Friday, March 5, 2010

Hiv Only Symptom Rash

FIRE WATER (The Book of Genesis Part 6)

[Part 1: Sun , moon and stars "] [Part 2: "Once upon a time ..."]
[Part 3:" The just punishment "] [Part 4:" Journey to the land of the South of the Earth "]
[Part 5: "Return of the Giant"]


God is unimaginably vast, inaccessible and incomprehensible to his throne in heavenly kingdom. Except when it comes time to eat by ...
However, God does not come to feast alone, he needs to work well. Finally, destroy cities, not on its own.


The Midday sun beats down relentlessly in Mamre. It is chilling out a particularly hot day and Abe in front of his stall. Then suddenly comes by God.

"1 And the Lord appeared to him in the grove of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his hut, as the day was the hottest."

(Genesis 18:1)

During his siesta Abraham had laid his eyes on the floor beside him, to not be distracted by the brightness of the relaxing. As you can read it smoothly, the Creator of the universe before Abraham's hut and brought two friends and hunger.

Abraham Now the important visitor has remarked, lifts up his eyes and knelt down before him.

"2 stood and when he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men before him. And when he saw them he ran to meet them by the door of his hut, and stooped down to earth
3 , saying, Lord, I have found favor in your sight, do not go past your servant. "

(Genesis 18:2-3)


Since God is now an honorable man, should his feet are washed by the submissive servant Abraham. So far, himself for getting their hands dirty, however, he goes and do not let his ministers do the dirty work.

"4 One should bring you some water and wash your feet, and does not accept you under the tree."

(Genesis 18:4)

The hospitable Abraham explained, however, prepared to get some bread, pointing in the same set of subtle, that the unannounced visit but then should go better get back home.

"5 And I will bring a morsel of bread, that refreshes your heart; afterward you shall leave it "

(Genesis 18:5)


God, the All-embracing, all-encompassing, . Almighty is the Creator of heaven and earth therefore has also earned a piece of cake

"6 Abraham hastened into the tent to Sarah and said:. ropes and three measures of fine flour, knead and bake cake. "

(Genesis 18:6)

course, one can not but God with a few pieces of cake to come, enjoy a bit of meat from a baby animal has to be the Lord also.

"7 But he ran to the herd and fetched a tender and good calf, and gave to the servant, who hastened and prepared it to

8 He. wore on butter and milk and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them and stood by them under the tree, and they ate. "

(Genesis 18:7-8)

Always these women! As was Abraham's wife Sarah but really bake cakes. But which is quite curious and secretly listens at the door. Just because God is there ...

"9 They said to him: 'Where is your wife Sarah, he said. Inside the hut
10 He said, I will come back to you about one year, see, so is Sarah your wife have a son heard the Sara behind him, behind the door of the hut..

(Genesis 18:9-10)

As Sara has already passed the menopause, at least it is over 90, she laughs about God's promises.
The God of course can not be lying down.

"11 And they were both Abraham and Sarah, old and stricken in years, so that Sara could not get it after the manner of women.

12 why she laughed at himself and said, Now I'm old, I do not care for pleasure, my lord being old also "
13 the Lord said to Abraham: Why did Sarah laugh, saying: Do you think it was true that I'll still give birth, I am old?
If the Lord be something impossible? About this time I will return to you over a year, Sara will have a son. "

(Genesis 18:11-14)

The Lord is quite offended that Sarah laughed at him . is funny, because as Abraham laughed at him for exactly the same forecast (Genesis 17:17), he has nothing more to say and not complain.

Sara tries to out of it herauszuwieseln by asserting that it had no not laughed. Not a good idea ... Instead
smarter than to give in and Sara to prove to the pregnancy clearly that it was wrong, God has the last Word keep.

"15 As Sarah denied, saying, I did not laugh, because she was afraid But he said:.. It is not so, you laughed"

(Genesis 18:15)


After the Lord has fed like a king in France, he went on his way and takes with Abraham as a guide. He does not seem the way.

The goal of the holy walking group is Sodom. Abraham knows the way there, because his nephew Lot lives there. (This is the only reason! ..)

Unfortunately God the annoying habit of constantly talking to himself, which makes him now in a stupid situation.

There stood the men from there, and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them, that he led
Then said the Lord.: How can I hide from Abraham what I am doing, "

(Genesis 18:16-17)

how he can hide from Abraham? Probably not by it, according herausplaudert while it is standing next to him ...

"18 praise since he a great and powerful nation should be, and all peoples on earth will be blessed in him?

19 For I know he will command his children and his household after him that they consider ways of the Lord and do what is right and good, that the Lord will leave upon Abraham that which He has promised him. "

(Genesis 18:18-19)

The Lord is seized by a torrent of words, and now reveals his plan, of which he was not sure if he should tell him or not Abraham.

"20 And the Lord said: It is a Cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very heavy.
21 I will therefore go down and see if they have done everything according to the cry that has come before me or if it's not, then, that I may know. "

(Genesis 18:20-21)

God has so rumor learned that living in Sodom and Gomorrah great sinners. That he does not know it, so He visited the city in order to see it with my own eyes.
Quite a lot of things that he does not know, but that he is omniscient.


The two companions of the Lord have probably no God tired of drivel and go even before time.

"22 And the men turned their faces, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham remained standing before the Lord

23 and came to him and said, Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked? "

(Genesis 18:22-23)

killing? But the Lord has not said a word about killing! But Abraham knows his God was better than me. And indeed he interprets his Plan also quite true. Check to see if great sin reign in Sodom means the Lord, in fact, that he will kill everyone, it should be.
But God is not a monster and can talk with them.

"24 It may perhaps be fifty righteous in the city, killing you wanted to and could not forgive the place for the fifty righteous that were in it
25 That? far away from you, that you do that and kill the righteous with the wicked, that is the just the same as the wicked! Far be it from thee, who art all over the world judge! You will not be addressed.
26 the Lord said. I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will forgive the whole place for their sake "

(Genesis 18:24-26)

The Lord takes the criticism of Abraham to heart and promises to spare the city if he fifty righteous men in it place.
In the dialog he can God to bargain even on only ten righteous men. But then really the end and God .'s

"26 the Lord said: If I find fifty righteous in Sodom in the city, I will forgive their sake, the whole place.
27 Abraham answered and said, Behold, I have taken upon me to speak with the Lord as well I am but dust and ashes.
It may want five less the fifty righteous are in it, because you wanted to destroy the whole city for lack of five? He said: I find it forty-five, so I will not destroy it.
29 And he continued to talk to him and said, "One would perhaps forty found there. He said: I want them to do anything for forty sake.
30 Abraham said, "Be not angry, Lord, that I talk more. One would perhaps thirty found there. He said, I find it thirty, I will not do it.
31 And he said, Behold, I have taken upon me to speak with the Lord. One would perhaps twenty found there. He replied: I do not will destroy it for twenty's sake.
32 And he said, Oh do not be angry, Lord, that I speak only once. One would perhaps ten find it. He said: I will not destroy the sake of ten.
33 And the Lord went, as he had finished speaking with Abraham. And Abraham returned unto his place "

(Genesis 18:26-33)

That one may Even the godless man should not murder, because that might not prefer to die is the way not to debate.


the evening, the two companions of God, known now positively identified as angels in Sodom .
Abraham's nephew Lot depends front gate when he noticed the two
We notice the family resemblance.: Like Abraham, Lot chills probably take all day to work. And like his uncle he falls to his knees, offers its hospitality and at the same time also clear when the visit had to leave.

"1 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening;. Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom And when he saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed with his face to the earth ;
2 said, Behold, sirs, but a return to the house of your servant and stays overnight, let wash your feet, it is so early in the morning and put on your street. "

(Genesis 19:1-2a)

Angels .. however, have no desire to sleep with Lot and prefer to stay on the street But that life is not meant to
Lot forcing the angels with him einzukehren

"But they said. No, but we want to stay overnight on the street.

3 Then he forced her very, and they returned him a and came to his house. And he made them a feast and baked unleavened cakes, and they ate "

(Genesis 19:2 b-3)

bakes lot - because guests are here - for once a cake is not too acidic.. otherwise he is quite a Scent Type. In the New Testament it is repeated as "fair" man praised (2 Peter 2.7 and 2.8 ).

are suddenly all the people who live in Sodom (ie old, young, big, small, children, old men, women and men) and you want sex with the angels.

"4 But before they lay down, the people came to the city of Sodom and surrounded the house, young and old, all the people from all ends,
5 and called Lot and said to him: Where are the men who came to you tonight Bring them out to us that we know them. "

(Genesis 19:4-5)

Lot goes out and tries to use his immense rhetorical skills to people talk her unholy project again.

"6 Lot went out to them at the door and shut the door behind him
7 and said, O brethren, do not feel so bad!"

(Genesis 19:6-7)

It's really terrible how badly behaved the sodomites! You should take a lesson from Lot.

"8 See, I have two daughters who have not known man, which I will hand it to you, and does with them what you like ;. but these men do nothing, because that is what they have undertaken under the shadow of my roof "

(Genesis 19:8)

After Lot had really tried everything possible, the mass sway (After all, he has tried "Oh, dear brethren, do not do so bad"), he offers now so his virgin daughters to the mass gangbang at.

If these rotten souls of sodomites simply the offer of "just" Lots believed the world would not have been in order. ... But no

"9 they said, 'Go away! and also spoke: You're the only stranger here and want to govern? Well, we want you plague worse than the former. And they pressed hard against the man Lot. And when they were added, and wanted to break the door,
10 attacked, the men and pulled into Lot into the house and shut the door. "

(Genesis 19:9 -10)


God is the mob in front of Lot's house go blind in one fell swoop.

"11 And the men at the door were struck with blindness, both small and great, until they were tired and could not find the door."

(Genesis 19:11)

The angels reveal their mission to destroy Sodom, Lot and his family and offer the opportunity to flee.

"12 And the men said to Lot. Do you have any here a Eidam and sons and daughters, and who you heard in the city, the leads from this site
because we will Spoil site, so that their cry is great before the Lord, who sent us to destroy it "

(Genesis 19:12-13)

Lot goes to his sons-in-law, to warn them. .

"14 Lot went out and talked to his son-who should take his daughters to power out, and go from this place, for the LORD will destroy this city. But they were ridiculous. "

(Genesis 19:14)

The Eidam (obsolete for sons) Lots to laugh about story. He probably missed the part where he has offered their future wives an angry mob to be raped in order to protect angels who have come to kill all the people of the city and probably can very well defend themselves.

"15 Since the dawn rose, the angels were called hasten the Lot, saying, Arise, take your wife and your two daughters who are there that you do not also perish in the iniquity of this city.
But as he screwed up, took the men he and his wife and two daughters by the hand, so that the Lord spared him, and led him out and left him outside the city.
And when they had him taken out, he said: Save your soul and do not look behind you, and am not in this whole area on the mountain rescue you, that you will not perish "

(Genesis 19:15-17)

Once the angel has now saved Lot and his family and have even taken personally by the hand and accompany you to the city gate there ... What does that Lot? thank ?
No way ... He makes more demands

"18 But Lot said to them.: Oh no, sir! See

19 , seeing that has found favor in your eyes, your servant, thou wilt make thy mercy great, you've done for me you gotta saving my life. I can not escape to the mountain, it would like to reach an accident that I would die.
20 See, because a city is near to flee into it I can, and it is small, then I'll save me (she is small), that my soul may live "

(. Genesis 19:18-20)

Lot do not like going up the mountain. Much rather, he would move to the nice little town of Zoar. The Angels do what is required of them and Lot spare the small town.

"21 he said unto him, Behold, I have looked at you in this piece that I do not overthrow the city of which thou hast spoken
22 hurry. and save up then, for I can not do anything till you get in why is this city called Zoar
23 And the sun had risen on the earth as Lot arrived in Zoar

... (Genesis 19:21-23)

Burn, motherf *** er, BURN!

"24 But the LORD brimstone and fire from heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah
25 and returned to the cities and the entire area and all residents of the cities, and what was grown on the land. "

(Genesis 19:24-25)

God had probably not find ten people who were just (like the admirable Lot), and, as announced, it brings back all the time order. And if the
Lord does something, especially when it comes to murder goes, he is always very thorough. Therefore, he destroyed with the rain of fire all around not only Sodom, but all cities.

burn so all sinners, including all from the ground up spoiled children and babies and all deeply verabscheuungwürdigen animals.

Lot is within range, may not broadcast. "Do not look behind you " had ordered him to the Angels last.
Sounds almost as if this statement applies only to plummet, even after all they are talking in the singular to him. The thought probably Lots nameless woman.
Think again! The Biatch gets from God, what they deserve ...

"26 And his wife looked behind him and became a pillar of salt."

(Genesis 19:26)

While Lot's wife is murdered by God so that she takes a look at the spectacle, he has no problem with the fact that Abraham exactly same does.

"27 Abraham, however, made early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord,
28 and turned his face toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land in the area and looked, and behold, there was smoke on the landing as the smoke of a furnace.

(Genesis 19:27-28)

But the Lord appears to Abraham in a bit to be in love. Finally, he always thinks of him ...
Even with his favorite pastime, the killing.

"29 And it happened because God corrupt cities in the area, he remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the cities, which he turned back, Lot was living in it."

(Genesis 19:29)


Lot the angels had specifically asked to be allowed to stay in Zoar. For his sake alone, the city was spared only so at all.
Now he can start there with his two daughters a new life. The daughters could marry Zoar and forget their old lives in a city full of sin.
But no ...

"30 And Lot went up from Zoar and stayed on the mountain with his two daughters, for he was afraid to stay at Zoar;. And remained so in a cave with his two daughters"

(Genesis 19:30)

His daughters, however, now feel very lonely, so alone in the cave. You miss the closeness of a man, yes they have never experienced. Finally, God has her hometown in ruins down before they could have sex with the entire city, as her father had offered it.

31 Since the older said to the younger, Our father is old, and is no longer a man on the earth may reach us in the world way;

(Genesis 19:31)

well, "no man on earth" is somewhat exaggerated. In Zoar, for example, live but certainly men. But the heroic Lot is indeed too cowardly to live there.
But do not worry, lots older daughter, who remains nameless as her sister and mother, has an excellent idea:

"32 then come, let us our father drink wine and sleep with him that we get seeds from our father. "

(Genesis 19:32)

said than done ...

"33 So they made their father drink wine that night And the first went in and lay with her father.'s And was not aware when she lay down or when she got up. "

(Genesis 19:33)

And because she was beautiful, should the elder daughter of her sister, they want to try sex with the strunz drunken father.

" 34 said of the morning, the older to the younger, Behold, I lay last by my father. Let us make him drink wine this night also, that you go in and lie down to him that we receive seed of our father.

(Genesis 19:34)

The righteous Lot, of course, absolutely can not help it. Give him wine, "there", they must of course, the and drink. Even if he hackenstralle the day before so was that he remembers nothing.

35 So she gave her father the night to drink wine. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he's was not aware when she lay down nor when she arose.

(Genesis 19:35)

Thank God this family friendly by not extinct.

"36 So were both daughters of Lot with child by their father.
37 And the elder bore a son, she called Moab. By the by the Moabites come down to the present day.
38 And the younger also gave birth to a son whom she named the child Ammi. Of the eligible children of Ammon to this day. "

(Genesis 19:36-38)



Part 7: God asks Abraham for a favor He should kill his son Abraham said of course not "No" ...


Part 1: "Sun, Moon and Stars"
Part 2: "Once upon a time ..."
Part 3: "The just punishment"
Part 4: "Journey to the land of the South of the Earth"
Part 5: The Return of the Giants'
>> Part 6: "Fire Water"
Part 7: "OPFA!"
Part 8: "Brother John"
Part 9: "The man and the woman"


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