Sunday, October 17, 2010

Isabella Soprano Reviews

flow text 10 KIDS FINAL in Eichstätt

The first prize in the Kids finale of continuous text, 10, on the Willibaldsburg in Eichstätt, went to Jana-Maria Habl (11 years) and her brother Jonathan (8 years) from Pfaffenhofen for her film review My Home

also be seen on youtube ...
The second prize went to Anna Wenzl Eichstätt (11 years) with stone, stone tile, a film about a Roman grave.

The third prize won Mona Bornschlegl (11 years) - Apian-Gymnasium, Ingolstadt for a story about her grandmother, with the title "The life of a Ingolstädterin"

From Kids-finals Eichstätt

From Kids-finals Eichstätt



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