Saturday, July 3, 2010

E133 Error Baxi Boiler


Christians often exaggerate when they speak of their beloved God. he ought to be omnipotent, omniscient and yet this also, of course, good-looking.
Unfortunately, these people forget sheer enthusiasm to match the unrealistic expectations of their God to reality and think the matter even to the end.
start but we still at the beginning.


" a the beginning God created heaven and earth." (Genesis 1:1)

So begins the Bible. In the beginning God creates and earth. Later we learn that he also everything else, the lack of 99.99999 ... % of the universe has created. , At the beginning. But at the beginning of a mission?

Many Christians would probably answer: Well, on top of it all! And what was
before that? Well, nüscht, says the Christian, God created the time just so there was no before.

As you can imagine it actually mean time created? Creating means yes, something that God arise, that it was not previously existed. The concept of creation is only in the time dimension makes sense (and only forward in time). You need a point A, where something does not exist and a point B, where it exists. Only when A and B together, in that order, one may make sense to speak of a creation.
order to create time, we need a time when there is no time. To make time, we must already have the time. But if we have time, we need not make them anymore.

Nothing comes from nothing

"3 By faith we realize that the world is done by God's word is that everything what you see, is made of things. "

(Hebrews 11:3)

That God created the universe from "nothing" has, is also again so popular among Christians, but unfortunately not very well thought-out concept.
"nothing" but the invariable lack of of existence: Where that is is not nothing. But where should the "nothing" came from, but everything from God is what has made?
Before the creation there was supposedly no time. Only God. But God is not nothing!
(And if they can not recreate it so the world and then have written a book about it.)

So there has been always "something" (God first, God and creation) and never "nothing", the ingredient of "everything".

You could take the view that God has the universe not from "nothing", but made out of himself and the whole universe is thus a part of God. Then one is whether you know it or not, much closer to Hinduism than Christianity and therefore burn after death for all eternity in hell.


One of the major beliefs of Christians (and Jews and Muslims) is the omnipotence of God. Omnipotence means he can do EVERYTHING. But he can not create door, which he can not even open!
Can he still? Then is not omnipotent, if he can not even open a door silly.
lies he can not incidentally, is at least in the Bible (Hebrews 6:18). The Almighty is not something that almost everyone since kindergarten every day problems does.

But where is the problem, it could be argued as God fan. Maybe he can just about anything. At least he has created the universe, that's also what. Where's the problem?
Well, if God is anything, no matter how insignificant, can not, there are rules, laws, to consider themselves the Lord must. There would be a higher power. Since God, by definition, even the supreme power, I can not agree what so right.


God is said to be not only powerful but also omniscient. Say the believers. How do they know that? God has told them in the Bible and therefore must it right, because God knows everything.
But how does God that he knows everything? If he did not know something, how he knew it?

But take us assume that he knew everything. All this means he knows the future, knows all events that will shape your life, every decision you will make. Good night, free will ...
one accepts this, but it is meaningless to talk about things like responsibility and guilt. It comes, as it had to and you can just do nothing about it.
The world view of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), however, based on the principle of responsibility to God. God gave us an apparently free will. Although he punishes sin, but is forcing anyone to sin.
(Free) will and an omniscient God are mutually exclusive. If God is omniscient, so I can not go against my blasphemous lifestyle. For me to send to hell would be unfair. And this alleged God is supposed to be just.

If God is not omniscient, why should I worship the idiot then?


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