Many people believe in Jesus Christ. And even most of the unbelievers are sure that behind the Bible stories a real man, a historical Jesus of Nazareth.
But there really was ever such a man?
lived about two thousand years man, on both legends and historical facts have survived well. Myths tell that he was born of a virgin. Not only that, he even should have been son of a god.
The speech is of course of Octavian, who later became a Roman Kaiser took the name Augustus. His adoptive father Julius Caesar was the Roman Senate officially declared "God," as well as Augustus after his death years 14
the historical Jesus Christ would have been as to the eighteen years old this year. In
0 it can not be born, because Herod is mentioned in the Bible as the ruling king. And that is - as archeological discoveries prove - in 4 BEFORE Christ died.
About Augustus, there are numerous records obtained from his life. There are reports written by contemporaries and historians, by itself, there are archaeological writings Finds such as coins, statues and inscriptions, which show an undeniable mark in history. He was "only" Emperor of Rome.
Jesus is said to have brought about miracles, however. They were certainly not normal. He is said to have fed 5,000 people with a few loaves and fish (and it's even been what remained). A chapter later in the same gospel nor a feed of the reported 4000th The're at 9000 witnesses a miracle.
Jesus first miracle in John's Gospel is turning water into wine at a wedding party. As many as three times he brought witnesses before the dead back to life.
According to the Gospels, he will be far been around, in many done in public places, cities have miraculous healing and we have kept in front of large crowds sermons. Moreover
saw him supposedly several people - after he had already died. It must be noticed also.
As might be assumed that there were tons of written records from this period are accounts of Jesus miraculous deeds and spread his teachings. Or at least mention his name. Yet it is not so.
It not a single written word of Jesus is narrated in person. Not a syllable.
But not only that it spends the entire time, said to have lived in Jesus, not a single written record. Nowhere.
funny already.
The four Gospels of the Bible we know today were created after a period of four decades. The first was released but not before around 70 AD.
held in the forty years after Jesus' death, it said none of the apostles or anyone else bother to these exciting stories of the Son of God, or write his revolutionary views.
But all of a sudden booming Jesus stories. At that time there was at least equal to sixty Gospels.
was not until the fourth century, all books that are in today's Bible, for the first time in a compilation gathered. They opted for the Gospels of Mark, Luke, John and Matthew. These names, however, was only assigned later, the original author is not mentioned.
before and afterwards but other stories about Jesus when Christians were well known.
Such as the Gospel of Thomas, which only contains quotes from Jesus. Here you can read it. A small taste:
" (14) Jesus said to them: If you fast, you will write you a sin and when you pray, you shall condemn be, and when you give alms, you will do evil in your mind. "
" (71) Jesus said: I will destroy this house, and nobody will be able to rebuild it. "
" (98) Jesus said: The kingdom of the Father is like a man who wanted to kill a great man. He moved into his house the sword and pierced the wall to find out whether his hand would be strong enough. Then he killed the nobles. "
(114) Simon Peter said to them: Mary should go away from our midst, because women are not worthy of life. Jesus said, Behold, I will pull them to make them male, so that it becomes a living spirit, comparable with you men. . For every woman who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven "
" (7) Jesus said: Blessed is the lion that eats the man and the lion become man, and cursed is the man the lion eats, and the lion become man. "
Have you seen this with the lions?" I do not. It is also interesting that Jesus forbids prayer.
were also there because, for example, nor the Gospel of Judas , Maria and many others.
with a selection of biographies of Jesus, the church some time, which revealed divine "truth" was and what is not. They justified their authority so that the "holy spirit" that inspired the Bible writers, was also in the selection of texts in the game.
How credible you can find - that an institution that claims to know, a divine revelation, this is due to the actions of a spirit that can not see nobody else except them - it was once found along.
are in the New Testament Gospels handed down next to the still earlier writings about Jesus. The letters of Paul, but draw a very different picture of Jesus. He is considered more spiritual, spectacular wonders of Paul loses nothing.
Nothing about the life of Christ, not a single literal tradition of Jesus we find in Paul's writings. Not told about the Blessed Virgin, the star of Bethlehem, Nazareth, Joseph, Mary, Judas, Pontius Pilate, John the Baptist, etc
In the Bible, that Paul should have known a person of the apostles, namely Peter, the supposed founder of the Church and the first pope (after switch Heaven's Gate). He should have told him nothing had become of all the wonders and sign of our man of God?
It is believed, however, that is the oldest text about Jesus, who has made it into the modern Bible, the Revelation of John. In the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, it is the struggle between Jesus and the monster 666, the anti-Christ. The whole text is a surreal trip, in which Jesus appears only as a supernatural being. About one man, Jesus Christ, the book says nothing.
In two of the Gospels, where family trees of Jesus. The conflict, however, obvious: They call not only various alleged ancestors, but also a different number of generations. Said Lukas calls 40, Matthew, but only 25 generations between Jesus and King David. Both family trees lead to Jesus Father Josef.
It is believed the Gospels of Luke and Matthew, Joseph was not the real father of Jesus, but God.
is the earliest Gospel of Mark of a virgin birth, however, no mention.
Not even in the oldest, probably caused by 110 AD, the Gospel of John. Two of the four officially recognized biographer of Christ found this detail probably not worth mentioning. It managed
example, a bizzare Episode in the Gospel of Mark where Jesus cursed a fig tree because of the (off season) bear any fruit. But not the virgin thing.
Should we really believe that Mark knew the author, that Jesus was a virgin mother at birth, it was not worth mentioning for his biography? Son of a virgin, who cares about that? ..
Because the early Christians no reports on their beloved Jesus could be found in historical records, which they simply forged. As for Josephus Flavius, the Jewish-Roman historian. The was busted because they was rather clumsy and stupid as in the 4th Century first appeared - although the text is from the second century.
historians argue today about what Josephus originally from the year 93 AD, wrote it. They are united, however, that the now well-known text of Christians has long been manipulated after its publication.
Upcoming supposed references in the history originated from the 2nd Century AD. The Roman historian Suetonius wrote
120 AD, a Roman decree from the year 49: "The Jews, who stirred up by some Chrestos, continually incited unrest, sales he from Rome. "
" Christos "was then a common name for slaves and freed slaves, meaning" good. " Even if Jesus Christ had meant it occupies the highest, that in the beginning of the second century were people who believed in a Christ. The dispute, however, no one.
Darin to see a non-biblical evidence of the historical existence of Jesus Christ is risky. Or desperate.
There is a short passage about Jesus in the historian Tacitus, which is to date from 117th Which is however also not very controversial. Scientifically proven, however, that in the original document something about "chrestianos stand (trailer a "Christos") and was subsequently in "Christianos" (follower of Christ "corrected). That early Christians such forgeries were necessary for talks was not necessarily that Jesus is historically proven.
And even if Tacitus and Suetonius as "Christos" is actually the biblical "Jesus Christ" to mean, even if the fake site by Josephus in the original engineered passage mentions Christ, does not change anything from the fact that by the year 1992 to Christ is not a single passage in any historical records are - whether real or fake - which mention a Jesus Christ.
"52 And the earth shook and the rocks rent, the graves were on, and were many bodies of the saints, because the slept
53 and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city and appeared to many . "
(Matthew 27:52-53)
This is the Matthew Evagelium reports on the death of Jesus Christ.
Holy Zombies in Jerusalem? ..
That sounds not really like something that many decades No one writes down who has experienced something like time or has heard of credible witnesses.
Also there is no record of it that is supposed to have after the death of Jesus, allegedly the world according to the Bible not the sun shone for three days.
So there was a historical Jesus? No, there were even many Jesuses (Jesus's ?)...
from more than a half dozen Jesus - or wieauchimmer is the plural - there are written records. "Jesus" was no name, but a title. It means "God saves". Several leaders of Jewish rebels called themselves this time Jesus. Only our favorite Jesus of Nazareth, known from radio and television, which unfortunately is not it.
also "Christ" is a religious title that means "the anointed one." At that time, kings were not crowned, but anointed. (Think of Prince Charles at a time the world powers before anointing -. ... Fortunately, I'd rather not be abolished)
The Hebrew word for "Christ" is the way, "Messiah".
"Jesus Christ" is thus a (dual track). Like Santa Claus, Master of the Universe or Super Man The real name of Jesus we find nowhere else.
Jesus Christ is literally a no name.
From his life we learn from the biblical gospels of Jesus' birth, and only from the time of his baptism and his death (and beyond).
The famous Christmas story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem appears in the earliest gospel (Mark) to not at all. Even the Gospel of John silent.
The first surviving reports of stable, manger, the Magi (in the Bible, however, neither kings nor referred to as three, but as a "way from the East"), Stern, frankincense, gold, etc. - you know the story - thus stem from the later Gospels, Luke and Matthew. Their time of origin was probably somewhere between 70 and 100 AD.
If this event had really taken place, it would be, as I said, not been in year 0.
In one of the Gospels mentions King Herod, who died at about 4 before our era, in another contrast, a large census, which, as we now know, occurred in year 6 AFTER Christ's alleged birth in the year 0 had. Between 64 and 104 years passed, then, until the story was written for the first time. This can hardly be an eye-witness account, in a time when the average life expectancy was about 30.
Jesus is a phantom. A man without a name, of whom nothing is handed down from his lifetime. Outside of religious texts, there is no evidence in the whole of the first century to Jesus Christ.
Even the earliest religious texts about the life of Jesus, several decades after his alleged death emerged.
from a mass of many such texts, which are contradictory in part elected, then, three hundred years later, the "holy spirit" those who are to reflect actual events. Although the four Gospels of the Bible are contradictory in part. It should be quite a dose of skepticism permitted times.
fasting must be considered one view: there is no evidence of a real Jesus Christ.
If only a fraction of the biblical stories about him is true, but you should expect at least a few references to its historical existence. There
Alternative explanations of the origin of the stories in the Gospels, but many: More about that in a later part of this series.
much to be said against a historical Jesus Christ, not help it. Except it wants very, very doll. This is called "faith."
>> [Part 1: The Invisible Man]
[Part 2: Life as God in Galilee]
[Part 3: Administration / promises]
[Part 4: On the shoulders of giants]
[Part 5: Deconstruction]
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