-old Arne grove of main lake.
prizes worth a total of 1,000 € for the three best student films
be on Sunday, 17 10.2010 presented in Gerbrunn.

Ingolstadt, 10.14.2010: As part of the festival LITERATURE UPDATE BAYERN
a school film competition took place. Under the motto "student film
literature" itself, all students of Bavarian schools with a short film
. Participate The selection of the literary model was free. The winners have been announced
The first prize with a prize money of € 500, - will attend the four-year-old Arne
Hain main lake, for the movie "The boy in the bog" (Annette von Droste-Hülshoff
). The second prize (€ 250) is the men's John
Tomahogh, John Kreuzpaintner and Andreas Brandl of the State
FOS BOS Straubing for the movie "Clear my eyes out" (Rainer Maria Rilke)
passed. And the 3rd Price (€ 250) to Mrs. Sabine Blum Pfingstl of
Wirsberg-Gymnasium in Würzburg for a film based on the well-known folk tales
"Frog King".

following films has judged the judges as "outstanding":

The Tell Tale Heart (Edgar Allan Poe) 6 min
Alexander Bauer / Stefan Pütz, Gym. Tegernsee

In the Mirror (Margret Steenfatt) 4 min
Jürgen Weigmann, Munich colleagues Vorklasse

Realistic Romance (Erich Kästner) 5 min
13th Jgst. AR design, FOS Straubing

on the gallery (Franz Kafka) 9 min
Sabine Blum-Pfingsten, Wirsberg-Gym. Würzburg

Broken Friendship 6 min
boarding schools LSH Schondorf

The Sorrows of Young Werther 7 min
Elke Clemens / Rainer Haas Gymasium, Ottobrunn

reading, Droste, Judenbuche 5:15 Min

Philomena (Hans on Comp) 6 min
Marcella Ide-Schweikart, Realschule Geretsried class 7e

An Anna Blume and Otto's Mops 6 min
Kurt Lehner, Anthony House School Marktl am Inn

The little encyclopedia of domestic dogs (Zeh) 10 min
Allesandra Faralló, Michaelmas Gym. Munich

The incident (Hohler) 4 min
Hubert Pfingsten, X-Gymnasium Würzburg

The clouds pump (Hans Arp) 9 min
Ulrike Kaiser, gymnasium Geretsried

The awards ceremony will be held during the 33rd The Bavarian Film Festival
schools on Sunday, 10/17/2010 held in Gerbrunn.
The winning films will be under LITERATURE UPDATE BAYERN
in Traunstein, shown Erlangen, Landshut and Coburg. DVDs on
and be ordered.
The School Film Competition is a joint project of the Working Group for
common cultural work of Bavarian schools eV location School Association in the context of
LITERATURE UPDATE BAYERN. He was promoted by the Bavarian State Ministry
of Education and Culture.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ice Skater Showing Camel Toe

flowing text 10 Donaukurier Article

flow text 10 DK Neuburg article with video
LINK to Donaukurier Magic undertow

LINK to Donaukurier Film Finale


From Literature Update 2010 Opening

Peter Kurzeck in Pfaffenhofen
Donaukurier Arikel - sorted told life artfully

By Peter Kurzeck flow text 10

DK Article opening

passion for the poetic word

From Literature Update 2010 Opening

Microwave Oven Largest

continuous text 10 melodies final in Pfaffenhofen

From flow text 10 sound final

courtesy of HALLERTAU.INFO

fliesstext10 sound final Pfaffenhofen culture from warehouses 12:10:10 on Vimeo .

report ALA

Intitle Monitor Cartcher

Apple Upside-Down Cake or fallen apple cake Viennese

Autumn is here and with it lots of fresh, crisp apples.
From the abundance of apple cake recipes I have picked out one in which the cake is overthrown after baking, similar to the Tarte Tatin.
was the first time I used to bake Spelt flour and I was thrilled.
I had imagined it more difficult, but it was a breeze and the result of very delicious.
had Unlike in the original recipe I used 100g of nuts, that's enough in my opinion, as shown in the photo. An apple would have more contrast tolerate the dough soon enough. The sugar had not dissolved completely, perhaps it would be better to use very fine sugar or before a kind of caramel to make this mixture with butter and then add to the form.
My conclusion: a wonderful apple pie that is made quickly, looks great and is definitely in my kitchen notebook.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4

Title: Apple Upside-Down Cake or fallen apple cake Viennese
categories: baking, cake, fruit, apple
Quantity: 12

pieces For the filling: 200 grams of nut
core mixture (walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts
- And Cashew)
(Dolce: 100g pecans)
100 grams sugar 50 grams melted butter

3 medium. Apples 650 g (Dolce: Cox Orange)
2 Tbsp.
lemon juice For the pastry: 125 grams soft butter

50 grams sugar 1 pinch salt

grated peel of 1 / 2 organic lemon
3 eggs (size M)
250 grams Spelt Flour Type 630
1 pack.
baking powder 5 tbsp. Milk

SOURCE ============================ ================== ==========
- Edited * RK * 10/13/2010 by
- Claudia

nuts coarsely chop, spread in a closed (leak-proof) baking dish, sprinkle with sugar and drizzle with melted butter. Peel apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Spread on the nuts and drizzle with the lemon juice. For the dough, stir butter and sugar until fluffy. Add salt and lemon zest, stir in gradually the eggs. First flour with baking powder, then stir in the milk. Put the dough on the apples smooth out.
the cake in a preheated oven on middle shelf of oven. Remove and cool in the form of about 5 minutes, then plunge.

: O Title: Apple Upside-Down Cake or fallen apple pie
> Viennese


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Free Erotic Hong Kong Flash Movies

continuous text 10 Peter Kurzeck in Pfaffenhofen

The old Century - autobiographical and poetic chronicle

in 1943 in the Bohemian-born Peter Kurzeck, who grew up as a refugee child in a village near Giessen and today is considered one of the main authors of German literature. In his 12 volumes created on autobiographical and poetic chronicle of "Old Century" describes Kurzeck our postwar history, and can vividly relive how we became what we are. Only recently did just talk with the Robert Gernhardt Award winning writer of himself when he completed his latest novel, a text bundle of about 1000 handwritten pages, in a public action of the House of Literature in Frankfurt the laptops and all the enthusiastic volunteers dictated his text put forward, because "Kurzeck is a description of memory and genius" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper). In his chronicle begins Peter Kurzeck us the smells and talks of the late forties and early fifties of the year, as it is hardly succeeded another writer.

is hosted this event by Lorenz fliesstext10 Kettner.

By Peter Kurzeck flow text 10

Monday, October 11, 2010

Calories Jumbo Raisins

Gstanzlsänger Erdaepfekraut and Baeff

nuclei sayings, ribald humor and background info between the lines - all that is the hallmark of Hochzeitslader & Gstanzlsänger "Erdäpfekraut" Mitter alias Hubert Meier from the Holledau . With this Josef "Bäff" Pienaar

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Banging Free Movies

Literature Update 2010 Opening

Literature Update 2010 opening in Ingolstadt

Julius Popp, Georg Klein and Pauline Füg open with her art the great Literature Festival of the working group for joint cultural work Bavarian cities eV This is a long word and their are many on this very evening, told, read and shown not last. Having listed and appreciation of all those involved in the official part, the above-mentioned artists came to "your words."
"What are words that they know?" Was the first question in the text by George Klein, who invited the audience on an exciting journey through his German language. It's about words in the literature, they say, even if I do not know this man, he has only partly right, because the stories are the words that arise in the mind. Julius Popp, with its machines this word stories on the track, he lures them literally out of their heads. BIT-CASE, a typescript produced words, words from the Internet using a water jet images in the present. At the moment, the representation of a word, even the next one is generated from the query frequency, a game that is indefeasible and the stimuli can be addictive.
Pauline joining, from Eichstätt, works on stage, high-capacity dense with the project, which, like many on this site is written small. Poetry Slam is the term that is difficult to German, poet Lecture, would you, (so), said earlier, the density is as important as the Lecturers themselves
Many words can be learned about literature update 2010, written in many media, are shown and presented, the effect, I can flow, or you, (so), only when we are there, and the stories. The contribution of our region, "Flow text 10" does this with already, and what words they know?

Manfred Habl via

opening speech Georg Klein full length

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sample Letter Of Disconection

with a waterfall of words

Press Release

Ingolstadt, 8 October 2010: With a waterfall of words and "loose
Considerations home" LITERATURE UPDATE BAYERN starts in Ingolstadt.
Julius Popp gets for his spectacular installation BIT.FALL
words from the Internet and converts them into text raining - a fitting image for
Fliesstext10 that begins the Bavaria-wide festival.
opener on Saturday, 9 October from 19 in Ingolstadt same clock "in the Twin

art and literature in the drill hall clock from 19
In the center of early evening is the opening of the installation BIT.FALL
media artist Julius Popp, a typewriter of a very special kind
by computer program Tags are from the Internet
singled out and translated to a drop in water system. For a brief moment
appear the words written as if by magic in the air and then fall as rain
in a basin that feeds the plant with water for more
new words. With his art by Julius Popp breaks the boundary between art and
information technology and focuses on today's
communication as well as the quality of natural elements - here the
water. For Fliesstext10 be shown in a retrospective
two other installations by Julius Popp. BIT.CODE is from 15 see October
Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm, BIT.FLOW from 23 October in Neuburg
How is home and where people live, the author Georg Klein
is in his lecture 'home in the word "after"' home in the word 'these are some
without consideration of good and bad interpretations of words, to two
German headscarf girls German home and a writer. " Specifically for
Fliesstext10 he wrote the text. The award-winning writer
received for his novel work of our childhood, this year's Leipzig Book Fair
in fiction. He reads from it
the very next day, 10 October 20 clock in Neuburg an der Donau.

opening party in the small house from 21 clock
With prose, poetry & performance continues it literary. As of 21 clock
expect actors of the theater in Ingolstadt, visitors
Small House with "Theatralen Preformance" and a young, spontaneous discussion with
literature. Word is performance with live electronics, it GIANT
dense then the Trio: Living texts from his own pen the Spoken Word poet Pauline
Füg and Tobias Heyel be accompanied by electronic music of Louis Berger
The evening will Zündfunk by the moderators. They also take over the DJing
following the Acts.

LITERATURE UPDATE is dedicated to new writing and new Media.
From 10/10/2010 to 11/28/2010 participate in 23 Bavarian cities with
total of 140 events. All events at

by the regional festival Fliesstext10 from 10/10/2010 to 10/24/2010 held in the cities
Ingolstadt, Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm, Neuburg an der Donau,
Eichstätt and Vohburg. Artistic Director Stefan Kopetz.


working group for joint cultural work Fliesstext10
Bavarian cities eV weissundblau text ·
communication · event
Dr. Christine Fuchs Dorle
High School St. 4
Breslauer Straße 5 85049 Ingolstadt 85 276

0841-3051868 08441-859456,
mobile: 0171-7535653
@ www. Personal

Julius Popp
* 1973 in Nuremberg, lives in Leipzig. Studied in the master class by Astrid Klein
at the College of Visual Arts in Leipzig. For his art
- Objects, installations, environments, computer simulations - he received
numerous awards, including the Robot Choice Award 2003, the award
of Distinction at Ars Electronica 2008, the Prize of the Leipzig
People's Daily, 2009 and the Prize of the Adolf-Luther-Stiftung 2010th
numerous solo and group exhibitions in Europe, North and South America.
addition to the art world, his works were also at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer and

Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
attention as a contribution to artificial intelligence

* 10 - 31 October Ingolstadt - BIT.FALL
Tue - Sun, 10 - 18 clock, the drill hall Klenzepark
Vernissage: 9 October, 19 clock in the prelude of
* 15 - 24 October, Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm - BIT.CODE
Mon - Fri 9 - 12 and 13.30 - 18.30 clock, Sat, Sun 10 - 18 clock,
Municipal Gallery,
Meeting House, Main 47th
* 23 October - 7 November, Neuburg an der Donau - BIT.FLOW
Thu, Fri 16-19 clock, Sat, Sun 11 - 17 clock, Städtische Galerie im
Rathausfletz, Karlsplatz A12

Georg Klein
* 1953 in Augsburg published, including the novels Libidissi,
Barbar Rosa goodness and sin Flash and the story books appeal to the
blind fish, and by the Germans. For his prose he was awarded the
Brothers Grimm price and the Bachmann Prize. In 2010 he was awarded the
in the same year published novel of our childhood from the Leipzig Book Fair
. Georg Klein lives with his wife, writer Katrin de Vries
, and two sons in East Friesland.

* 09 October, Ingolstadt - Lecture "home in the word" at the start of
19 in the drill hall clock Klenzepark
* 10 October, Neuburg an der Donau - novel of our childhood - reading
20 Clock, City Theater Neuburg, Ottheinrichplatz 67

GIANT dense
Pauline Füg * 1983 1978 * Tobias Heyel and composer Ludwig Berger in 1986 *. In
meet the "Electric Poetry" by the trio selbstreflektive,
socially critical texts from his own pen playful on detailed,
crackling electronic beats. Language and music are equally
side by side and complement each other. Individually or in a duet
spoken texts of Pauline Füg (Eichstätt) and Tobias Heyel (Stuttgart)
have their roots in the area of spoken word and poetry slams. Both
touring for seven years successfully Slam stage, art and literature
festivals in Germany. Since 2007 they have
gain from multi-instrumentalist and electrical soundcrafters
Ludwig Berger. 2009 they released the debut album of the three with the title of gray zones
over the intercom Verlag.
For her text "buy me a tent" (a response to Hilde Domin "Build me a house
") is joining in the fall of Pauline Literature Foundation
Bavaria 1 Price of the advertised competition for the first time
excellent young writers. The award ceremony is part of the
Munich Book Show 19 November 2010 at 19 clock, Gasteig, Black Box

* 09 October, Ingolstadt-opening party of LITERATURE UPDATE with
GIANT dense
21 Clock Theater Ingolstadt, Little House, by a Bridge head 1
* 20 October, Eichstätt - Poetry Slam with commentary by Pauline Füg
20.15 clock, to Gutmann, Am Graben 36
* 22 October, Friedberg - * Castle Slam including
Pauline Füg
21 clock Knights' Hall in Chapter Friedberg castle, Schloss Strasse 21

Steffen Kopetzky
1971 in Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm, writers - Moët for the poet. Philosophy in
Munich, Paris and Berlin. Publications include plays, opera libretti
, radio features and short stories for which he was awarded many
- including the Else Lasker Schüler Prize 1999 and the
Caroline Schlegel-Schelling Award for essay writing 2000th From 2003 to 2008
Artistic Director of the Biennale Bonn, since 2008, City Council Speaker
culture of his native town of Pfaffenhofen ad Ilm. As part of
LITERATURE UPDATE he is artistic director of the regional project
Fliesstext10. Recently published Morocco - Diary of a Journey (2006) and The Last
Thief (2008).