Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Figurines Makers Marks

flow text 10 Bayerischer Dreier Neuburg

Bayerischer three
Except for the Bavarian state parliament - are spoken in the High German must - Bavarian is the natural spoken language in the state. At folk festivals, weekly markets, government agencies and of course to the numerous readings by poets Bavarian dialect is omnipresent. But even beyond the home sealing the Bavarian language has always fascinated and high-minded minds like Andrew Schmeller, who went into Scheyern and Ingolstadt to school before he played with his four-volume dictionary (completed 1836) and his 1821 published "The dialects of Bavaria represented grammatically" not only the Bavarian itself opened up, but even the founder of scientific research dialect was simply. Through its
Love of Bavarian, its characteristics and discuss the attraction of the Bavarian art of language in Neuburg on 18 October 20 clock with Michael Schmatloch, chief editor of the Danube Courier and born in Oberhausen, three Bavarian original in our days:, Gerhard Meier, the German translator of Orhan Pamuk, born in Landshut, lives near Bordeaux provided, however, that in spoken of his family not French, nor German, but Bavarian. The brilliant linguist Prof. Anthony Rowley, since his student days in Bavaria living Briton, who is considered the greatest authority of the Bavarian and Monaco Fränzn, influential artist of the Munich Hip-Hop Formation double-D and the living proof that the
Boheme in Munich is very much alive still - and speaks Bavarian. Monday, October 18, 2010, Bavarian Dreier (Meier, Rowley, Monaco Fränzn), Chair Michael
Schmatloch, theater, Ottheinrichplatz 67 86 633 Neuburg.

From Bayerischer three

ARTICLE Donaukurier from 20/10/2010

SÜDDEUTSCHE It's about the very survival


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