Friday, March 26, 2010

Boxershorts Day Of The Week

OPFA! (The Book of Genesis Part 7)

[Part 1: "sun, moon and stars"] [Part 2: "Once upon a time ..."]
[Part 3: "The just punishment"] [Part 4: "Journey to the land of the South of the Earth"]
[Part 5: The Return of the Giant "] [Part 6:" Fire Water "]

God loves all people. The people of his chosen people but more than the others. In his favorite people, there are also more men (women not in principle) that the Lord particularly fond of. One of them is Abraham. This figure
justify Judaism, Christianity and Islam (in this case it is called Ibrahim) - and I would expect the "Abrahamic religions" mentioned.
we look at this, what is that good Abe has done so in order to be God's favorite.


What happened before: In
travels Chapter 12 of Genesis Abraham and his wife to Egypt. Because he is afraid the Egyptians would kill him, jealous of his beautiful wife, he denied his wife and claims to be her brother. Even the king of Egypt, the Pharaoh, he's lying.

visited years later Abraham the land Gerar and pulls exactly the same number again from:

"1 Abraham moved from there into the country . Noon, and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar
2 he said of his wife, Sara: It's my sister. then sent Abimelech king of Gerar, sent for her and for her. "

(Genesis 20:1-2)

As once the Pharaoh, the King of Gerar tried (with the beautiful name Abimelech) . to end up with Sara, you really seems to be very attractive - but it is now already more than 90

"3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him: Behold. you're a dead man to the woman's sake, you have taken;. for it is a man's wife "

(Genesis 20:3)

God threatens the king in a dream with death because he allegedly committed adultery . Abimelech brings the not so bad objection that he did not know that Sara is married, nor had slept with her

"4 But Abimelech had not touched and said: Mr. , do you want a fair and strangle people?
Did he not say to me: it was his sister? And she also said: He is my brother. I have yet done so with thy heart and innocent hands. "

(Genesis 20:4-5)

The Lord, the just now something quite different has claimed, writes that he knew the course. Clear ...

"6 And God said to him in a dream: I also know that you've done with thy heart. That's why I've also protected that you do not sinned against me, and I have not admitted that you touched it.
7 now So give the man his wife, for he is a prophet, and leave it for you ask and you will remain alive. Where did it again but do not give, know so that you shall surely die, and all that is yours. "

(Genesis 20:6-7)

Abimelech is rightly foul accurate to Abraham, whose lies have almost all his people and his death brought. He confronts.

" 8 Abimelech was early in the morning and called all his servants and told them these things in their ears. And people were terrified.
9 And Abimelech called Abraham and said to him: Why did you us done? And I have sinned against you, that you wanted so bring a great sin to me and my kingdom? You have acted with me as to not act.

10 And Abimelech said to Abraham: What did you see that you have done? "

(Genesis 20:8-10)

The king is very good questions. But Abraham found to have behaved entirely correctly.
The death of thousands and thousands of innocent people-including children and infants is well-ja almost as bad as if it , the great Abraham, who at the collar wanted!

"11 Abraham said, I thought, maybe no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me for my wife's sake."

(Genesis 20:11)

The next excuse is even better. He has not lied, since Sara is actually his sister!

"12 She also is really my sister, for she is my father's daughter , but not my mother's daughter, and has become mine."

(Genesis 20:12)

The Marriages of sisters and quite explicitly by half-sisters, God has really strictly forbidden:

" 22 Cursed be he that lieth with his sister, his father or his mother daughter say And all people shall. Amen

(Deuteronomy 27:23)

But the good Lord probably times of Abraham has made an exception.

When God then sent me from my home in a foreign land, I said to her: 'Do me a favor and give me everywhere we go, as your brother out,' "
As made Abimelech Abraham a gift, and let sheep, cattle, slaves and female slaves brought to him. His wife Sara he gave back to him. "

(Genesis 20:13-14)

And in that order!

"15 and said, Behold, my land is before you, live where you like it's probably
16 . And said to Sarah, Behold, I have your brother where thousand pieces of silver: for it shall want to be a ceiling of the eyes from all that are with you, and everywhere. And thus their right was procured. "

(Genesis 20:15-16)

Abimelech Abraham and his sister makes great gifts. However, he also has little choice. It is indeed blackmailed by God.
The fact Abraham that he now always Sara's "brother" calls, you can hear out a little that he is a bit pissed off. But in the end have cost him the first two almost head and then a lot of money. After all, Abraham finally blows back his God .

"17 Abraham prayed to God, because God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maids, they bare children."

(Genesis 20:17)

What? Abimelech is to bear children?
And what are healed his wife and the maids?

[Bible author (ie God): "I did not already written .. .. Oh ... Because why!!"]

"18 For the LORD had previously hard sealed all the mothers of the house of Abimelech to Sarah, Abraham's wife. "

(Genesis 20:18)

After God, Abraham and Sarah again a king lied to and taken off, they leave here and go back home.


"1 And the Lord visited Sarah as he had promised, and did with her, as he promised.
2 And Sarah conceived, and bore Abraham a son in his old age by the time he had spoken of the God. "

(Genesis 21:1-2)

pleased As Sara surely that they can experience the miracle of birth - In a time where there are no pain killers and in the stately age of over 90 ..
But eventually they might get through it and a son.

At that time all the way babies were exclusively male.
(Or the Bible refers births of female children is not so important, and never reported it.
But that just can not be, or else was the good God who inspired the Scriptures, a sexist. Can not even ...)

"3 And Abraham called his son who was born to him, Isaac, whom Sara bore him,
4 and circumcised him the eighth day, God had commanded him how.
5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born "

(Genesis 21:3-5)

oriented division of labor. Sara takes over the pregnancy and birth, circumcision, since Abraham. It is only fair if Abraham gets to choose the name and the villagers make fun of Sarah

"6 And Sarah said. God has further prepared me a laugh, for those who hear it, will laugh at me,
7 , saying, Who could say of Abraham, that Sarah suckle children? For I have borne him a son in his old age.
8 And the child grew and was weaned: and Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned "

(Genesis 21:6-8)


the LORD Sara and Abraham now given a son who is Abraham's not another son needed . has the immigrant background and comes from a poor woman (from the Egyptian slave Hagar). A social problem in Abraham home ... This is of course not that might eventually inherit anything!
So he has to go.

"9 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, that he was a scoffer,

10 said to Abraham: exaggerate this handmaid and her son, for this maid's son not be heir with my son Isaac. "

(Genesis 21:9-10)

Abraham has exceptional features a short bout of bad Conscience. But God finds Sara's plan, Abraham's son and the slave "drive out" great. .

"11 The word Abraham liked very ill because of his son
12 But God said to him:" Let you not be upset like the boy and the girl, half everything. what Sara has told you to obey, for in Isaac shall thy seed be called to the ".

(Genesis 21:11-12)

As the Lord also promises even that Abraham's son to be a people of good Abraham sends his eldest son and his mother the next Morning never to return to the desert.

I also want to make the maid's son to the people, so that he is your seed.
14 Abraham rose early in the morning and took bread and a skin of water and laid it on her shoulder with Hagar and the boys and had them on his own As they departed, and went astray in the desert near Beer-sheba "

(Genesis 21:13.. - 14)

As if the shit were not enough for Hagar, in a day to the no man's land be exposed to, it must carry her son still on their shoulders. The
is nevertheless already at least 14 years old (see Genesis 16:16 and 17:25 ).
Hagar must have been so very strong. In the next verse, she throws her son, even through the air!

"15 There was the water in the hose from now, she threw the boy under a bush

(Genesis 21:15)


16 and went and sat down across from a distance, a bow-shot wide, for she said: I can not see the boy's death. And she sat opposite each other and lifted up her voice and wept. "

(Genesis 21:16)

Hagar is now alone with her son in the desert without drinking water. Desperate and without hope she is expecting a cruel death.
Since God asks carefully by a deputy after once, because that is where their problem.

"17 God heard the voice of the boys. And the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her: What's the matter Hagar "

(Genesis 21:17)

the Lord in his infinite mercy can live Ishmael and Hagar and the rest of her life? .. of the desert to spend But he tells them only when they already have no water and already assured of her death had

"Fear not: for God hath heard the voice of the boy as it is.
Get up, take the boy and bring him to your hand, for I will make him a great nation.

19 And God opened her eyes, that she saw a water fountain. Then she went and filled the bottle with water and gave the boy.
20 And God was with the boys' grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became a good shot.
21 And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took him a wife from Egypt. "

(Genesis 21:18-21)

makes God it's pretty clear that the two only because he Ishmael, Abraham's son-die can not be. Hagar, Ishmael has raised the needed and useful to the Abraham and was then sent into the desert, has since been well again "lucky" that she was the slave of such a fine gentleman. Thank God!


The next story is stinking boring, but is mentioned for completeness.

"22 At the time, spoke Abimelech and Phichol, his captain, with Abraham, saying, God is swear to you in all that you do

23 Sun I now by God that you wanted to do me and my children and my grandchildren, not infidelity, but the compassion that I have done to you, to me are doing, and to the land wherein thou art a stranger.
24 Abraham said, "I will swear"

(Genesis 21:22-24)

Abilmelech (- which was only one chapter previously removed with the help of God of Abraham -) and his captain to speak both at the same. words, so it is impressive.
you want a promise not again to be ripped off by Abe.

It follows miserably long ramblings about some wells and a world moving important place called Beersheba.

"25 And Abraham Abimelech began to talk to the water fountain's sake, that Abimelech's servants had taken by force.
26 Abimelech answered: I did not know who did it, you too have not told me's, I took to have not heard until today
27 Da. Abraham sheep and cattle and gave them to Abimelech, and they both made a covenant with each other
28 And Abraham has seven lambs, especially..
29 Abimelech said to Abraham, "What are the seven lambs that you have found particularly
30 He replied: Seven lambs shalt thou take of my hand, that they had me to witness that I dug this well.
31 therefore called the place Beersheba, because they have both sworn to each other there.
32 And so they made the covenant at Beersheba. Then rose up and Phichol Abimelech, his captain, and went back into the land of the Philistines.
33 Abraham planted trees to Beersheba, and preached there by the name of the Lord, the eternal God.
34 And he was a stranger in the land of the Philistines a long time. "

(Genesis 21:25-34)

Boring ...
The whole story seems like filler, which have placed the Bible writers to this point, so that no two episodes in which Abraham cruelly abused his sons, are directly hinteinander.
One could otherwise have forgotten short that Abraham will be one of the good guys.


After these stories in which Abraham obeyed the Lord Bitch largest-ever, he is tempted to thank God for it.

"1 after these things God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Here am I
2 And he said. Take Isaac, your have one son, whom you love, and get thee into the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering on a mountain, I will tell you. "

(Genesis 22:1-2)

Out of sight, out of mind. Abraham's first son, Ishmael, of at least 14 years had lived in his house is already forgotten, and Isaac, the only Son, Abe loves.
Abraham, (which means in German "father of many nations") from the supposedly all Israelites are descended, is perhaps not yet Sun a good father ...

At least he asks God, the sadistic bastard, do not even have now definitively whether this may be lost his mind.
This will already have everything right, he thinks well and sets off to kill his son in the name of the Lord.

"3 Abraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two servants and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place God had told him.
4 On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar

5 and said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey! I and the lad will go there, and when we worship, we want to come back to you.
6 And Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, but he took the fire and knife in his hand, and the two went together, "

. (Genesis 22:3-6)

Isaac notices that something is not quite right and asked his father where the sacrifice was for sheep. Abraham is lying to him, tie him and pulls out his knife.
Apparently he has not once, say goodbye to his child before he slaughters.

7 Isaac spoke to Abraham his father: My father! Abraham said, "Here I am my son. And he said, Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering

8 Abraham answered, "My son, God will see a lamb for Fire victims. And they both went together.
9 And when they came to the place which God had told him, Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order, and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar upon the wood
10 and stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. "

(Genesis 22:7-10)

in the last minute God sends an angel to stop the sacrifice.

" 11 Since the angel of the Lord called him from heaven and said, Abraham! Abraham! He said, "Here am I

12 He said. Lay not thine hand upon the lad, do anything to him, because now I know that you fear God you have not withheld your only son for my sake. "

(Genesis 22:11-12)

Abraham passed the test. According to the Bible, it was the right decision to make God's commands to follow blindly. Even if it comes could murder his child.
This type of morality we find questionable ...
But at least God would never accept a child as a human sacrifice, right?


To answer this question is not entirely unimportant short time we leave the book of Genesis and consider the beautiful story of a man named Jephthah. He had, like Abraham, God on his side. And even though he was a son of a bitch!

"1 Jephthah, a Gilead was a streibarer hero, but a bastard."

(Judges 11:1)

Before the battle against the Ammonites, Jephthah makes a deal with God. If the Lord helps him win, sacrifices him the first thing comes from his front door when he comes home again.

"29 Then came the Spirit of the Lord to Jephthah, and he passed through Gilead and Manasseh, and Mizpah, which is in Gilead, to the children of Ammon.

30 And Jephthah vowed to the Lord a vow, saying, If you give the Ammonites into my hand:
31 out what to my front door, goes to meet me when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, which is to be the Lord, and I will sacrifice to the fire's victims. "

(Judges 11:29-31)

God gets involved in the trade and makes for a great bloodbath.

" 32 So Jephthah went to the children of Ammon to fight against them. And the LORD delivered them into his hands.
33 And he struck from Aroer, to where you come Minnith gene, twenty cities, and up to the plan of the vineyard, a very big battle. And so the children of Ammon were subdued before the children of Israel. "

(Judges 11:32-33)

When Jephthah returns home is his only daughter from the house. Jeph's pretty sad that he has to murder his daughter. But a promise is a promise ...

"34 Now Jephthah came to Mizpah unto his house, behold, his daughter goes out to meet him with tambourines and dancing, and she was his only child, and he otherwise had no son . nor daughter

35 And when he saw her, he rent his clothes, saying, 'Oh, my daughter, as you lean close sadden me and me for I have opened my mouth opened against the Lord's and revoke can not. "

(Judges 11:34-35)

What did he think of who comes out of the door of his house? ..
A sacrifice sheep?

Fortunately, we know from the story of Abraham and Isaac that God would never accept children as human sacrifices. Surely he sends back soon an angel.
After all, he has to two months in which Jephthats daughter in the mountains mourned her virginity

36 she said,. My father, you have opened your mouth against the Lord, to me do as it went out of your mouth after the LORD has avenged you of your enemies, the Ammonites

37 And she said to her father. You want to do me that you leave me two months that I go down from here to the mountains and bewail my virginity with my playmates
38 He said, Go.! and sent them away for two months. Then she went with her companions and bewailed her virginity on the mountains.

(Judges 11:36-38)

comes after two months she announced, again. Determined equivalent to the angels of God.

39 And after two months she returned to her father.

(Judges 11:39 a)

(where is the angel slowly it is running ...?)

And he did as he had promised;
and she was never a man become guilty.

(Judges 11:39 b)

No angel this time ...

This behavior is known in any place of the Bible as a moral concern. In New Testament, Jephthah is praised for his righteousness (Hebrews 11:32).

What we learn from history? God requires of course, not simply children as human sacrifices.
He is ready to earn your child's blood and slaughter it at your enemies. confirm ("Blessed be the almighty assassin!)


exceptions to the rule.

King David is one of the biggest favorites of the Lord and one of the greatest mass murderer of the Bible. Only the murder of one husband, Uriah is, God is not good.
order to punish David, he makes his first women raped before his eyes.

"11 Thus saith the Lord: Behold I will bring calamity upon you from your own home and will take thy wives before thine eyes, and she wants to give to your neighbor, and he shall lie with thy wives in the bright sun
12 For you have done it secretly. but I will do so before all Israel and in the sun ".

(2 Samuel 11-12)

And David now shows remorse, brings him to the Lord not. But punishment is, of course, look: the great and righteous God kills a child.
And David said to Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin: thou shalt not die
. But because you have the enemies of the Lord through this story made blaspheme the son, is born unto thee shall surely die.
And Nathan went home. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's wife, David, that it was terminally ill.
16 And David God was looking at the little boy's sake, and fasted, and went in and lay all night on earth.
17 Since were on the elders of his house and wanted to raise him from the earth. But he would not and did not eat with them, "

(2 Samuel 13-17)

The Lord no hurry to kill. The child has to suffer from seven days before it dies.

dead as it is, David throws a shell to go to worship his God.

"18 On the seventh day, the child died. And the servants of David feared him to say that the child was dead, for they thought:; See, since the child was still alive, we were talking with him, and he obeyed our voice is not how much longer he will be hurting, we say: the child is dead
But David saw that his servants were talking softly, and noticed that the child was dead, he said to his servants, Is the child dead? They said: Yes.
As David stood up from the ground and washed, and anointed himself, and put on other clothes and went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. "

(2 Samuel 18-20) learn

: If God kills your child, he does so
a) As consideration for mass murder
b) In order to punish you or

c) To the devil to prove something.


In the book of Job God with the devil a bet going. Job - as Abraham - "trying". To die but he did not , but his children, his slaves (three times) and his animals.

"13 a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in her brother's home, the first-born,

14 a messenger came to Job and said, The oxen were plowing and the donkeys were grazing beside them,
15 since the fall of Saba in and took them and killed the servants with the edge of the sword;. and I am escaped alone to tell thee
16 He was still speaking, another came and said, : The fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them , and I am escaped alone to . I tell thee
17 he was yet speaking, another came, and said, The Chaldeans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels and took them and killed the servants with the sword . and I am escaped alone to tell thee
18 he was yet speaking, came, and said: Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking in the house of her brother, the firstborn,
19 And behold, there came a great wind from the desert and met with to the four corners of the house and threw on young people's, they are dead;.
and I am escaped alone to tell thee announces's "

(Job 1:13-19)

But Job is ultimately all tests and as a reward much better and more attractive children. happy ending gets.

"12 And the Lord blessed afterwards of Job more than before that he got fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels and a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys.
13 And that, he had seven sons and three daughters;
and was called the first Jemimah, Keziah, and the other the third Keren-Happuch. .!

15 and were unable to find such beautiful women in all countries as the daughters of Job "

(Job 42:12-15)

Great God Maybe it's just me - but I think it's pretty uncool to murder innocent children
But we must set priorities hold:..? God apparently still very important to prove to his arch-enemy, the devil, something that is there already a few lives ..

Fear and Trembling

Back to Genesis: Isaac is not dead; only traumatized for life.
God will (currently) no man's blood, but someone has to die even when you're schonmal at the place of sacrifice.
a ram must believe in it.

"13 Since Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked behind him a ram caught in a thicket by its horns and went and took the ram and offered him for a burnt offering of his son instead.
14 And Abraham called the place "The Lord sees why we have this day says:.. On the mountain, as does the LORD"

(Genesis 22:13-14)

Many believers claim, Abraham's sacrifice was a sign of its immense trust in God. When Abraham had known that God makes a bicycle kick!
Then he would have to say to the Lord. "? Listen, we both know that you are a loving God Why the charade Let us save my son, the lifelong nightmares and I'll slaughter a ram directly"
No, it's not about trust. Abraham would have killed his son when the angel had not appeared. His motive is pure, selfish fear.

The angel who speaks for God had hardly able to formulate clear:

" know for now I know that you fear God, and hast not spared your only son for my sake. "

(Genesis 22:12 b)

God is like a sadistic tyrant. It forces Abraham and his reign of terror to unconditional obedience when he sees that this scam is successful, it promises Abraham under the sun, so that the does not even come up with the idea of God's reign of terror to question.

"15 And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham again from heaven
and said: I have sworn by myself, saith the Lord, because you have done this and have not withheld your only son,

17 that I will bless and multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand on the seashore, and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
18 and through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice "

(Genesis 22:15-18)

The Lord is like an unscrupulous Mafia Boss. As long as you obey him unconditionally, he promises you power and support in the fight against your enemies. If not, you have a problem ...

If God is omniscient, but he had Abraham, but only "test" does not have to.
He would have known how to react and save yourself the grief game. The entire issue is nothing more than a huge show of force.

This is the foundation upon which Judaism, Islam and Christianity - the Abrahamic religions - based on: cowardice and blind obedience.


In the Koran the story is somewhat different, but runs out to the same thing. Here However, before Abraham asks his son if it would be okay to murder him, held him to lie. (Qur'an, 37:102)
"Islam" is the way to German "submission".

The message of God's love in the New Testament is only half the truth. Jesus leaves no doubt that God loves only those who have the true faith.
Either you are for Christ or you are with the terrorists.

So says Jesus

"32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father in heaven

. 33 but whoever denies me before men, him will I also deny before my heavenly Father.
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth. I am not come to send peace but a sword "

(Matthew 10:32-34)


". 30 Who is not with me is against me; and who does not gather with me scatters.

31 Therefore I say unto you, every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not forgive the people.
32 And whoever speaks against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven, neither in this nor in the world. "

(Matthew 12:30-32)

In the last quote says Jesus - in stark contradiction to the above-quoted passage - that you insult him at a pinch could not necessarily go to hell to come. Blasphemes But if we resist the Holy Spirit, is one that God never forgive.

So if, for example, says: "Hey, Holy Spirit, you are 's ass!" Can take care of the rest of his life for the needy, donate all his organs and invent a cure for cancer. Benefits nix: eternal torments of hell waiting for him after his death.
it happens just right! The poor, holy spirit insult that can not defend themselves, that's not the fine English art course, this is much worse than, say, torture and kill children. That makes God so
Finally, and ask.

"36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. If the son does not believe will not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. "

(John 3:36)


According to biblical "morality" so we should fear God and do whatever he demands. No matter whether one understands it and can rationally reconcile with his conscience.
If you are a soldier of God and do not doubt what you think is his will, then it is a "good" man.
In this respect Abraham actually a positive example.

One can certainly disagree.
Antichrist as I believe the world would be a better place if we are willing to do anything for the welfare of our children. To protect them from harm and to say no if someone wants to kill her, even if it is the Lord.
Even when God is angry at us then. (He is usually always pissed about something ...)
Perhaps one should not always think only of themselves.

Many Christians see the different. And are the "sacred" text them right.
"Without faith in God, people can . Not, "said an influential Catholic politician once And:"... Character can only be built on a religious basis "

This man was Adolf Hitler
His power-based to doubt on obedience and without hatred of (other) .? Thinking

If Abraham and the Lord really good fathers
is blessed who believes this
I do not think


Part 8:. more stories about God, the merry child murderer ...


Part 1: "Sun, Moon and Stars"
Part 2: "Once upon a time ..."
Part 3: "The just punishment"
Part 4: "Journey to the land of the South of the Earth"
Part 5: The Return of the Giants'
Part 6: "Fire Water"
> > Part 7: "OPFA!"
Part 8: "Brother John"


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