Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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MYTH OF JESUS (Part 2: Living the life of Galilee)

[PART 1: "The invisible man"]

tell you that he was the son of God. Others believe Jesus Christ to have a rabbi, whose lives have to be formed later legends.
But what was really at that time? Was Jesus God or man?

but sometimes we play both versions one by one and see how these two theories are plausible.


Jesus said to have come to spread a divine message, the legend. But he behaved not as clever as you might expect from an omniscient God. He would just have to say anything then no one could know. He would have - at least for later generations - left a convincing proof of his divinity.

But his alleged statements contain nothing that would not have a normal human being 2000 years ago can tell. God insists in his new revelation on his view that the earth is flat (eg, Luke 4:5, Revelation 7:1, Hebrews 1:10).

The earth is not flat and not the center of the universe, it is several billion years old and revolves around the sun, which is of a trillion stars. If Jesus would have said something like - What did the damn skeptical, rational's Pagans for eyes made if a statement would have the Bible can be proven scientifically later!

But no, it spreads rather that people who are sick, blind or disabled, possessed by "demons" and "devils" and that it is healthy when one prays them hard enough. Thus, he advanced the then-medicine for 0 years!

Suppose Jesus was God come, and to spread the message of his love on earth.
it finds that it was successful? If he had as an omnipotent God can not people reveal all of the world? Or at least a majority of the people?
are today at least two thirds of the world is not Christian. And while Christianity is everywhere in our region at least in the past, there are many regions of the world where that was not Sun
Let's say God has changed and is now a loving God and not, as before in the Old Testament, a racist who says a certain group of people consider to be sacred and the others. Why he appears in only part of the world in which he had always always been? He wants to be but now instead of just "God of the Israelites," "God of all."

God it was probably better to show only specific people and the way to reveal himself with miracles, for which there are no more witnesses There. And we, the 99.99 ..% of humanity in the history of the so-must believe without miracles?

It does not look as if it was the divine purpose to reveal Himself to all people. Since there'd better's methods. He is God. Equipped with omnipotence, he should manage a halfway decent job. But maybe he wants to reveal not only yes, but the people do something good, because he so loves.


"16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life .
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. "

(John 3:16-17)

Had the son of a loving God is the life of mankind can not improve something obvious?

If our creator could have explained to us, for example, that many diseases caused by poor hygiene be caused (rather than by "vicious", as Jesus says) - can be saved How many millions of lives would have in the past 2000 years

Jesus says, however, exactly? the opposite. He washed it not so with the hands, as we learn in an episode from the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 15 ). This
come to Jesus and the Pharisees complain that he and his disciples do not wash their hands before eating. Jesus is angry and foul is called the Pharisees hypocrites.
His argument: he washes his hands, perhaps not, the Pharisees rocky but not people who have insulted their parents - which is more serious ...
He comes to the conclusion:

"20 but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man." (Matthew 15:20)

But, Jesus, you genius!

WHY YOU SEND ME IN HELL (hell, hell)?

"God is Love"

(1 John 4:8)

God is love and therefore kill his child for us. Thus we some of us do not have to go to hell. But first he has invented the same time with Jesus and presented. Jesus spread the new concept of "hell", while offering a way out of it.

In the Old Testament makes no mention of hell or something similar. Satan there is no ruler of a world full of eternal torment, but keeps (- as we learn in the book of Job -) either on earth or in heaven, in the midst of God's children and the old gentleman.
Only Christ is the idea of eternal punishment after death.

The Old Testament again and again reported sinners, punished by God for their sins directly (and usually kills).
As people but also at that time were not completely stupid, for it would have at some point realized that it is not. Religion needed something new, bigger, to the people and spreading fear.

God kills you immediately, if you sin: Everyone knows from personal experience.
But if the punishment only comes after death, where they can look stupid as any other ...

You are not even a murderer or child molester must. According to Jesus you will go to hell when his brother a "fool" is the name (Matthew 5:22) or insulted the Holy Spirit. In the latter case, a forgiveness of that sin the way, is excluded from the beginning (Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:32). Could This Be Love? ..


But now, take me, Jesus Christ would have been a normal man, no God, or the like.
A wise rabbi who went about preaching was baptized, told parables, and is added to later legends developed. Most non-religious people can make friends well with this view. But if you take all the miracles of Jesus, biblical biography, then you have already found the historical Jesus?

is so easy, unfortunately not. First, drop off quite a bit of important events that have shaped the character Jesus Christ prevail.

For example:

- The announcement of his birth by an angel
- The Birth of the Virgin Maria
- The star of Bethlehem
- The Birth of the "holy spirit" in the form of a dove at Jesus' baptism
- Satan tries to Jesus in the desert
- Angel "serve" Jesus in the desert
- Apostle to me nothing are you anything everything and leave to follow Jesus that they have just met just
- Jesus spits a blind man's eyes, whereupon he can see again
- The expulsion of "Devils"
- The feeding of the 5000
- The power of the 4000
- Jesus cursed a fig tree because This does not bear fruit (seriously)
- The Transfiguration (Jesus takes two apostles on a mountain begins to light up like crazy and float, appear Moses and Elijah and more nonsense of this kind)
- Jesus Devil conjures up on his desire for men into a herd of pigs, which then fall off a cliff and all die.
- The re-awakening of the dead
- Jesus makes a storm to disappear
- dozens of miracle cures
- Jesus runs on water
- The Apostle Peter is asked by Jesus to catch a fish in whose mouth are a coin for their stamp tax should. Prompt
happened just that - turning water into wine
- Jesus predicted that Judas betrays him and slandered him Peter and

- The Resurrection


What remains? A few acts, places and names that say something about the historical Christ.
His mother should have been called Mary, he should have lived in Nazareth, a carpenter who worked and been baptized by John the Baptist be. But are reliable biographical information?

Let's start with John the Baptist. About which there are historical records, for example, the Jewish historian Josephus, who reports to John as a Jewish rebel, Jesus mentioned in this report but not a word.
to this but according to the Gospels, John have recognized the divinity of Christ and worshiped him. If that were true, that would have meant John followers would spontaneously become Christians, but recognize when their cult leader a man as God's son.

"29 The next day John saw Jesus coming to him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which bears the sins of the world [...]
34 ! And I saw it bare record, that this is God's Son. "

(John 1:29, 34)

But there are no reports or other reports on trailer a Jesus Christ from the first half of the first century, while supporters of John Taufbewegung are occupied.


What we know about the family of Jesus?
learn the earliest Gospel of Mark we hardly know anything about Joseph and Mary. Nothing about a virgin birth or the prophecy through an angel.
The story begins with John the Baptist. The family of Jesus first appeared on the third chapter, where Jesus denied his still nameless brothers and his mother and called in a good cult leader, his followers as the true family style.

"31 And there was his mother and his brothers stood outside and sent to him and called him.
32 And the people sat around him. And They said to him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee
33 And he answered them and said. Who is my mother and my brothers?
34 And he looked round about on the disciples, who sat in a circle, and said, Behold my mother and my brothers
35 For whoever does the will of God, who is my brother and my sister and my mother ".

(Mark 3:31-35)

throughout Mark's Gospel, Mary's name is mentioned only once, as is Jesus' son of Mary ". Much more we learn about Maria here .

is not only in the later Gospels of Matthew and Luke to the Virgin Mary in Luke's Gospel, she also meets an angel in a dream -. appears in Matthew the angel but her husband Joseph.

In John's Gospel, Jesus is with his mother at a wedding party. She asks him for a favor, after which Jesus asks his mother what he had really to do with her.

"1 And on the third day was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there
2 Jesus and his. disciples were also invited to the wedding.
3 And since there was Gebrach wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with you? My hour has not yet come. "

(John 2:1-4)

Otherwise we know nothing about the Virgin Mary. Jesus seems to have not particularly liked. He denied and insulted his mother and recommends to his followers the same.

"26 If anyone comes to me and hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, Sisters, even his own life that can not be my disciple. "

(Luke 14:26)


Maria then later acquired more prominence. In the 2nd century writings of several biographies for they invented. is It also reports the Assumption of Mary, to be published in the Gospels said nothing. Although the church such documents are not recorded in the canon, they said at the Assumption a dogma. one doubts a dogma that you can out of the church be thrown. Even if this dogma has no reference to the texts of the Bible. What the Church is always the truth, even when it is complete nonsense.

Another dogma Maria explained later to the eternal virgin. Jesus brothers and sisters who are mentioned in the Gospels, are now suddenly supposed to only "cousins". And who does not believe will not be saved. Among Catholics
is the worship of Mary to the point that many of them not only to keep the mother of Jesus, but for the "Mother of God."

suspects to a historical Maria, one must also remove it from the notes of everything supernatural. In the first written Gospel of Mark, however, is nothing unusual about her, said nothing about their virginity or the announcement of his birth by an angel. This is a story that was not written later.
(or earlier, but in other religions, but this in a later part of this series more.)

that remains is the fact that she was said to be married to Joseph and their children to have lived in Nazareth. True because at least that?


The city of Nazareth for the first time in the Gospels (between 70-110 AD) mentioned in writing.
Not in the Old Testament and other writings to the year 70, not in Josephus, the Jewish historian from the late 1st Century, or his historian colleagues.

This is the territory of the former province of Galilee puny and was about 10% of the area of today's Netherlands. The Talmud - extensive accentuation of the Hebrews at the beginning of the 1st Millennium have been posted - lists in this area over 40 cities, even Josephus 65th One of them (the city "Japha") is located only 1.5 miles from the present-day Nazareth.
Even Paul, whose letters were written earlier than the Gospels mentioned in his writings, no city Nazareth. It is also not a single map from the lifetime of Jesus or received against the Nazareth was recorded.

In the fourth century traveled Helena, the mother of Constantine, the Christian emperor of Rome, the Holy Land to find the home of their Saviour Jesus Christ. What they found was not very spectacular. A single well, nothing else. Here is two hundred years have previously been a city large enough that they had a synagogue, is said to have taught in the Bible according to Jesus?

As locals from the region of the mother of the Emperor insured, however, have made this well, the Virgin Mary drew water, Helena built a church at this point. Also in the vicinity of a cave, said to have lived in the family of God, they built a church.
Thanks to the two churches was something that was previously only a well and a cave, now a pilgrimage site "Nazareth".
Man eagerly conducted excavations in order to win even more sacred relics. The only thing we found were a few graves. In the Hebrew culture of the time but they buried their dead away from the settlements, because deaths were considered unclean. That makes it even more unlikely that there the "Nazareth" to the Gospels was located. Most likely, people were buried there from surrounding towns, for example, from the nearby Japha.
As Christianity spread, attracted more and more believers, the pilgrimage site and slowly grew into a city. Today, Nazareth has about 65,000 inhabitants.

But that in the first century AD a town called Nazareth did exist, is extremely unlikely. Since no written records or archaeological evidence suggest it can be assumed that Nazareth is just as real as Duckburg, Taka-Tuka-Land, or Gotham City.

Other geographical information about Jesus' life are dubious. In Luke's Gospel reports that Jesus was supposedly born in Bethlehem because a census was carried out under Quirinius. In fact, there was a census under Quirinius in 6 AD
It had no means everyone in his hometown return, as reported in the Bible. The Romans were among the people where so just stayed, and prevented thus ironically a collapse of infrastructure and the outbreak of anarchy.

According to St. Matthew's Gospel finds King Herod (73-4 BC), that a chosen one is born. Because he fears, the holy child could be a danger to him, he decides to have killed all the children in Israel in two years. So Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt with Jesus.
should in fact such a million times the mass murder hardly have taken place without the traditions of which exist. But this is not the Sun . The event is not even mentioned in any of the other Gospels only in passing. The historian Josephus, who wrote a comprehensive biography of Herod mentioned nothing of the sort.


also about Jesus' alleged adoptive father Joseph not historical information are delivered. The New Testament gives his profession that Jesus takes over later, with the Greek word "Tekton".
This word was used incorrectly translated as "carpenter." The true but not exactly the case. A Tekton was probably a simple laborer who has done this time and the times. Also with wood tecton have worked, but not only or mainly. It was a profession in the social hierarchy at that time very stood down.
According to the genealogies in Matthew and Luke is Joseph but from the biblical King David (which it probably was not). Although King David is one of the most revered figures in the Old Testament, and there is also a Saviour is announced, which is to be an ancestor of David, there are extensive Hebrew records not a single tree that Josef included - either as a descendant of David, yet as the (adoptive) father of Jesus Christ.

The twelve apostles and the twelve disciples are not historically verifiable. According to the traditions of the Gospels, Jesus had twelve loyal followers. After Jesus' death are eleven of them to Apostles have been called - Judas was not the party.
because 12 more than 11 sounds, we still got a new guy on board. The task of the apostles should be to spread the message of Jesus' deeds and his teachings.

And how did they do that?

Not at all. The traditional biblical studies assumed that two of the apostles have written gospels, namely Matthew and John. As go these days but even the vast majority of the Christian Bible researchers assume that these gospels may be derived from the apostles, one can suppose that is true.

is from any of the twelve men allegedly received anything, no writings of them, nor reports about them, not even a tiny little side note.
there was no historical Jesus is, it's not surprising that he was no twelve disciples and apostles. But if it is a historical Jesus have been, created a movement that was to conquer half the world, he needed it most likely a few more than twelve disciples.


should have if a historical Jesus Christ exists, we know nothing about his life.
Taking everything supernatural, all the wonders of the reports of the Gospels remains low. And even that little is historically dubious.

The most important information to identify a man this time clearly are his ancestors and his birthplace. About Jesus' ancestors, we know nothing. In the Bible two different pedigrees are handed down. Since they contain the Jewish faith extremely important figures such as Adam, Abraham, Isaac and King David's voice, both not very likely. But even if one would correspond to the two family trees of the truth, we still do not know which one. We can therefore say nothing certain about the ancestors of Jesus.
And not even the birth of Jesus Christ has survived. The two gospels that make this data call, two different historical fixed points that are apart but at least a decade.

It gets better: We not only have no (reasonable) idea when Jesus might have lived, we know not where. Yes, where did the actually come from, this Jesus of Nazareth?

There is no reason that it has in the first century really been a city. Speaking against it just not as bad is likely that not all small town (at least they should have had a synagogue) in a fairly small area is simply lost. Throughout their existence, no one should have only briefly mentioned once somewhere? And then all will still remains have dissolved the city within a few decades spontaneously in air?

If there had been a historical Jesus, we knew nothing about his life. But perhaps the Biblical legends have not formed around the exploits of a historical Jesus, but whose teachings. To this point it goes in the next part of our "Jesus Myth" series.

One of these lessons we have already mentioned:

"26 If anyone comes to me and hate not his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, even his own life, which can not be my disciple. "

(Luke 14:26)

Until the next time you can already times a little practice to hate your family and your life from the soul - How does one become a good Christian man.



[Part 1: The Invisible Man]
>> [Part 2: Life as God in Galilee]
[Part 3: Teaching / promises]
[Part 4: On the Shoulders of Giants]
[Part 5: Deconstruction]


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