Monday, March 8, 2010

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TOP TEN? (Or: The 10 Commandments)

The Ten Commandments are part of the popular, what the Christian and Hebrew Bible (the "Tanach" ) have to offer. They are often cited to prove supposedly timeless, divine values in the Scriptures.
but let's look at what we are offered as Sun

In two places in the so-called Torah, the Five Books Moses, are called the ten commandments. However, they are not numbered. What now as the "first commandment" is different to whether Jew, Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox (Here's an overview ).
does not matter though: the text is always the same.

The following is the annotated version of the Ten Commandments from the 2nd Genesis, marked in color.


"1 And God spoke all these words:
2 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house, have.
3 You shall have no other gods before Me. "

(Exodus 20:1-3)

One should therefore not worship other gods besides the Lord. And you also has a sacred duty to do all that you do, you should be stoned to death:

"2 If under you in the goal one, which will give you the Lord, someone is found, man or woman who does bad things in the eyes of the LORD thy God, to his covenant,
3 and go and served other gods and worshiped them, either the sun or moon or all the host of heaven, which I have not commanded,
4 and it is announced to you, and you hear it, you shall well ask after it. And if you find that it is certainly true that such abomination is wrought in Israel,
you shall execute the man or the woman who have done such evil, unto thy gates, and shalt stoned to death. "

(Deuteronomy 17:2-5)


"4 You shall not make any graven image or any likeness, neither of which is in heaven above, nor of the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

(Exodus 20:4)

The Creation of Adam: ceiling fresco in the Sistine Chapel, the official residence of the Pope.

is often used by Christians (which strongly emphasize the perceived relevance and importance of the ten commandments) only-if ever-the "up in the sky" portion of read and any graven image made from the LORD.
If you look closely, we see that images are prohibited.

But the portrait bid goes on. The following verses are from the enumeration of the Ten Commandments usually simply discarded. They are not that important.

"5 they do not worship and serve them not. For I the LORD thy God, am a jealous God that plagues because the fathers' sins upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 and doing mercy to thousands, to love me and my commandments stopped. "

(Exodus 20:5-6)

If you follow the commandments and makes an idol of anything, you have no problem. If not, it will be the oh-so-loving God" afflicted. "and he punishes your children, grandchildren and their children for


" 7
You shall love the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the Lord will not let the guiltless that misuses his name. "

(Exodus 20:7)

What is probably the punishment for to blaspheme the name of the Lord? Exactly!

"16 Which of the Lord blasphemed name to put to death;. The whole community shall stone him"

(Exodus 24:16)

During the Old Testament Jehovah people for all their misdeeds killing comes easy, with Christ and the New Testament a new era of punishment: eternal damnation.

"29 who blasphemes the Holy Spirit but that has no forgiveness forever, but is guilty of eternal court. "

(Mark 3:29)

"32 And whoever speaks against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven, neither in this nor in that world. "

(Matthew 12:32)


"8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
Six days you shall labor and do all thy work feed;
10 but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt do no work, nor thy son nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.
11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

(Exodus 20:8)

interesting here is that we are commanded to work 6 days a week.
not have to work Saturdays So just as a transgression of the commandments as if you work on Sundays. Or can work his slaves, animals and children this day.
And if you disregard the bid? ..
your senses, it would certainly know:

" 12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: [...]
15 Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, shall be put to death. "

(Exodus 31:12,15)

" 32 And when the Israelites in the desert were they found a man see the wood Sabbath days.
33 And thereat had found him, as he read the wood, they brought him to Moses and Aaron, and the whole community. .
And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him
the Lord said to Moses: The man is the death, dying, and the whole congregation shall stone him outside the camp "

(Numbers 15:32-35)


" 12 . Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long .. in the country that you like the Lord your God is. "

(Exodus 20:12)

else? (Yes, yes, slowly boring, but I thought not so habs)

"17 who curses his father and mother, shall surely be put to death. "(Exodus 21:17)

given a nice little story from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 15 ): The Pharisees
come to Jesus and complained that he and his disciples are still not the hands Wash the meal. Jesus is sour and foul means the Pharisees as hypocrites.
His argument: he washes his hands, perhaps not, the Pharisees rocky but not people who have insulted their parents - which is more serious ...
around his position to defend, he quotes eagerly from the Old Testament, tells parables, which he indicated even and concludes:

"20 but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man. " (Matthew 15:20)

Not? Well, if Jesus says that ...

Again the moral of the story, a beautiful quote of Jesus Christ, so that we do not forget:

"3 transgress Why her God's command to your tradition's sake
4 God has commanded:" Thou shalt honor thy father and mother; who curses his father and mother, shall surely die "

(Matthew 20:3-4)

is quite that simple, of course not, because Jesus says that is also:..

"26 If anyone comes to me and hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, even his own life that can not be my disciple. "

(Luke 14:26)

Oh ...

" 13 Thou shalt not kill. " ( Exodus 20:13)

Nope, sure ...


"14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. " (Exodus 20:14)

Not surprisingly

" 10 Whoever commits adultery with one's wife; to the death of death, both adulterer and adulteress , so that he has broken with his neighbor's wife, the marriage. "

(Leviticus 20:10)

But if you have sex with his mother, are the .. things a little differently then the penalty for once no stoning

'14 If someone takes a wife and her mother, who has forfeited a crime; He shall be burnt with fire, and they both also that no outrage among you. "

(Leviticus 20:14)

So there will be an adulterer, adultery (the law) and has also burned by the betrayed wife, because they are so one (caution, pun) hot mother.


"15 Thou shalt not steal." (Exodus 20:15)

Except, of course, the Lord commands it ...

"15 And God said to Moses: [...]
21 And I will give this people favor in the Egyptians that, when you go, do not empty moves out;
22 but every woman is by her neighbor and housemate request silver and gold vessels and clothes, you should offer to put your sons and daughters and take from the Egyptians prey. "

(Exodus 3:15,21-22)

" 1 Now when they came close to Jerusalem, towards the Bethphage to the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples
2 and said unto them, Go ye into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and her colt with her; Untie them and bring them to me!
And so you tell someone something, say, The Lord needs them, when he will send them "

(Matthew 21:1-3)


. "16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor." (Exodus 20:16)

Unless you have a good reason, for example, if a god, a false Spirit is in the mouth.

"23 Now behold, the Lord has put a lying spirit in all of these your prophets mouth "

(1 Kings 22:23)

It's not like everything could say that everyone just so ...

Often the bid with" Thou shalt not lie "played. But the is put not what is in the Bible. A false witness against someone, then meant to accuse an innocent of a crime. After the court system of that time this was regarded then as guilty until he could prove his innocence if he could.
The modern equivalent of the requirement is not that one should not lie, but that you do not go to police, an innocent man accused of a crime and is hiding false evidence with him.
Good that we have the Bible. Make sure no one else would have otherwise come, that it is immoral to allow someone to be punished for something he did not. Thank God!


"17 thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. "

(Exodus 20:17)

Yes, yes, the Ten Commandments are truly timeless! How many problems our society would be solved if we did not constantly seek the ox and the ass of our fellow human beings ... Or constantly strive
then wanted to get better slaves, like our neighbor has it.

In the event that one desires a married woman, the Bible offers practical and realistic advice. So Jesus suggests in his Sermon on the Mount:

"28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart

. 29 offend you but your right eye, tear it out and cast it from you. It is better for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not the whole body be cast into hell.
30 your right hand offend thee, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not the whole body be cast into hell. "

(Matthew 5:28-30)

You should follow the instructions better, because if you break the marriage -is in the heart or in his pants, has the unpleasant consequences will be remembered that.

"10 who commits adultery with one's wife, the to put to death, both adulterer and adulteress "

(Leviticus 20:10)

had Oh, I mentioned that one should not kill? ..


" 18 And all the people saw the smoke and thunder and lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain. But as they saw such, they fled and stood afar off
and said to Moses, Speak thou with us, we will hear; let not God speak with us, lest we die.
20 Moses said to the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you tried, and that his fear may be before his eyes, that ye sin not.
21 So the people stood afar off. But Moses was added into the darkness where God was "

(Exodus 20:18:21)

that people love to die than to talk to God again is understandable. But what about the trumpet about?
(Why God plays trombone and why you can see the sound of the trumpet? And where people get their drugs manufactured in the desert?)

The purpose of the trombone becomes clearer when we consider the previous history.
God, well-behaved as he announced his visit in advance. In Chapter 19 of Exodus Moses takes on a hill opposite directions from the Lord.

"9 And the Lord said to Moses, Behold, I will come to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I talk to you, and believe thee for ever [.. .]
Go to the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow, let them wash their clothes
11 and were ready for the third day, is for the third day the LORD will come down the mountain Sinai. "

(Exodus 19:9,10 b-11)

God has not chosen any place in order to drive down. He may very well mount Sinai. So much so that he will kill them all, the mountain also .
only touch
"12 And make the people around a pen and say unto them, Take heed that ye be not yet the mountain is rising touches its end, for he who touches the mountain, to the death . die
13 No hand touch it, but he should be stoned or shot with a bullet, it is an animal or a human, so live it should not.
If it is sound but long, then they should go to the mountain. "

(Exodus 19:12-13)

The Lord had now announced in three days to appear on a cloud, accompanied by a long beep. When three days later, exactly what is happening, people are still surprised.
had apparently forgotten that God would visit them. One can not even remember everything.

"16 And when the third day came and it was morning, there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountains and a very strong sound of a trumpet, but all the people that were in the camp was startled.

(Exodus 19:16)

It gets better ...

proclaims God so the people the Ten Commandments and then leaves. Moses follows him .! to the mountain top, where the Lord to establish further bids more than 100 verses

Here are some highlights:

"20 who beats his servant or his maid with a rod, and he die under his hands that is to be punished for it.
21 But he remains alive a day or two, he should therefore not be punished, for it is his money. "

(Exodus 21:20-21)

" 28 If an ox comes a man or a woman, and he die, he shall be stoned the ox "

(Exodus 21:28)

"8 Where one the other accused to any injustice, be it by ox or donkey or sheep, or clothing, or all sorts, which is lost, then both should matter to the" Gods come. " What condemn the "gods" who cares its twofold Next play. "

(Exodus 22:8)

" shall 17 a witch you can not live. " (Exodus 22:17)

" 28 your abundance and fruit juice shall not hold you. your first son and you shall call me. "

(Exodus 22:28)

The next offer is good to know if eg you are invited to a birthday celebration of a Christian. You really do not violate their sacred laws ...

"8 You shall not accept gifts, gifts for make the seeing blind and pervert the words of the righteous."

(Exodus 23:8)

"15 the feast of unleavened bread shalt thou keep, that thou mayest eat unleavened bread seven days, as I have commanded you "

(Exodus 23: 15)

"28 I will send hornets before thee that ausjagen before you the Hivite, Canaanites and Hittites."

(Exodus 23:28)

"32 You shall with them or with their gods make no covenant "(Exodus 23:32)


All the laws and regulations may, of course, remember not a pig, so does good Moses notes.
He then settled the federal government befitting as it pleases God.

"4 And Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and started early in the morning and built an altar under the mountain with twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel,
5 and sent young men of the Children of Israel to sacrifice burnt offerings on it and peace offerings of oxen to the Lord .
6 And Moses took half the blood and put it into a basin, the other half he sprinkled on the altar.
And took the book of the covenant, and read in the ears of the people. And they said: All that the Lord said do, do we obey and
8 since he took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold, the blood of the covenant , the Lord has made with you concerning all these words. "

(Exodus 24:4-8)

So ready. If you think ...

But God calls Moses right back on the mountain, and other laws dictated to him (seven chapters long) .

"12 And the Lord said to Moses: Come up to me on the mountain and stay there, I'll give you tablets of stone and laws and commandments which I have written that you shall teach them.
18 And Moses was in the middle of the cloud and went up the mountain and stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights. "

(Exodus 24:12,18)


Poor God to speak and therefore usually not much to tell. When he finished his tirade at last, he writes everything Moses (243 verses!) In person with his finger on two stone tablets.
He is probably right little finger ... had

18 And the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him two tablets of the testimony, which were written with the finger of God

(Exodus 31:18)

While Moses on the mountain just takes the stone tablets, his brother Aaron is a wonderful idea: Let us worship idols!
He tells the Israelites to procure all their golden earrings to make it a golden statue.

"2 Aaron said to them. Take off the gold ear rings in the ears of your wives, your sons and your daughters, and it bringeth to me
3 Since tore . all the people of his golden ear rings from their ears, and brought them to Aaron
4 And he took it from her hands and drew's with a pen and made a molten calf: and they said. These are your gods, Israel, which brought thee out of Egypt have "

(Exodus 32:2-4)

God sees from the mountain and is once again furious and threatened to murder the whole, chosen people.

"9 And the Lord said to Moses: I see that it is a stiff-necked people.
10 And now let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot about them and destroy them , "

(Exodus 32:9-10)

Moses God speaks to the conscience and can calm him .
As the Lord has been moving, he regretted what he had almost done.

"14 So the LORD repented of the evil that he threatened his people to do" (Exodus 32:14)

prepares the thought of God killing a guilty conscience! That's a whole new site ...
It is not the first time, something that God repents - Nobody's perfect - but he regretted the last time (Genesis 6:6 ) that he had made in the first place people (and therefore almost all killed again ).
But with age we become more mature.


"15 Moses turned and descended from the mountains and had two tables of testimony in his hand, which were written on both sides.
16 And God himself had made and even the Scripture engraved . "

(Exodus 32:15-16)

Moses is therefore of the mountain with the largest sanctuary that the Israelites had ever: Tablets of the Law made personally by God.
Such an incredibly precious treasure must be careful how ... Hey!

"19 near When he came to the camp and the calf and the round saw he was enraged with anger and threw the tablets from his hands and broke them beneath the mount "

(Exodus 32:19)


"20 and took the calf they had made, and zerschmelzte it with fire and crushed it to powder, dusted and the water and made the children of Israel drink
21 said to Aaron: What did you do that people, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them "
(Exodus 32:20-21)

Aaron has a great excuse:

"22 Aaron said: My Lord make His wrath wax hot not you know that these people are evil.."

(Exodus 32:20-21)

evil people! But now it gets what it deserves ...

"25 when Moses saw that the people had become disorderly (for Aaron had made them undisciplined, to talk to their adversaries),
he approached the gate the camp and said to me, who belongs to the Lord! As gathered to him all the sons of Levi.
27 And he said unto them: Thus saith the Lord , the God of Israel, Gird every man his sword by his side durchgehet and back and forth from one end to the other camp strangle, and every man his brother, friend and neighbor.
did the children of Levi did as Moses told them; fell and the people of the day three thousand men "

(Exodus 32:25-28)

Oh, and Moses get new tablets of the law. Only he has the tables this time as a punishment for the broken God's laws themselves cut out of the stone.

"1 And the Lord said to Moses. Hew thee two tables of stone like the first ones that I will write the words that were on the first tablets which you broke"

(Exodus 34:1)


Are the Ten Commandments in our time really the best ten out there?

Four of the ten commandments forbid religious tolerance and tell us that the Lord has the biggest eggs.
that murder is prohibited, sounds not bad in itself, but is qualified by so many exceptions that it is almost can be regarded as a cynical joke of the Lord.

torture, child abuse, rape and slavery are not prohibited. Quite the contrary: these things are approved in many Bible verses and recommended. (But that is the stuff of other products).

If the Ten Commandments are so terribly important but, why is for example the prohibition of images (especially at the largest Christian group, the Catholics) are ignored so vehemently? Although God but if ignored the descendants of the wrongdoer to the 4th Generation haunts? ..

The point is this: If you hold the Bible to be God's word, not one has to keep all the commandments, only to these ten.
Then you have to eat seven days in unleavened bread, gifts reject and kill the following people: homosexuals, sorceress, adulterers, murderers, blasphemers, Hindus, pagans, murderous ox, people who insult their parents or work on Sundays and women who are not virgin go into the marriage and many more.
All must be stoned! Oh, and not to kill you ...


If we take the (very popular among Christians) believe, however, that in the New Testament would be the old no longer applies (even though Jesus said it repeatedly, it was necessary to heaven and earth perish) , for which there is also the New Testament is a list of offenses that are worthy of death:

"28 And just as they have not taken that they may know God, God has also then placed in wrong sense to do what ought not,
29 filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, wickedness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, toxic, ears, horns,
30 slanderers, haters of God, wicked, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 irrational, unfaithful, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful.

32 know God's justice, that they which commit such, worthy of death are "

(Romans 1:28-32)

My favorite part is the List, toxic , ears Wind ".
Very poetic ...


" 6 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord the God of the holy prophets sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take.

7 Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. "

(Revelation 22:6-7)

" 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and the gates into the city .

15 For without are dogs and sorcerers and fornicators and murderers and idolaters . And all who love and do falsehood "

(Revelation 22:14-15)

" 21 And a great hail, like a hundredweight, fell from heaven upon men and men blasphemed God for the plague of hail, because its plague was very large. "

(Revelation 16:1)



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